Formal Debate - New World Order

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Unapologetic Apologist
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Dec 8, 2007
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  1. Title: New World Order
  2. Topic: The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) and the Vatican are gaining control of much of the world and are responsible for a large portion of the carnage, war and violence in the world through much of history since the time of the fall of Rome in the west and even until today.
  3. KrisCritical Will be taking the affirmative position; FreedByte, the negative position.
  4. There will be three alternating rounds with KrisCritical beginning and FreedByte replying.
  5. Maximum time limit between posts will be one week from the time they become visible (approved by moderator)
  6. The maximum size of the post will be limited by the software to what fits in a single post (about 1500 words I think)
  7. Outside references are allowed. Please note that all quotes will fall under the 20% copyright rule.
  8. Start date: Anytime.

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May 31, 2014
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It is clear that the Jesuits were the ones behind the inquisitions of the 200 years or so following the Protestant Reformation's inception in conjunction with the roman catholic counter-reformation to try to punish people for leaving their religiously tyrannical clutches of spiritual oppression and darkness. People were tortured in such a way that is unspeakable and can not but at the least suggest that Satan was behind this and not God. Yet over and over again, Christian history books used in colleges and seminaries describe the history of the Church as if the popes were the leaders of it. They describe dissenters of their theology as schismatic and heretics and the catholics as justified for their actions because of the necessity upon them to preserve the "true" doctrines (all the while they were guilty of mariolatry, relic worship, baal symbolism, etc.). This is evidence of the roman catholic manipulation of history. Who else would be so moved to twist and pervert history and call the ones seeking truth and religious freedom to worship and believe in God according to the dictates of their own conscience "heretics" and "schismatic?" Who was truly at the heart of those dissenters unorthodox faith? The catholics. For they were the ones who kept the word of God prisoner in the Latin Vulgate, issuing decrees against anyone who should dare translate the greek into their own local vernacular. It is no small wonder why anyone who did not follow the catholics, (or did follow them for that matter, was a heretic. The ones who could read it, namely the priests, were not teaching what it said, and those who sought the truth of how to serve God correctly being perhaps keenly aware of the priestly errors, had no guide to lead them by, the word being trapped in an ancient language that most people could not read anymore.

And so they have clearly ceased control of Christian education and have probably used their riches to promote their history books and mass produce their propaganda and distributed this filthy literature into the hands of many unsuspecting and probably poorly educated administrators of not a few seminary and bible colleges. I have one such book on my desk that I think would make better kindling wood then educational material. It walks through the history of the church in the same general form as others, placing the catholics in the center of the church's history instead of portraying them as the Church's worst enemy posing hypocritically as Christ's agency for salvation while all the while they are agents of the antichrist's agenda and baal and ultimately the devil. The one section about the inquisition is dealt with as an aside and is literally separated from the general text as such on the one or two pages where this disgusting blot in their catholic history is reviewed.

Also, it may be noted that not a few of our most influential statesmen in the past 100 years have been educated in jesuit colleges and universities. Now what do you think these people are teaching them? That the Catholics were wrong for what they did? and they ought to be avoided like the plague? Surely the issue is side-stepped and avoided in their curriculum. When I went to a jesuit college, I spent over a year there, and it was a secular experience with drinking parties and secular courses. I was not invited to do anything spiritual that I can remember. I left, joined the military and after a few months I was invited out to a Christian Church, born again and serving God, all within the first year. So what are they trying to do in these jesuit colleges if not lead men to Christ while giving them a good education. Other Christian colleges endeavor to weave the two together esteeming both educations (secular and religious) highly. Yet the jesuits don't seem to care if you pass through their halls a lost sinner and remain the same.

There are witnesses who claim to have left the catholics and they say that the jesuits are the true powerful arm of the catholic church now and the white pope is just a puppet while the black pope, the general of the jesuits is truly in command. The catholics historically have influenced nations by dividing entire continents and giving the land to the control of a single king on condition that they enslave the people spiritually under the control of the pope. Many an indian I believe was slaughtered for failure to do so and even recently there is evidence showing that within our last century tyrannical rulers were established with the help of the popes such as Hitler, Mussolini, and Anten Pavelic. These men slaughtered non-catholics by the droves. We already know the catholics had slaughtered tons of jews according to history in their inquisitions in the middle ages, and so it is not too much to suggest that they did the same through Hitler. During the middle ages, they would not kill the Christians themselves but would often deliver them to secular rulers for their dirty work. What makes us think they have not been up to these same dastardly deeds in more modern times? Do we think a cheetah can change it's spots? It has been recorded that Anten Pavilec, slaughtered 200,000 serbian Orthodox christians because they would not convert to roman catholicism. So are we to believe that a secular ruler cares about what religion the inhabitants of his newly acquired citizens adhere to? Or is it not plain to our senses that the catholic popes and jesuits are behind the secular rulers just as they have been since the so-called fall of Rome when the catholic church which was the religious arm of the roman government emerged on top of the world politically and religiously. Rome's secular government never fell. If you recall from Church history, Constantine had removed his throne from Rome and set it in Istanbul and renamed it Constantinople in reverence to the roman bishop's throne. The roman popes today consider themselves the religious and political rulers of the earth. Rome never fell. It's political power it wielded was simply transferred between the 4th and 5th centuries to the roman bishops and eventually to their popes. They continued the legacy of slaughtering Christians and they control major colleges and universities in the United States, and the U.S. government has many Catholic adherents in it's Congress. They have spread their influence all over the world by the sword and have greatly hindered the cause of Christ in order to advance their power and domination over the world. With their influence over roughly a billions adherents and because they already have a significant number of their adherents in many powerful positions in the governments of many powerful nations, they can significantly influence who is elected in powerful nations and what laws are passed and what wars are fought and what nations will be awarded aide in abating their enemies and what rebels will be awarded aide in ousting their established regimes.
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Feb 2, 2013
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It is clear... oppression and darkness.

unsourced and therefore invalid

People were tortured ... roman catholic manipulation of history.

No, this is just a statement of opinion. Just because Catholics disagree with your theology doesn't mean that they are manipulating history by calling opposing theologies heretical.

Who else would be ... could not read anymore.

This reeks of bias and conspiratorial nonsense. But aside from that, it isn't even relevant to the topic of the thread as it doesn't address the Jesuits at all.

And so they have clearly ceased ... catholic history is reviewed.

Your anecdotes do not serve as valid proof of anything. Unless you can provide quotes from Catholic history books (Google books may be a good option as they sometimes have ebook previews for free online), then your argumentation here is a fallacy because it is based on anecdotal evidence.

Also, it may ... the plague?

More unsourced statements. Provide evidence for these statements or don't make them.

Surely the issue ... remain the same.

More fallacious anecdotal evidence.

There are witnesses who... truly in command.

"There are witnesses who claim" is not valid evidence. Sources please.

... such as Hitler, Mussolini, and Anten Pavelic.

Unsourced. Additionally: Catholics were persecuted by hitler. The Dachau concentration camp for example, was 95% Catholic.

Learn history before you make stuff up:

And yes, I know Wikipedia is not considered reliable, but you didn't source your argument and you have burden of proof so it's better than nothing.

These men slaughtered ... their established regimes.

Unsourced. Unsourced. Unsourced.
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