Hearing songs with seemingly supernatural significance


Married Mouth-Breather
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Hi this is about experiences I had as an atheist/agnostic that made me think that there could be an intelligent force in the universe - maybe even from the future a bit like Interstellar? Maybe I'll become a liberal Christian one day. (very long post...)

From March 2018:
From my blog:

Anyway, it happened again

From my sister:

About the intelligent force in the universe idea:

From Futurama - Godfellas: (season 3 episode 20)

After talking about the dream she wrote:
So she was talking about the Father loving me a lot - "beyond all measure".
My other sister has written two books about the incredibly deep love of God the Father. The blurb begins "No one on this earth will ever fully grasp just how deep and rich the heart of the Father is towards them."

So the second song, which I thought was quite insignificant has some significance too.

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Richard T

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The songs and experiences are following you because God is on your case. Not only because Jesus died for you, but also a family member and/or others are pouring themselves out to God asking Him to intervene. I beg you to not frustrate this God given grace over your life. Why not accept a loving God? You have so much to gain and nothing to lose.

As to God speaking through music, the first time I was going to Africa, I was quite a bit anxious, so much so that I went into a pub and the song playing was Toto's, with the chorus "I bless the rains down in Africa." That told me about all I had to know. God bless!
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I think your experiences show you there is an intelligent force in the universe. I think those scientists who are honest enough to investigate eventually realise there is intelligence other than man. I have not found this very hard to perceive, but I am biased as I am a Christian. The important thing is recognising who is ultimately the Intelligence behind this, because it is only Jesus, our kinsman redeemer, who can pay the price for our sin.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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I had "The Servant Song (Brother, Sister let Me Serve You)" video playing in the background while looking at the forums
It made me feel a bit weird - a bit uncomfortable but a bit comforting
Lately I've been looking into MLK:
If I became a Christian maybe I'd be as liberal as he seems to be.

BTW as far as an intelligent force goes - I am thinking it could explain evolution and how unlikely it might be for it to have happened.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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More about Maundy Thursday: (I knew "a new commandment" was related but didn't know the full extent!)
Maundy Thursday - The New Old Commandment - Give Us This Day
Like those other 2 songs, "a new commandment" is a popular old Lutheran song - #65 from 1980's "All together now". I like it a lot but even though it was very appropriate, it wasn't at the service.

I was looking for youtube videos of the song....
Then I came across this one, that doesn't even have any singing but it is making my eyes well up:

This is about the only other song that has made me teary that I can remember: (though a lot more teary)

It also had a link to my childhood - the song had been on a Christian TV ad.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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Me trying to get a Christian guy to go to church on Facebook - my wife have been trying to set the guy and a girl up:

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Married Mouth-Breather
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This year's Maundy Thursday service on April 18 was also significant -

The first song was "A New Commandment"! (Maundy Thursday's special song - which wasn't played in 2018) For the last verse or so there was a technical problem - the words weren't displayed on the screen and then the congregation, including me, sung the rest of the words because we knew them. Then they put up the words for the song and we all sang the whole song a second time!

I think the words we sung were the original words ("shall all men know") but the video file the pastor gave me was non-sexist:
"by this shall all know"

Then I also found: "by this shall others know"

Those two main songs from last year also had different versions for the service and when I looked on Youtube related to sexism vs inclusive language.

Lately I've been having theological discussions with a female Anglican priest. Sometimes when reading the Bible for Bible study she uses inclusive language instead of reading the original sexist words.

I had thought the very common theme of the songs having two or more versions (three versions for "A New Commandment") has become meaningful in light of the priest's views. She seems to quite like my book:
An Uncensored Guide to the Christmas Stories

Before that I just thought the different versions were interesting but just a meaningless coincidence.

Also in the service they played this video of John 13:

An odd related thing I noticed in that video was at 7:40 a woman has a moment with Jesus but they say nothing which explains why the Bible doesn't seem to mention it.

This is on one of the Maundy Thursday slides:
At some point in the future that might apply to me - but if it had said that I believed Jesus physically rose from the dead then that might not ever be the case.

Then at the end of the service there was a stripping of the table and "silent prayer". Sometimes people end up talking at the end - I can't remember what happened this year.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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On my journey I've come up with the following theory that appeals to me... though technically I think I can only be sure of the belief that I exist....

We live in a retrocausal E8 block universe as sinners with a loving higher power who sometimes uses tough love. There is also a malicious deceptive force that the loving higher power allows to hurt people

It is partly based on Job even though I don't really think it happened.
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Two things. if and when God does reveal himself to us openly and without question or in a way everyone can see and know he is God. What do you think 'science' will do? We have a hint in the marvel movie thor. "Science" classifies him as an alien. A trans dimensional alien. Which if you think about it could also work for the God of the bible once there was irrefutable proof. Science will never bend the knee to God it would simply classify or try to classify all known aspects of God in an attempt to demystify him. the thought being God must remain an enigma. as if science can explain it it can not be of God.

But if you think about that for a moment if God id the God of creation then wouldn't he have created everything science can observe and classify? So that leaves the question as to why anyone would think belief in god or belief in science are two seperate things that can not cross paths.

Some may point to evolution verse creationism. What If there was to reconcile all of the creation narrative without changing one word in the bible with all of evolution without changing a time line or time frame in it? All need to be changed is the telling or interpretation not the words of the bible. for instance the primary obstacle is the time line the church puts on the first day of creation. when no such time has been established in the bible. We do have an exit date from eden that if you count back the genealogies happened about 6000 years ago. but that is far as it goes. in that there is no time line between the end of chapter two the garden narrative and the beginning of chapter three which happened 6000 years ago.

Meaning in short God creates the garden and everything in it apart from the rest of creation in it's own time line (which ends alot of the supposed contradictions and the need for a second author) at the beginning of creation while the planet is still being formed (adam and eve are living comfortably in the completed garden) while everything out side was seeded and slowly evolves. a 100 bazillion years or what ever science now says it took for evolution to happen. up unitl 6000 years ago when the genealogies begin.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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I was looking at my friend Reverend T's Facebook page and a month ago her cover photo was almost the same as my YouTube/Google avatar! The mouth and eyes are the same, but the shading and outline are different. There are a huge number of smileys on the internet - it is unlikely that we'd both choose the ones that are the same style but different shading. I thought that the Connect 4 and upside-down Bible things showed that God had a sense of humour. This is also the case here - and I think it's related to God because that's mostly what the Reverend and I talk about.

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Married Mouth-Breather
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There was another coincidence - and it involves a god. About 7 years ago, me, my wife and two other people were looking for somewhere to rent. One particular place seemed perfect - it was a couple minutes walk from my mother in law, major bus stops, other important places, it was a good price, and it had lots of storage, 4 bedrooms, etc. I said to people that if I got the place I'd believe in god. Then we got it and I replied "I didn't say which god I'd believe in". That is about the only time I'd made a statement like that - well during the first Maundy Thursday service I put god to the test then eventually the "I am the bread of life" song played.
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Married Mouth-Breather
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I met up with a liberal Christian friend who has moved quite far away who has studied philosophy and psychology - like me he also had been hospitalised in a mental ward. We were talking about how evidence of God and the paranormal can be seen by skeptics as coincidences (see my "Bible Test" web page). He brought up Jung and "synchronicity" and "meaningful coincidences". Then we got in his car and he put on the radio. The song "Going Gets Tough" was playing:
Then I got out my phone and showed him the first song in my "YT Music" app.... it was the same song... (it was first because I have been choosing it a lot lately - it is groovy) The second song in my app is Lenny Kravitz's "Believe" (I like the song but don't agree with the lyrics). (the other songs I rarely choose like Cat Stevens "Sitting")
We were talking about whether "the tough get going" means they are leaving or getting a move on... it is ambiguous. I told him about the music video and the movie (Jewel of the Nile) it is from yet I hadn't seen it.
Then we talked for a while - I talked about the two songs that played when I was trying to kill myself then eventually he started the car and we left.
I pointed out that we were talking about coincidences first before we turned the radio on. There were some other songs that had relevance though the mix was about the 80s and my childhood involved the 80s.
Previously all of my coincidences were related to God or the meaning of life...
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Married Mouth-Breather
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In May 6, 2020, I came across a YouTube video where Rick and Morty genuinely seem to become Christians:
I posted the excerpt on Facebook and an atheist told me that the Rick and Morty episode it came from had just been released... so I watched it and saw that Rick and Morty didn't stay Christians after all.

For some reason at the moment the YouTube transcript/subtitles is only Korean...

Anyway the first few times I watched the YouTube excerpt I thought God might be talking to me through this....

Today I was checking out Netflix and saw that I was up to S4E6 (the episode with the Christian excerpt) and I was up to about 7:20...

As I watched from that point in time I mostly had no memory at all of the episode until at about 15:45 which is a few seconds before the Christian part of the episode.... the early parts are some of the only parts in Rick and Morty that I'm not familiar with... perhaps because that episode is incredibly disorganised.
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