Is God Real?


Sep 7, 2013
I already understand that, from where I am posting this, the majority of responses that I will read are out to prove, or acknowledge the existence of God. Personally, I'd love for God to exist. I really don't want to lose the people I love and cease to exist when I die. However, no matter how much I want this to be true, there are just so many things that don't line up. As a result of these conflicting feelings, I consider myself agnostic, and wanted to come here to see why so many people follow the teachings of this religion, and maybe even find a reason to get behind it. Below, I'm just going to outline a few of my concerns and maybe I can get some answers.

This following point is probably my biggest concern. I'm sixteen years old, and never in my entire life have I ever gotten a sign of Gods existence. Now I know some people would like to argue that the Bible should be considered a sign, but I don't consider it one at all. With thousands of religions out there, and with a large percentage of them containing some sort of scripture, arguing that text is a sign of that religions validity is absurd. I mean, if every religion argues that their scripture is proof, then where does that leave me? It puts me right back at step one, with no direction at all. This leads me to another point I can't wrap my head around: if God won't give me sign of his existence, but will also punish me for not choosing the right religion, do I really want to follow God anyway? I can't help but feel that it's extremely unfair that I am given so many choices, but that I am also punished for not choosing the right one. Assuming that God does exist, I almost feel that if he's going to damn me for eternity because I couldn't blindly choose the right religion that I guess I belong in Hell. I mean I'm a considerate, kind, loving person that would make sacrifices for anyone in a heartbeat, but I'm still damned for eternity because I'm not the best at blindly ciphering which faith to follow? I guess Hell is where those nice people belong then.

A few smaller questions I have is, what is the point in the existence of our universe if we are the only life in it? Why do we need food to live? Why do we get sick? Why do people all over the world suffer? I have many, many more questions, but I could spend days asking them, so I guess I'll just put this out there and see if anyone has anything to say.

Thanks in advance,



Believe in Humanity
Mar 25, 2013
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I think that deep down even the most passionate of atheists, from Dawkins to Hitchens, would love to have an omnipotent god or force who looks after them, and ultimately saves them after death. The fact of the matter is that it is in human nature to believe in life after death, to believe in a form of intelligence behind the structure of the universe...

However I believe that if you're waiting for God to show Himself to you, chances are you won't find any sign. The fact of the matter is that part of being a Christian (or being part of any relgion for that matter) is having faith. It doesn't just appear out of nowhere, you need to find faith. I believe that Jesus Christ, as the Son of God, walked this earth and died for our sins. I know that you may be thinking that I'm talking utter gibberish, and to be honest, I'd probably feel the same as you.

However just think you truly believe that we're just bundles of animated cosmic matter, living on a rock which is spinning around a star? Is that really all there is to life? That the perfect temperature, habitats, air pressure, the things that allow us to live...are all coincidental? Surely there must be some intelligence behind it all...

Ultimately even the most cynical of us can agree with CS Lewis (who converted to Christianity from atheism). He said that if Christianity is all a lie and that God doesn't exist, then that is of no significance. If we all end up dying and being surrounded by eternal darkness, not being able to think or have consciousness...does it actually matter?

However if God does exist, if Jesus really did die for our sins...Christianity is of utmost significance.
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Gods real ive had experiences that proove it for example a ghost in my house was bothering me really bad and i prayed to God and the room went ice cold and then the spirit went away and never bothered me again. Another time last year my dad got sick and i prayed to God and told him i was feeling depressed and suicidal (ive attempted it in the past) and a bright white light appeared in the hallway near the stairs (there were no windows near there and no lights on) and tbh it kinda freaked me out but i onew it wasnt an evil spirit ik it was either a guardian angel or God himself and u might think im lieing but i swear to god it happened in 2012 when my dad got sick. I have more proof but im not going to make this post terribly long.
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Sep 7, 2013
In all honesty, I would love if God was real and I really hope there is something more than nothing after I die. However, don't you think that it's a little unfair to have to follow blind faith, or be eternally damned? Like I said in my first post, there are so many religions in the world, almost all of which require blind faith, how am I supposed to choose which one is right? Like I said, I really, really hope that there is something more when I die, I just have nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing to go on, and if God is real and I am punished for that, then how is that all fair or reasonable? Also, I understand that if atheism is right, no beliefs matter, but if Christianity/Catholicism is right, then I'm doomed to the worst possible fate for all of time, but I will not be frightened into believing. I mean, if God is real, how much is it to ask for a little bit of guidance? In the end, it really just looks unfair, and to be honest, a little sinister.
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I felt that same way and tbh I believe that no matter what religion u are and whatever name you call God by ur still praying to God I also believe Jesus is God(he put himself on earth as Jesus) I suggest praying to God and asking him what religion to follow but tbh idt that God cares what religion u follow as long as u follow it and avoid sinning. Nomatter what anyone says everyone sins. I dont go to confessions bcause in my opinion only God forgives sins and other people in the world have no buisness knowing what sins a person has committed. When i want forgiveness for sin I tell the big man not anyone else. So people might think my religious beliefs are different. Thats what i believe I think God loves everyone nomatter what theyve done. God doesnt want us wondering what religion to follw. Just pray to god and see what happenes. This is what i'd say if i was in your position. "God idk what to do or whats going on. People talk about religion and to me its cloudy. Can you help me out?" And i'd repeat it again
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Sep 7, 2013
Only problem with your post is that many (probably the majority) of the religions contradict Christianity. Whether it's the existence of multiple Gods, or different/conflicting rules, not all religions can lead back to one God. Many things (etc. lust) aren't sinful in other religions, so it doesn't really make sense that they are all connected.

What I'm really getting at is, doesn't it seem unfair, and in a way, cruel, to punish me in the worst possible way for all of eternity because I chose the wrong religion/didn't follow all the rules? Doesn't it seem cruel and hateful to send anyone to hell to burn forever, even if they don't believe God exists? It comes to a point where even if God was real, then why is he so downright mean?
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Shane Plew

Jul 24, 2012
A Chair
Marital Status
I think that deep down even the most passionate of atheists, from Dawkins to Hitchens, would love to have an omnipotent god or force who looks after them, and ultimately saves them after death. The fact of the matter is that it is in human nature to believe in life after death, to believe in a form of intelligence behind the structure of the universe...

Me, an atheist, would hate the eternal life described in the Bible. Sure I would like to live forever, or at least for a lot longer than I most likely will, but I would not want to spend eternity in either Heaven or Hell. And as the OP said that it is extremely cruel and unjust to send anyone to Hell for any reason. For this reason I wouldn't want to be saved by the cruel being that would have sent me to that terrible fate for simply not loving him, though I would rather go to Hell than be sent to Heaven. I say this because in Heaven you seem to loose almost all of the qualities that make you who you are. You stop caring about most of the things you care about, and most, if not all, of the people you care about. I know for a fact that my Mother, who is an extremely devout Christian, would be distraught with sadness if she knew that I was in Hell burning for all of eternity, which based on her beliefs I will be. The Bible says that there is no suffering in Heaven. In Heaven, she clearly would not be the same person that gave birth to me, because she would be happy despite the fact that I was rotting in Hell. Despite all the suffering in Hell, I get to retain all of the qualities that make me who I am, and that is the way I want it.

However just think you truly believe that we're just bundles of animated cosmic matter, living on a rock which is spinning around a star? Is that really all there is to life? That the perfect temperature, habitats, air pressure, the things that allow us to live...are all coincidental? Surely there must be some intelligence behind it all...

Yes, that is exactly what I believe. Do you know how Darwin's theory of evolution works? Judging by this post you don't. Moreover, I would bet you reject it. Either way, it is basically random mutation coupled with non-random survival. The non-random survival happens because there are physical traits that fare better than others in certain conditions. The ones that fare better survive and the ones that don't die. The point is, humans, along with every other species, evolved around the conditions present on Earth. The conditions weren't created for us.

Also, did you know that the Earth's orbit around the Sun is not a circle, but an ellipse? At the farthest point in its orbit, it is about 5 million kilometers farther than at its closest point. The habitable zone starts at about Venus and ends at about Mars.
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Girder of Loins

Future Math Teacher
Dec 5, 2010
United States of America
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It is my belief that everyone worships "God". Atheists worship His structure and organization. Christians worship a view of "God". Buddhists worship a view of "God". Muslims worship a view of "God". Study each worldview carefully, weighing in on what contradicts what, and what reinforces another, and find what works for you. May you find Truth in your journeys!
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Shane Plew

Jul 24, 2012
A Chair
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I really, really hope that there is something more when I die.

If you really want to live forever, support medical science, or whichever field of research you think will extend your life the longest. My bet is on robotics, neuroscience, and medical science. I feel like it would be better to just not die than die and hope that there is something more. Since most, if not all people alive now, will die, think of it like this. Were you bothered by the fact of you not existing before you were born? If not, then why should you care about it after you are dead?

Also here is one of my favorite quotes:
The chances of each of us coming into existence are infinitesimally small, and even though we shall all die some day, we should count ourselves fantastically lucky to get our decades in the sun.
-Richard Dawkins

Also, here is another quote by him regarding agnosticism:
There may be fairies at the bottom of the garden. There is no evidence for it, but you can't prove that there aren't any, so shouldn't we be agnostic with respect to fairies?
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Shane Plew

Jul 24, 2012
A Chair
Marital Status
It is my belief that everyone worships "God". Atheists worship His structure and organization. Christians worship a view of "God". Buddhists worship a view of "God". Muslims worship a view of "God". Study each worldview carefully, weighing in on what contradicts what, and what reinforces another, and find what works for you. May you find Truth in your journeys!

I don't worship its structure and organization. I think that the universe, especially this planet, is very chaotic. If I was given the opportunity to design everything however I wished, I think that I could make that place much better than this universe.
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Uncertain Absurdist
Nov 29, 2011
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I don't worship its structure and organization. I think that the universe, especially this planet, is very chaotic. If I was given the opportunity to design everything however I wished, I think that I could make that place much better than this universe.

Define "chaos".
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Girder of Loins

Future Math Teacher
Dec 5, 2010
United States of America
Marital Status
I don't worship its structure and organization. I think that the universe, especially this planet, is very chaotic. If I was given the opportunity to design everything however I wished, I think that I could make that place much better than this universe.

In what context are you using "chaotic"? That there are forces we don't understand? Or that there are truly random events?
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Shane Plew

Jul 24, 2012
A Chair
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So there is no discernible order within the universe?

There are places where there seems to be governing laws, there are others where there doesn't seem to be governing laws. We know that the laws that we have developed break down on really massive and/or extremely small scales. Before answering this question using your word, what do you mean by order?
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Shane Plew

Jul 24, 2012
A Chair
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Define "universe".

I'm not sure how I define it. If there are multiple universes with multiple different sets of physics which we can't ever access, then I would define it as everything we can access with our set of physics. If there is only one universe that contains everything, then I would define it as such. The problem is, I don't know. Why were you asking me to define Universe anyway?
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