If you think you would like heaven you gotta read this!

If you thought you wanted to go to heaven, and would like it there, what this man has to say will cause you to take a second look.

I place this thread here in current events because the text of the article deals with the current war in Iraq, the mark of the beast, and the current state of things in the world.

Truly awsome...

[url="http://www.travesser.com/article/113_0_1_0_C/]"Almost everyone wants to go to heaven someday, they say. When one goes to a funeral, the man up front says all kinds of nice things about the dead, and then suggests that the dead now look down benignly from their heavenly perch, and that everyone should be happy for their dead friend. I would like to make something very clear, and that is that almost no one wants to go to heaven, really. I will explain why.

In a recent post, I explained about the mark of the beast and the beast’s tax pool. One person who has read the article wrote and asked about taxes. Should one stop paying taxes so that he does not receive the mark of the beast? My answer to him shows what the nature of man is and why the taxation question is connected with the mark of the beast and heaven. This was my answer to him:..... [/url]