Yes, I can ABSOLUTELY understand your confusion.
It appears to be close to worship because that's the Protestant's definition of worship, from what I understand.
To many Protestants, signing, hymns, prayers, and sermons are indeed worship.
From a liturgical perspective, and those who are Catholic (or Orthodox) it's not so.
By the Sacrifice of the Eucharist, I mean the Last Supper and Calvary is re-enacted (NOT re-done over and over) again to the glory of the Father.
Asking someone who is highly venerated to pray for you is NOT worship.
NO ONE would offer a SACRIFICE to the Virgin Mary or any other Saint. Then, the indeed would be blasphemous.
And no, I do not accept the veneration of images and statues of worship.
Remember in the Book of Exodus where God commanded cherubs be built around the ark of the covenant?
No, in that case, no image or statues are being worshipped.