• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

In so much pain (Please read whole post before responding)


New Member
Feb 17, 2018
United States
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The reason I’m in so much pain is because my spirit is in agony over my husband and our salvation. Back in September I feel like I had a wake up call from God to get right with him. It just came to my mind one day out of no where. But when I started reading the Bible, I began to realize how much God expects of us. I have felt so overwhelmed and fearful since then. Not just for my salvation but for my husbands. My husband is a wonderful man, very loving and sweet. He’s always treated me good and taken such good care of me. We have been married and best friends for 14 years now. My husband says he believes in God, but we don’t agree on all doctrine. He is also still worldly. Now, I’m not perfect either. I still have my issues. But I didn’t really come here to discuss that. I came here because I am in deep deep pain. I feel like I can’t move on in my spiritual walk without my husband. I love him so so so much, and when I think about being saved and he isn’t I feel like I’m leaving him behind. I feel like I’m just leaving him to the wolves. I know I’m not responsible for his salvation but.......I want him to come to heaven with me. I can’t tell you how painful this is for me, I lay here crying in deep pain as I write this. I just break down and cry when I think about me in heaven enjoying eternal joy and happiness while he is suffering in hell. I can’t stand the thought of it, it literally kills me. He’s always protected me, and I’ve always protected him. Sometimes I get angry at God because I don’t know why he’s doing this to me. Why did he allow me to meet and marry such a wonderful man if he was just going to pull us apart? I don’t think I’m strong enough to take this, I just want to sleep and not think about anything. I have prayed and cried I don’t know how many tears for God to please open his eyes and save him. I’ve been on the floor and begged, and cried until my eyes were swollen. I’ve held his clothing and cried and prayed over it. I can’t take this anymore, I’m ready to just give up. I am depressed all the time, I have no joy and no peace. I receive no comfort from God, only silence. How can he ignore someone who is heartbroken and begging him for help? I know I’m not one of his perfect children but I am sincerely heartbroken of this whole thing. It’s actually causing me physical pain to. Especially in my stomach. Please,if you respond....be kind. I can’t take another unkind word right now. My heart is so tender right now.

Liza B.

His grace is sufficient
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Oct 7, 2017
United States
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The reason I’m in so much pain is because my spirit is in agony over my husband and our salvation. Back in September I feel like I had a wake up call from God to get right with him. It just came to my mind one day out of no where. But when I started reading the Bible, I began to realize how much God expects of us. I have felt so overwhelmed and fearful since then. Not just for my salvation but for my husbands. My husband is a wonderful man, very loving and sweet. He’s always treated me good and taken such good care of me. We have been married and best friends for 14 years now. My husband says he believes in God, but we don’t agree on all doctrine. He is also still worldly. Now, I’m not perfect either. I still have my issues. But I didn’t really come here to discuss that. I came here because I am in deep deep pain. I feel like I can’t move on in my spiritual walk without my husband. I love him so so so much, and when I think about being saved and he isn’t I feel like I’m leaving him behind. I feel like I’m just leaving him to the wolves. I know I’m not responsible for his salvation but.......I want him to come to heaven with me. I can’t tell you how painful this is for me, I lay here crying in deep pain as I write this. I just break down and cry when I think about me in heaven enjoying eternal joy and happiness while he is suffering in hell. I can’t stand the thought of it, it literally kills me. He’s always protected me, and I’ve always protected him. Sometimes I get angry at God because I don’t know why he’s doing this to me. Why did he allow me to meet and marry such a wonderful man if he was just going to pull us apart? I don’t think I’m strong enough to take this, I just want to sleep and not think about anything. I have prayed and cried I don’t know how many tears for God to please open his eyes and save him. I’ve been on the floor and begged, and cried until my eyes were swollen. I’ve held his clothing and cried and prayed over it. I can’t take this anymore, I’m ready to just give up. I am depressed all the time, I have no joy and no peace. I receive no comfort from God, only silence. How can he ignore someone who is heartbroken and begging him for help? I know I’m not one of his perfect children but I am sincerely heartbroken of this whole thing. It’s actually causing me physical pain to. Especially in my stomach. Please,if you respond....be kind. I can’t take another unkind word right now. My heart is so tender right now.

Hi Aba, I too love my husband very much.

But I don't love him more than I love God.

If you keep this in mind, you will know what to do. Plus this: God can be trusted. He can be trusted with you, and He can be trusted with your husband. It is going to take faith, however. Right now you are "borrowing a lot of trouble", like Jesus said. You are looking way into the future and predicting what you cannot know.

And as was said to Esther, who's to say God didn't bring you to salvation for "such a time as this"? The Bible has a lot to say about the influence of a godly spouse. So take heart, trust, be faith-full, and strive for that peace and joy. A peaceful, joyful wife makes a happy husband. God bless you.
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Apr 23, 2004
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The reason I’m in so much pain is because my spirit is in agony over my husband and our salvation. Back in September I feel like I had a wake up call from God to get right with him. It just came to my mind one day out of no where. But when I started reading the Bible, I began to realize how much God expects of us. I have felt so overwhelmed and fearful since then. Not just for my salvation but for my husbands. My husband is a wonderful man, very loving and sweet. He’s always treated me good and taken such good care of me. We have been married and best friends for 14 years now. My husband says he believes in God, but we don’t agree on all doctrine. He is also still worldly. Now, I’m not perfect either. I still have my issues. But I didn’t really come here to discuss that. I came here because I am in deep deep pain. I feel like I can’t move on in my spiritual walk without my husband. I love him so so so much, and when I think about being saved and he isn’t I feel like I’m leaving him behind. I feel like I’m just leaving him to the wolves. I know I’m not responsible for his salvation but.......I want him to come to heaven with me. I can’t tell you how painful this is for me, I lay here crying in deep pain as I write this. I just break down and cry when I think about me in heaven enjoying eternal joy and happiness while he is suffering in hell. I can’t stand the thought of it, it literally kills me. He’s always protected me, and I’ve always protected him. Sometimes I get angry at God because I don’t know why he’s doing this to me. Why did he allow me to meet and marry such a wonderful man if he was just going to pull us apart? I don’t think I’m strong enough to take this, I just want to sleep and not think about anything. I have prayed and cried I don’t know how many tears for God to please open his eyes and save him. I’ve been on the floor and begged, and cried until my eyes were swollen. I’ve held his clothing and cried and prayed over it. I can’t take this anymore, I’m ready to just give up. I am depressed all the time, I have no joy and no peace. I receive no comfort from God, only silence. How can he ignore someone who is heartbroken and begging him for help? I know I’m not one of his perfect children but I am sincerely heartbroken of this whole thing. It’s actually causing me physical pain to. Especially in my stomach. Please,if you respond....be kind. I can’t take another unkind word right now. My heart is so tender right now.

Just know ... as much as want your husband to join you in the faith, ... God wants it even more.

And He has a plan ... to bring His will to pass. He will not override your hubhand's free-will, but He will make the faith attractive to him ... and provide opportunities for him to come along the path. Don't worry ... God has things in hand.

In the meantime, God has a task for you ... to LOVE your husband with the love of Christ. Be a good example before him. You are blessed to have a husband who loves you and has been a good partner to you. This should make your task easier.

Remember, you are trying to attract your husband to the faith. If your faith appears to have made you miserable, ... that works against your (and God's) desires ...

1 Peter 3

1 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, respectful and pure conduct

1 Corinthians 7

13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace. 16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband (by your Godly example)? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife (by your Godly example)?
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Jan 27, 2017
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I have heard of and read of many wives in Your situation and been there myself. I believe You should still be maintaining Your relationship with God and pray for Your husband. Many times the wives prayers and the way they have stayed by their husband although He might have doubted at times have helped the husbands later to get their own belief in God. One day I said to God, now I have cryed enough over this man, He is Yours now, do what You wish with Him, even if You make Him so saved that You send Him or us to some faraway missionfield in Bagdad, Teheran or Mosambique or Sudan I will try not to complain too much. Better that than going to hell. Well, after 10 years He wants to read the bible and going to church without me pushing Him, we have faced difficulties in life but we are not in Bagdad or so. God knows what we are capable of and what we can not do, those things we need to let Him handle. I can not save my husband or my children or friends or myself but God can. One thing to take as a small habit could be to ask if You may read a chapter out loud in the bible before You go to sleep. Faith comes from hearing the word of God as well. We all have received different gifts and sometimes I feel I have a small seed of faith while others around me have a big faith. I guess we have different gifts or grow in different speed but I am happy that I may encourage You to stay faithful to the Lord. The Lord knows our hearts. The Lord will not break a broken heart, He heals the brokenhearted that comes to Him, sometimes we feel that He is far away, but pray that His Holy Spirit comforts You and that He makes Your husband realise where His relationship with God is and where it should be. Actually we all need to grow in relationship with the Lord. Let God wipe all Your tears and next time buy Him a fuzzier cottonshirt because I noticed they are nicer to cry on, remember that people that can cry often are empathic and caring, sometimes You also need to care a bit for Yourself so You can be strong and have enough energy, remember to sleep well, God bless You Ada.

Dear Father God, glorify Your name through Ada, help heal her broken heart. Be her joy and shine through her, give her a reason to praise Your name with confidence so Her husband realises that Her faith in God is not only grief, but that it strengthen her as a person and carries Her through the difficult times in their lives. Help Ada to notice that the birds sing and be thankful, and all the little things we take for granted, like the ability to think and walk and talk and sing and soon They both realise that God almighty is worth at least one Hallelujah a day. Perhaps I am not the best one to pray but I hope Lord that You wont stay away. Sometimes We pray that You come near and when You do We cry because we are so hurt inside and have so much fear. Now dear God lift this burden and let us revere only You. Take care of our family and friends and knock on their hearts door and tell them that You are looking for their frienship once again. And May Your will be done on earth as in heaven. Amen
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You Are Special.
Jan 13, 2012
United States
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I really don’t know what else I can say. I explained everything in my post. I’m not sure if you are saying this in a concerned way, or in a criticizing way. Are you new to Christianity?

Concerned way. I was hoping you could share a bit more on what doctrines you don't share and what it meant for him to be worldly. You care about him being saved.
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