Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
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looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb 12:2

When I first came to Christ, oh what a fool I was. I was so excited thinking that I was now going to sit back and be made perfect while eating chips and salsa on the veranda in the cool of the evening. It turns out that God's grace is a mean dog. Once you allow it into your heart it goes after sin Fang and Claw. The only way to stop it is to reject Christ and I couldn't do that.

I tried to tame it, leash it, send it to obedience school. But in the end it continues to drag me kicking and screaming toward holiness found only in Christ. The weird thing is that once I get to my next level of relationship with God I'm filled with indescribable Joy and throw my arms around that dog. It's not that God wants to crush us but he wants to crush sin in us and the more it is entwined within us the more painful it is to extract. We can get pretty squashed in the process but in the end it's all worth it and more.

I remember an old song My Father used to sing while strumming his guitar. It was called “Just a Closer walk with Thee” and one of the phrases went like this:
"Just a closer walk with Thee
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea
Daily walking close to Thee
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be"

God either sends or allows the whelming flood to Encompass us to drive us to him and burn away the earthiness in us--or perhaps I should say drown it--and I remember after one such an occasion I was singing this song to myself and it turned into a prayer and I said Lord please grant me just a closer walk with thee and the answer came as a thought to my mind almost immediately, “well then, son, then walk closer!”

He was walking close all the time it was me that was holding parts of myself back from him, afraid that he would change them in ways I didn't want. But when the overwhelming flood is threatening to drown you and all you can do is throw one long arm of love and one long arm of faith around his neck and hold on for dear life you are more than willing to let all that nonsense go and be purified by it.

Yes, God hurts the hell out of us and how beautiful that is. It is our stories and our witness that count and not our knowledge of theology. May God fully Express himself to all of those who love him more than their own lives and desire to be his servants. Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.


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God is a righteous judge.
Our suffering is used to inspire us into doing God's will. I am one who needs the inspiration because I enjoy having free will and feeling the illusion of control. Praise God for knowing how to motivate us.

Job 36:21.
Psalm 119:71.
II Corinthians 7:10.
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Strong in Him

Great is thy faithfulness
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God is a righteous judge.
Our suffering is used to inspire us into doing God's will. I am one who needs the inspiration because I enjoy having free will and feeling the illusion of control. Praise God for knowing how to motivate us.
I have never been inspired and motivated to serve by suffering.
By his unconditional love and his faithfulness and presence in my suffering - yes, 10x more. But not through pain.
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May 6, 2021
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I have never been inspired and motivated to serve by suffering.
By his unconditional love and his faithfulness and presence in my suffering - yes, 10x more. But not through pain.

This is not surprising, as humans are all different beings. I am a stubborn, yet recovering alcoholic with the grace from God. I have notes from reading a Good News Bible, and in II Corinthians 7:10 it says "For the sadness that is used by God brings a change of heart that leads to salvation". I am now reading the KJV Bible since I finally found it lol. The two bibles are very similar but the Good News Bible is easier to interpret, and therefore I question the motivation of translators. Some of the words are not actually in the KJV and I don't want to be misled with false doctrine.

As my drinking career was nearing its end, the pain and sorrow I felt definitely led me to AA and God as my higher power. I appreciate your reply. Peace
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Dec 29, 2002
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"God either sends or allows the whelming flood to Encompass us to drive us to him and burn away the earthiness in us"
"Yes, God hurts the hell out of us and how beautiful that is."

I disagree since this is no where found in Scripture. I understand what your trying to say but to just say "allows the whelming flood". Its written "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.". The fact Christ said I come to give you life and give it more abundantly and yet to know Satan is the god of this world and in this world has rights to do things. So we make choices every day and so many of them did we even ask the Father the sweet sweet holy Spirit? Did we wait on Him are we all prayed up are we stuck in some sin or just sinning. So that choice we made something GOD FOR BID bad happens some will think "God did it.. God allowed it to teach me something" instead of taking the blame our self. See we made the choice so yes you could say GOD allowed it yet He had no choice God can never ever go against our will.

This is a fallen world where "sin" has a price. God told Israel once if you do the same sins as those other nations do the earth will spit you out also
"for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled, lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.". We have the promises of God which its written are yes and amen.

To day God hurts the hell out of us. First all have sinned and fallen short there is none righteous not one its why Christ came. So when we believe in trust in have faith in who He said He was John 3:16-17 Rom 10:9-10 we are a new creation the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. See because we believe in Jesus God sees us holy righteous and its why we can come boldly before Him and why we are now seated in heavenly places. That's who we are right now. Hell? There was no place found in heaven for Satan and all those that fell with him so hell was made for the devil and his angels. Hell was never made for man. Its a place where God is no where in it. One could look at that as Gods mercy.

Whats beautiful is God so loved this world and anyone that believes in Christ has ever lasting life and Christ already died and said its finished. We have been given all power all authority over the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us. Just read Psa 91.. promises.
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Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
United States
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I have never been inspired and motivated to serve by suffering.
By his unconditional love and his faithfulness and presence in my suffering - yes, 10x more. But not through pain.
Suffering itself definitely is not the blessing but fleeing to my savior and holding on for dear life and realizing that everything that I hide in him can not be touched except by his permission, leaves me cleaner and more alive on the other side of suffering than I could have imagined.
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Mercy Shown

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Jan 18, 2019
United States
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"God either sends or allows the whelming flood to Encompass us to drive us to him and burn away the earthiness in us"
"Yes, God hurts the hell out of us and how beautiful that is."

I disagree since this is no where found in Scripture. I understand what your trying to say but to just say "allows the whelming flood". Its written "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.". The fact Christ said I come to give you life and give it more abundantly and yet to know Satan is the god of this world and in this world has rights to do things. So we make choices every day and so many of them did we even ask the Father the sweet sweet holy Spirit? Did we wait on Him are we all prayed up are we stuck in some sin or just sinning. So that choice we made something GOD FOR BID bad happens some will think "God did it.. God allowed it to teach me something" instead of taking the blame our self. See we made the choice so yes you could say GOD allowed it yet He had no choice God can never ever go against our will.
This is a possibility but God allowed the devil to "touch" Job without even telling Job why. And yet still he set boundaries on what the devil could do. Still I can see where you are coming from and it is the genius of God to use our mistakes to make us better persons.
This is a fallen world where "sin" has a price. God told Israel once if you do the same sins as those other nations do the earth will spit you out also
"for all these abominations the men of the land have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled, lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.". We have the promises of God which its written are yes and amen.
I agree, we suffer both from the sin in the world and also the sin within us. But the suffering reveals my weakness and in my weakness I find the power of God
To day God hurts the hell out of us. First all have sinned and fallen short there is none righteous not one its why Christ came. So when we believe in trust in have faith in who He said He was John 3:16-17 Rom 10:9-10 we are a new creation the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. See because we believe in Jesus God sees us holy righteous and its why we can come boldly before Him and why we are now seated in heavenly places. That's who we are right now. Hell? There was no place found in heaven for Satan and all those that fell with him so hell was made for the devil and his angels. Hell was never made for man. Its a place where God is no where in it. One could look at that as Gods mercy.

Whats beautiful is God so loved this world and anyone that believes in Christ has ever lasting life and Christ already died and said its finished. We have been given all power all authority over the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt us. Just read Psa 91.. promises.
I am glad to let go and let God. True faith form me is not getting what I want but instead counting all that I get as God's will for me.
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Mercy Shown

Active Member
Jan 18, 2019
United States
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This is not surprising, as humans are all different beings. I am a stubborn, yet recovering alcoholic with the grace from God. I have notes from reading a Good News Bible, and in II Corinthians 7:10 it says "For the sadness that is used by God brings a change of heart that leads to salvation". I am now reading the KJV Bible since I finally found it lol. The two bibles are very similar but the Good News Bible is easier to interpret, and therefore I question the motivation of translators. Some of the words are not actually in the KJV and I don't want to be misled with false doctrine.

As my drinking career was nearing its end, the pain and sorrow I felt definitely led me to AA and God as my higher power. I appreciate your reply. Peace
God is good and I am a recovering sinner who was a horrible person, full of pride, avarice, dishonesty and lived solely for myself. God allowed me to fall far until he stretched forth His hand and caught me. No I have no pride to defend nor axe to grind for all is in Him and I am because He is.
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