Faith... Getting it, Growing it, Building it, Using it...

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Father Rick

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Jun 23, 2004
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One of the most crucial elements to the Christian life is faith. In reading some posts around the board, it seems some feel they are lacking in this area. I thought it might be helpful to lay out a few principles in how to get, grow in, and exercise one’s faith.

First, one has to understand that ALL faith ultimately comes from God, not ourselves.
Ro 12:3 - For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

God is the one who has given faith. And everyone has been given faith by God.

By how do we get more faith?

Ro 10:17 - So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Now it is important to note that what is interpreted here ‘hearing and hearing’ is actually just one verb in the Greek. Many read this verse this way, “so then faith comes by hearing… and hearing (comes) by the word of God.

The verb tense means an ongoing repetitive action. There is also no comma in the Greek. It is literally “so then faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing…. by the word of God. It is the ongoing, repetitive hearing of God’s word that builds faith. We start with some “a measure”, then we build on that foundation by immersing ourselves in God’s word. Paul talks about ‘renewing the mind with the washing of the water of the word’. We are literally to ‘brain-wash’ ourselves with God’s word. We constantly get all kinds of input from the world around us that is contrary to the truth of Scripture—and the only way to overcome that is by constantly comparing the messages we are receiving with what God’s has said. This is the only way we know what is true and what is a lie from the enemy. And the more we are able to see what is true and what is deception, the more we are able to trust God.

But what then? When we have all this correct knowledge, correct theology, etc. I’m sure we’ve all seen those who have all the ‘right’ answers yet aren’t walking in the power of God.

Jude 1:20 - But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,

I think of faith like a battery. The more of God’s word you have in you, the bigger the battery. But you can have a battery that is dead. Praying in the Spirit charges the battery. It ‘builds you up in your faith’.

I think it is important to remember that it is both of these aspects working together—hearing the Word and praying in the Spirit. We’ve all seen Christians were ‘out of balance’ with either one or the other.

First we all know of those who are full of the Word—but no ‘spark’. These type are constantly criticized in P/C circles as those ‘dead theologians’. But have you also noticed those who were ‘overcharged’? IMO, these are sometimes even more dangerous. These are those who are constantly ‘in the Spirit’ but haven’t built the foundation of the Word to support the ‘charge’ they are trying to carry. These easily become flaky and many times self-destruct since they are trying to stay ‘out there’ in the spirit realm without foundation to keep them anchored in truth. There’s a saying I learned many years ago that, while being ‘cutsie’, has tremendous truth.

All Word—you dry up.
All Spirit—you blow up.
Spirit and Word—you grow up.

The next question is then—so what do I do with all this faith once I get it?

James 2:14-26
14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit? 17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. F7 18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without F8 thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect? 23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God. 24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. 25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way? 26 For as the body without the spirit F9 is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Keeping with the battery analogy used earlier—a battery is not to have just to sit around and do nothing. A battery is designed to empower stuff. So it is with faith. Faith is to empower us to actually DO something for the kingdom. The more ‘power’ we have, the more we can get done.

The passage in James talks about “works”. A better way of wording it may be ‘corresponding action’. If we truly have faith that God heals, then we should pray for the sick. If we believe that God wants to reach the lost, then we should evangelize. We have to put our faith into action if we are to accomplish anything for Him. This is where the rubber meets the road. It puts the ‘spiritual muscles’ on you.

A personal example—I felt God speaking to me that I was to pioneer churches in several countries. I’ve traveled to different countries and worked with missionaries there, but actually being the one God uses to open up the area for the Gospel.:eek:

My bishop asked me to pioneer a new church here in the city in which I live. (A first step) I prayed about it, and felt this was indeed God’s leading. So, now we ‘believe’ that this is God’s direction—but without actually doing something we would never see God’s destiny revealed. I started by doing some ‘fact-finding’ as to what/how to start a church. I chose a name for the church and incorporated in my state as a non-profit organization. I found a location that could be rented—only for 2 hours on Sunday night, but at least it was a place to meet. I set up a bank account. And we started having church services. There were 6 adults and 1 child. 2 of the adults stopped coming shortly after we started—so there were 5 of us. We used a ‘boom box’ to play music from CD. (It was really pretty bad!) But ALL of these were acts of faith—we were putting action to our faith.

Now, 9 months later, we have a wonderful facility to use--free of charge. God has sent a wonderful musician to lead worship. We have visitors nearly every week. While attendance is lower because it is summer, we have 20-30 for service on a regular basis and we are steadily growing. God is clearly touching people through the church. AND I am learning all the skills I will need to do the same thing in other locations/countries.

The ‘faith’ is now ‘doing something’. This is the way it is to work for EVERY believer. Let God give you a ‘bigger battery’ by growing in His word as much as possible. Charge up that battery by praying in the Spirit. Then use the ‘charge’ to empower you to whatever it is that God has called you to do.

Johnny Be Good

If you have not love...
Jun 17, 2004
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I was just down there driving between Orlando and Tampa last month on biz. I sure wish I had thought about your church--I'd have stopped by for a heapin' helpin'!

Good stuff--I wish I was smart emough to apply it. :doh: :sorry:

*I'd like to be able to spell, too! :blush:
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I stand with my brothers and sisters in Israel!
Aug 6, 2003
NJ summers; FL winters
Thanks, Father Rick! I needed that.

My faith is huge - and it surely is a gift because I did nothing to get it! I have not tried to grow it, but it remains my bulwark against the evils of this world! I thank God for it every day! :bow:

My pastor has requested us all to pray in the spirit for 1 hour every day. The church has been going through some bad times recently - a member of the worship team was arrested for homosexual pedophilia (on a 17 year old) recently and the church is reeling from that. Pray for us!

I'm rambling now! :sorry:
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Jan 5, 2005
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Father Rick said:
One of the most crucial elements to the Christian life is faith. In reading some posts around the board, it seems some feel they are lacking in this area. I thought it might be helpful to lay out a few principles in how to get, grow in, and exercise one’s faith.

First, one has to understand that ALL faith ultimately comes from God, not ourselves.

God is the one who has given faith. And everyone has been given faith by God.

By how do we get more faith?

Now it is important to note that what is interpreted here ‘hearing and hearing’ is actually just one verb in the Greek. Many read this verse this way, “so then faith comes by hearing… and hearing (comes) by the word of God.

The verb tense means an ongoing repetitive action. There is also no comma in the Greek. It is literally “so then faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing…. by the word of God. It is the ongoing, repetitive hearing of God’s word that builds faith. We start with some “a measure”, then we build on that foundation by immersing ourselves in God’s word. Paul talks about ‘renewing the mind with the washing of the water of the word’. We are literally to ‘brain-wash’ ourselves with God’s word. We constantly get all kinds of input from the world around us that is contrary to the truth of Scripture—and the only way to overcome that is by constantly comparing the messages we are receiving with what God’s has said. This is the only way we know what is true and what is a lie from the enemy. And the more we are able to see what is true and what is deception, the more we are able to trust God.

But what then? When we have all this correct knowledge, correct theology, etc. I’m sure we’ve all seen those who have all the ‘right’ answers yet aren’t walking in the power of God.

I think of faith like a battery. The more of God’s word you have in you, the bigger the battery. But you can have a battery that is dead. Praying in the Spirit charges the battery. It ‘builds you up in your faith’.

I think it is important to remember that it is both of these aspects working together—hearing the Word and praying in the Spirit. We’ve all seen Christians were ‘out of balance’ with either one or the other.

First we all know of those who are full of the Word—but no ‘spark’. These type are constantly criticized in P/C circles as those ‘dead theologians’. But have you also noticed those who were ‘overcharged’? IMO, these are sometimes even more dangerous. These are those who are constantly ‘in the Spirit’ but haven’t built the foundation of the Word to support the ‘charge’ they are trying to carry. These easily become flaky and many times self-destruct since they are trying to stay ‘out there’ in the spirit realm without foundation to keep them anchored in truth. There’s a saying I learned many years ago that, while being ‘cutsie’, has tremendous truth.

All Word—you dry up.
All Spirit—you blow up.
Spirit and Word—you grow up.

The next question is then—so what do I do with all this faith once I get it?

Keeping with the battery analogy used earlier—a battery is not to have just to sit around and do nothing. A battery is designed to empower stuff. So it is with faith. Faith is to empower us to actually DO something for the kingdom. The more ‘power’ we have, the more we can get done.

The passage in James talks about “works”. A better way of wording it may be ‘corresponding action’. If we truly have faith that God heals, then we should pray for the sick. If we believe that God wants to reach the lost, then we should evangelize. We have to put our faith into action if we are to accomplish anything for Him. This is where the rubber meets the road. It puts the ‘spiritual muscles’ on you.

A personal example—I felt God speaking to me that I was to pioneer churches in several countries. I’ve traveled to different countries and worked with missionaries there, but actually being the one God uses to open up the area for the Gospel.:eek:

My bishop asked me to pioneer a new church here in the city in which I live. (A first step) I prayed about it, and felt this was indeed God’s leading. So, now we ‘believe’ that this is God’s direction—but without actually doing something we would never see God’s destiny revealed. I started by doing some ‘fact-finding’ as to what/how to start a church. I chose a name for the church and incorporated in my state as a non-profit organization. I found a location that could be rented—only for 2 hours on Sunday night, but at least it was a place to meet. I set up a bank account. And we started having church services. There were 6 adults and 1 child. 2 of the adults stopped coming shortly after we started—so there were 5 of us. We used a ‘boom box’ to play music from CD. (It was really pretty bad!) But ALL of these were acts of faith—we were putting action to our faith.

Now, 9 months later, we have a wonderful facility to use--free of charge. God has sent a wonderful musician to lead worship. We have visitors nearly every week. While attendance is lower because it is summer, we have 20-30 for service on a regular basis and we are steadily growing. God is clearly touching people through the church. AND I am learning all the skills I will need to do the same thing in other locations/countries.

The ‘faith’ is now ‘doing something’. This is the way it is to work for EVERY believer. Let God give you a ‘bigger battery’ by growing in His word as much as possible. Charge up that battery by praying in the Spirit. Then use the ‘charge’ to empower you to whatever it is that God has called you to do.

Thank you for that great encoragement.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Just the thing for me to read when I had to get up at 6.30am on a Saturday morning to take my wife into work (Saturday overtime). Some people get up with the sparrows saying "Good morning Lord!" I fell out of bed saying "Good Lord, morning!"

So when I read your post, Rick, I was really encouraged.
What a great testimony in the Lord.
May God continue to bless you and increase the borders of your tent!
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What a wonderful day the Lord has made
Jul 9, 2005
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I say AMEN too. Thanks for the post. I told this couple last week that go and take things, like clothes, blankets, etc to the homeless in a large city about an hour from us that I'd like to go with them sometime. They go like once a month. The church I'm going to now doesn't offer much, no choirs, women's group not going right now. I told the pastor I wanted to do more for the church, hadn't had anything come up yet though. I don't know if I should go to another church or stay there like God led me there for a purpose maybe or something like that.
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Father Rick

Peace be with you
Jun 23, 2004
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Johnny Be Good said:
I was just down there driving between Orlando and Tampa last month on biz. I sure wish I had thought about your church--I'd have stopped by for a heapin' helpin'!

Good stuff--I wish I was smart emough to apply it. :doh: :sorry:

*I'd like to be able to spell, too! :blush:
Next time you're in the area give me a buzz...
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Jan 9, 2004
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All the Romans and the people James and Jude were writing to had received "the faith once delivered" (Jude 3). The disciples faith failed them, they were not yet "converted" made spiritual (Luke 22v32, John 14v17, 20).

When they received the infilling of the Spirit, speaking in tongues they had the mind of C hrist, their eyes were opened, they had the Life of Jesus. Without this, people are like the disciples before Pentecost. Although they may say they will never deny The Lord, they cannot understand or do the things he says, except receive the promise:-

"they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance . . . For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call" (Acts 2v4, 39).

Speaking in tongues allows God to lead us in prayer according to his perfect will:-
Jude:1:20: But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
21: Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
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