Is it a matter of any consequence to divide spirit and soul?


simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
As Jesus said, Turn to Yahuweh (God), for His Kingdom is at hand. TODAY, choose who to serve. TODAY, His Kingdom is at hand. TODAY, Salvation is available. Yahuweh Willing.

We seek His Plan. His Purpose. His Salvation. His Healing. His Kingdom. His Rulership.
His Life.
Always. In all things. Every day. Until He Returns.

HOW? How can we know? He directs . He teachers. He guides. He leads. He instructs.

There's enough true lessons to read for years, online. Finding what is true is the challenge.

There's enough truth in the Bible to read for a lifetime. Knowing what is true, few find.

"Is it a matter of any consequence to divide spirit and soul? It is an issue of supreme importance for it affects tremendously the spiritual life of a believer. How can a believer understand spiritual life if he does not know what is the extent of the realm of the spirit? Without such understanding how can he grow spiritually? To fail to distinguish between spirit and soul is fatal to spiritual maturity.

Christians often account what is soulical as spiritual, and thus they remain in a soulish state and seek not what is really spiritual. How can we escape loss if we confuse what God has divided?

Spiritual knowledge is very important to spiritual life. Let us add, however, that it is equally as, if not more, important for a believer to be humble and willing to accept the teaching of the Holy Spirit. If so, the Holy Spirit will grant him the experience of the dividing of spirit and soul, although he may not have too much knowledge concerning this truth. On the one hand, the most ignorant believer, without the slightest idea of the division of spirit and soul, may yet experience such a dividing in real life. On the other hand, the most informed believer, completely conversant with the truth concerning spirit and soul, may nonetheless have no experience of it. Far better is that person who may have both the knowledge and the experience. The majority, however, lack such experience. Consequently, it is well initially to lead these to know the different functions of spirit and soul and then to encourage them to seek what is spiritual."
from a lesson by Watchman Nee, taught by him to his students before he was arrested. May also be found in some books.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Excerpts from some other posts in other threads:
Most threads and posts in most forums would not exist if Scripture was the Standard, which Yahuweh (God the Creator) Says it is."

"Romans 12:14 Bless those who persecute you ... - Bible Hub › romans

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. New Living Translation Bless those who persecute you. Don't curse them; pray that God will bless them."

"How this indeed is the "narrow gate" and the hard way! It is narrow and hard because God’s will must be the standard for each footstep.

It has but one rule: make no provision for self. The least deviation from this rule shall take man out of the way. Nevertheless it is not impossible, for as the soul life is lost by its habits, tastes, desires and longings being gradually broken, there shall remain no more resistance to the Lord.

How lamentable that so many Christians have never passed through this gate and walked along this path; while others may have entered, yet do not patiently walk thereafter.

Regardless how long or how short that difficult period may be, this alone is the way of life. This is God’s gate and God’s way. It is true and secure. Anyone who esteems the abundant life must become its pedestrian."
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
Curiosity..... the good, the bad, and the ugly.... to be vetter, tested, challenged, evaluated, when it is good, when it is bad, when it is something else to beware of ?




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