Exalting any other than the Lord God.

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Exo 34:14 For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:

God, being a jealous God, gets angry when worship is directed at anything other than Him, be it idols or regular people.

Act 12:21 And upon a set day Herod, arrayed in royal apparel, sat upon his throne, and made an oration unto them.
Act 12:22 And the people gave a shout, saying, "It is the voice of a god, and not of a man."
Act 12:23 And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he did not give God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.

We see how God smote Herod when people offered him worship and he did not decline it but rather accepted it, because Herod was an exceedingly sinful man.

Mary, being full of grace, would never have accepted any sort of worship like Herod did. She understood her role in God's plan and she gave God the glory "My soul doth magnify the Lord" she said. She knew the Lord is a jealous God, desirous and deserving of all our worship.

When people worshipped Yeshua Christ of Nazareth, a man, he accepted that worship and God did not smite him, but rather the Father continued to perform miracles through Him and later raise him from the dead. Being that the Lord is a jealous God, and being that God honored Christ by not smiting him when people worshipped him, this becomes obvious then that Christ is God.

So there is a King, a man, who rules over all, and He is God. Say there is a king who has a mother that he loves. Does the word of the King override the word of the mother, or does the word of the mother override the word of the king?

Joh 2:2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.
Joh 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.
Joh 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.
Joh 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.

We see the king here asserting his rightful authority over his mother. Later, Christ is talking about David, since Christ is the Son of David:

Mat 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David.
Mat 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
Mat 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Mat 22:45 If David then call him, Lord, how is he his son?

And if David calls him Lord, and Mary calls him Lord, we know he is their master and we know he is their God. We know they worship him. Why then would anyone in their right mind offer worship to Mary, or David, or John the Baptist, or Moses, or Abraham, or the Pope, or any other ordinary person? We have seen the Holy One, Christ, transfigured on the mount:

Luk 9:28 And it came to pass about eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.
Luk 9:29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.
Luk 9:30 And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elijah:
Luk 9:31 Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
Luk 9:32 But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.
Luk 9:33 And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah: not knowing what he said.
Luk 9:34 While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.
Luk 9:35 And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: hear him.

Hear HIM. Obey HIM. Listen to HIM. Repeatedly the Father honors the Son and the Son honors the Father. They glorify one another.

God is a jealous God. Do not offer worship to any except him. Not Mary, not the Pope, not saints, not your parents, not the president, no one except the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit should accept worship from anyone. And no one should tell you to offer worship to anyone except the One true God.

Why would you worship that which is less-than-perfect when you are aware about that which is perfect: the Triune God.

If you had a diamond that was worth $1million and one worth only $10, which would you consider more valuable? If you could only take one, which would be the smart choice? You enjoy the pricier one more because it has more value. It would be stupid to keep the $10 one if you could keep the $1 million diamond instead.

God is infinitely valuable, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God used Mary's flesh, her virgin body, to bring forth Christ the Lord into the world. He is still her Lord, and our Lord, her Master, and our Master. He commands that we worship him alone, and she herself says that her soul does magnify the Lord. Therefore all who do have any honor for Mary should listen to her words and magnify the Lord instead of her. She would want it that way, because God wants it that way, God wants all the worship.


Blue Chicken Gives You Horns
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I think, to worship God alone.

This is particularly interesting.

Mat 22:42 Saying, What think ye of Christ? whose son is he? They say unto him, The son of David.
Mat 22:43 He saith unto them, How then doth David in spirit call him Lord, saying,
Mat 22:44 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Mat 22:45 If David then call him, Lord, how is he his son?

And if David calls him Lord, and Mary calls him Lord, we know he is their master and we know he is their God. We know they worship him. Why then would anyone in their right mind offer worship to Mary, or David, or John the Baptist, or Moses, or Abraham, or the Pope, or any other ordinary person? We have seen the Holy One, Christ, transfigured on the mount:
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STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS
May 1, 2004
North East Lower Michigan! Go Wings!!
I started to quote you, but once I read your entire post, I decided it's not really worth it. But I still have a silly questions for you...

Who worships Mary, Saints...the Pope?

Also the Bible quotes that you used from John on the Wedding at Cana, you are verily contradicting yourself. Because yes, He did say "Woman it is not yet my time", but please note the last verse you quoted was Mary then telling the servants to do as He says...and he made more wine for them. So, yeah, He did do as His Mother asked of Him. Because He was worshipping her? No, because Mary was His Mother and He was obedient. You see as a Catholic I believe that Jesus is without sin, always was, always will be...therefore for Him to just ignore His Mother's request would be disobeying His Mother, which is blatently against one of the Ten Commandments and that would be a sin. So I guess I missed your point with that one, are you saying that He didn't listen to His Mother and didn't turn the water into wine? Cause that would be a sin. Or are you saying He did obey His Mother and turn the water into wine?? Cause that's what happened...at least in my Bible it is!!

The other thing is that you obviously are just coming in to try to tear apart and belittle the Catholic faith and you need to stop. For one thing, you are making false statements in a not so very round about way. If by some strange chance you know of a Catholic who worships Mary, the Saints or the Pope, please it is your Christian responsibility to get them to a Priest who can teach them the truth.

It is exactly people like the op, who are so far past ignorance and spreading vicious lies about other people's faith that causes differences in beliefs! Not just Catholic beliefs, but all of the denominations also. If you want to know something look it up in the Bible, read it, not just a couple of verses and if you have true loving caring questions about the Catholic faith get a Catechism of the Catholic Church, it will answer most of your other questions you may have...and it will provide you with the biblical truth you seek. But stop with the falicies, it's very, very unChrist like of you to do something like this to any faith. And maybe it is just more noticable around here, because CF tends to seem very negative towards Catholics and allows it to happen, but I see it a lot about the denominations also other places and it is wrong!
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Oct 28, 2004
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vrunca said:
Please explain, I don't understand what you mean by this.

Until y'all came along most people put statues in their places of worship for worship. Now we know y'all dont make statues of saints and mary to have anything to with worship, religion or belief, they are there because they are homeless statues, but some people would assume you put them there for religous purposes. Therefore some people would assume you have contravened the ban on religous statues that is given in the bible.

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Rejoice always.
Aug 17, 2005
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i'm not trying to sound horrible but i'm not sure what point you are trying to make...... sorry, just a bit unsure.

The point is, God is a jealous God, worship no one except Him, and Christ is one with the Father, so worship Christ as well. The other point, is that no one else should be worshipped, no matter how great anyone thinks they are.

Wow. ive never heard it put this way.

certain truths exclude certain other suppositions, making them false. when you go through, count all the truths as true, determine what suppositions that those truths make false, and add them all together, you come into a more clear picture of the truth. the truth is, on the great and terrible day of the Lord, which is coming as surely as the Lord lives, he alone will be exalted, and all who have humbled themselves before him, those he will exalt. but the proud he will bring down.

Until y'all came along most people put statues in their places of worship for worship. Now we know y'all dont make statues of saints and mary to have anything to with worship, religion or belief, they are there because they are homeless statues, but some people would assume you put them there for religous purposes. Therefore some people would assume you have contravened the ban on religous statues that is given in the bible.

the sad part is that if the roman catholics sold all they had and gave to the poor, there would be no more poverty. everything from the gold chalices to the statues to the vatican itself. sell it on ebay, give the proceeds to the poor.

I started to quote you, but once I read your entire post, I decided it's not really worth it. But I still have a silly questions for you...

Who worships Mary, Saints...the Pope?

the people who do

are you not one of them? then thank God that yuo are not blinded in that way.

Also the Bible quotes that you used from John on the Wedding at Cana, you are verily contradicting yourself. Because yes, He did say "Woman it is not yet my time", but please note the last verse you quoted was Mary then telling the servants to do as He says...and he made more wine for them. So, yeah, He did do as His Mother asked of Him. Because He was worshipping her? No, because Mary was His Mother and He was obedient. You see as a Catholic I believe that Jesus is without sin, always was, always will be...therefore for Him to just ignore His Mother's request would be disobeying His Mother, which is blatently against one of the Ten Commandments and that would be a sin. So I guess I missed your point with that one, are you saying that He didn't listen to His Mother and didn't turn the water into wine? Cause that would be a sin. Or are you saying He did obey His Mother and turn the water into wine?? Cause that's what happened...at least in my Bible it is!!

He is the servant of all. he did serve his mother, and obeyed her in her request for additional wine at the wedding. but he did not immediately consent to her request, except at his own (his Father's) timing. she was being slightly arrogant, Christ gently corrected her, she conceded and told the servants to just do what he said, and he did the miracle. lets not split hairs though: we both believe he did a miracle, turning water into alcoholic wine.

The other thing is that you obviously are just coming in to try to tear apart and belittle the Catholic faith and you need to stop. For one thing, you are making false statements in a not so very round about way. If by some strange chance you know of a Catholic who worships Mary, the Saints or the Pope, please it is your Christian responsibility to get them to a Priest who can teach them the truth.

I shall tear down all heresies that the Lord commands me to tear down. worship of any man other than the Lord Jesus Christ is heretical. if you feel that the original post, which tells all men to praise God, is against catholics, then that is your own opinion based on your knowledge of catholocism. i am speaking generally however, directing people to worship the One whom God has sent, His only son.

It is exactly people like the op, who are so far past ignorance and spreading vicious lies about other people's faith that causes differences in beliefs!

thats downright slanderous. may the Lord forgive you.

Not just Catholic beliefs, but all of the denominations also. If you want to know something look it up in the Bible, read it, not just a couple of verses and if you have true loving caring questions about the Catholic faith get a Catechism of the Catholic Church, it will answer most of your other questions you may have...and it will provide you with the biblical truth you seek.

you are trying to make this into a catholic vs anticatholic debate, which it is not. i merely state the obvious fact that only God should be worshipped.

John the baptist said something along the lines of:
"He must increase, but I must decrease".

now, if there were a rosary for john the baptist, we know he would be opposed to it, because his job was to point people to Christ, not to himself. mary magnified the Lord, not herself. if mary entered into a church, people would probly start to throw themselves down before her in a worship-like way. that would be wrong to do, because she is just a woman who was blessed by God. we are all blessed by God, he sends his sun and rain upon the just and unjust alike. he is kind to the unthankful and the evil. the problem is that some people, and if it isnt you then it doesnt apply, will honor regular people more than God. and that is not the Father's will.

But stop with the falicies, it's very, very unChrist like of you to do something like this to any faith. And maybe it is just more noticable around here, because CF tends to seem very negative towards Catholics and allows it to happen, but I see it a lot about the denominations also other places and it is wrong!

my expereince with obob on this board has been been unchristlike. the mods have deleted posts that were purely the words of Jesus, simply because they didn't like them. well, if they dont like the words of Jesus, they are antichristian. how can an obob mod delete a post that is solely the words of his savior?

just seems strange. but the whole point is not catholic bashing, as some of you seem to think, but Christ-exalting. theres no reason to exalt any man except for Christ, because he is the only one who never sinned.
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Jun 12, 2004
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ILoveYeshua said:

the sad part is that if the roman catholics sold all they had and gave to the poor, there would be no more poverty. everything from the gold chalices to the statues to the vatican itself. sell it on ebay, give the proceeds to the poor.

See John 12:3-8.

It is non sequitor to suggest that selling everything belonging to the Catholic church (or any church, for that matter) will eleviate poverty. The annual Vatican budget is a fraction of that of a major American university. Most of the "wealth" of the Catholic church is in artwork and property, which is open to the public.

Yes, theorhetically, the church could sell all of its artwork and property, liquify every golden chalice, sell every church, and donate every penny to the poor. If everything is given fair market value, even all of this would be no more than a buck or two in the hands of every poor person in the world. What would happen when that money was spent? You guessed it, poverty would return. And we'd be left with none of the art that for 2000 years has enriched our faith (and our world's culture), and the 1 billion+ catholics (many of whom are impoverished) would have no place to worship.

The wealth of the Catholic church isn't in "things," its in the people. The 15,000+ pieces of artwork have little monetary value, in the eyes of the Vatican, as they are seen as global treasures, for all to share.

As Jesus said, we will always have the poor among us.
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Jun 12, 2004
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ILoveYeshua said:
also, poverty is alleviated one person at a time.

people are "living" off a dollar a day in some places.
And the appropriate way to do this is to liquidate the property of a single denomination? Why not also sell all of these evangelical megachurches that are popping up all over the world?

The Catholic Church deciding to rid itself of all of its physical belongings does not eliminate the responsibility of all of God's people to help the impoverished. The only true way to eleviate poverty is for everyone, in every denomination, to give what they can as often as they can. Not to "building funds," but to those who need it the most.

If your goal is to eleviate poverty, it has to last longer than a day or two. You can't support the world forever simply on the posessions of the Catholic Church.
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Senior Veteran
Jan 20, 2005
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so the new 'catholic bash' is that the church is too rich? interesting.

so i can expect to see those arguing this point to sell all of their belongings to give to those in need, correct? why do i expect this will never happen?

and why do you insist in telling them that they are worshipping idols other than god? don't you think that if god felt these people were doing something (even with the best intentions) improperly, he would have corrected them? god's not an idiot, people.

why isn't it enough that the catholics tell you they don't worship these things? by insisting that they are, you are more or less telling them what they think. thats akin to telling someone that his favorite color is yellow, all the while he is insisting that its red. this seems foolish to me.
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lismore said:
Until y'all came along most people put statues in their places of worship for worship. Now we know y'all dont make statues of saints and mary to have anything to with worship, religion or belief, they are there because they are homeless statues, but some people would assume you put them there for religous purposes. Therefore some people would assume you have contravened the ban on religous statues that is given in the bible.

If we are guilt of contravening God's ban on religious images, then so is God guilty of the very same thing.

You shall make two cherubim of gold, make them of hammered work at the two ends of the mercy seat. Make one cherub at one end and one cherub at the other end; you shall make the cherubim of one piece with the mercy seat at its two ends.

Exodus 25:18,19

If God banned the creation of graven images, the we have a serious propblem. Right here, commands two graven images ofd angels to be created.

It is clear that you use all of scripture, and not just proff-texting, that God never banned to use of images for religious purposes, because then He would have violated his own commands.

What He banned was the creation of images in order to worship them. If you ask any Catholic if he is worhipping an images, he would say of course not.
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ILoveYeshua said:

He is the servant of all. he did serve his mother, and obeyed her in her request for additional wine at the wedding.

That is exactly the point, he did obey her. Being sinless he completely obeyed the Law. One of the Ten Commandments was to "honor you father and mother". Since was and is sinless, he would keep this commandment perfectly.

We need to remember that Jesus was a Jew, the orginal writers of the Bible were Jews. We we must not read the Bible from a Gentile perspective but by a Jewish perspective. To a Gentile, a queen is the wife of a king. So when we Gentiles we read the Bible we assume that since Jesus never married, there is no queen. But if is the wrong perspective. According to Jews, the mother of the king is the queen. The kings, such has David and Solomon, had multiple wives. None of those wives were trerated as the queen. But the mother of king was treated by the king with deep honor.

And example of this is in 1 Kings 1 and 2. When Bathsheba the wife ofd David, went to see David, she bowed to him (1Kings 1:15, 16). But notice the change when David died and Solomon was crowned king.

So Bathsheba went to King Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah. And the king arose to meet her, bowed before her, and sat on his throne; then he had a throne set for the king's mother, and she sat on his right. Then she said, "I am making one small request of you; do not refuse me." And the king said to her, "Ask, my mother, for I will not refuse you."

1 Kings 2:19,20

When David her husban was alive and the king, she bowed to him. But when Solomon her son was king she bowed to her, and made her to sit at his right hand. This show how deeply the Jews kept God's command of honoring your parents. Do a Bible Study on the mothers of the kings of the Bible. You will find that kings had their mother ruled at their side.

This is why Jesus obeyed her mother, even though it may not have been His time to start the public ministry.

but he did not immediately consent to her request,

So what? I can think of many answers to prayer both for me and my friends. But very few were instantaneous. Her prayer was answered a lot sooner than most of our prayers are.

except at his own (his Father's) timing.

Do a Bible study on "my hour" or "his hour" in the Gospel of John.

Here is a start.

So they were seeking to seize Him; and no man laid his hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.

John 7:30

These words He spoke in the treasury, as He taught in the temple; and no one seized Him, because His hour had not yet come.

John 8:20

Now My soul has become troubled; and what shall I say, `Father, save Me from this hour'? But for this purpose I came to this hour.

John 12:27

Now before the Feast of the Passover, Jesus knowing that His hour had come that He would depart out of this world to the Father, having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.

John 13:1

It is clear that Jesus' hour is the time when Jesus will be crucified.

Remember, that previously that only time Jesus did something publicly was when he was twelve years old, when Joseph and Mary found Jesus teaching in temple. This means that Jesus was ready at that to start his mission, which would culminate at the cross. Mary, being full of grace, would have been completely aware of His mission. The is why they were so upset. They were not ready to see Jesus go through His suffering. Jesus, honoring his mother and fasther, obeyed them and kept from His public mission until the wedding of Cana.

That is what is so important about the wedding of Cana. Unitil then, Jesus was bound by His obedience to the Law of not starting His public ministry which would end in the cross. Not until His mother loosed Him from this obligation was Jesus free to start His ministry.

So when He said "My hour has not come", He was basically saying this to His mother:

"Do you realize what this means if I do this miracle? Nothing will be same anymore. Up until, my powers have been a secret, out of obedience to you. Once my powers are known, eventually the hour will come that they will kill me. You did not want this hour to come yet. So I cannot do this miracle that will eventually bring about the hour of my suffering and death, unless you are now permitting this to happen."

By Mary turning to the servants and saying "Do whateven He tells you", it shows that Mary was ready for Jesus' hour of the cross to come. She gave Him permission to start His ministry

she was being slightly arrogant,

Jesus said "Judge not or you will be judge". Be it far from me to accuse someone of arrogance, especially the mother of my Lord. I encourage you to walk softly where angels fear to tread.

Also, if Mary was arrogant, then Jesus's response does not make sense. He said "What is that to you and to me?". He did not just say "What is that to me?". He said "What is that TO YOU and to me". In other words, he is not just saying that changing water into wine is beneath him, he is also saying it is beneath her. So if Jesus was at all correcting her, it was not that she was arrogant. It was she was not arrogant enough!

Christ gently corrected her, she conceded and told the servants to just do what he said, and he did the miracle.

There is nothing in the text to show that conceded. She persevered in her prayers, asnd she got what she asked for.

Thios reminds me of Matthew 25:21- 28. There a non-Jewish woman cried out to Jesus. Jesids did not anwer her. She continued to cry out. Finally, He responded "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." . On the surface, it seems that Jesus was being very un-Christ like. First, He ignored. Then, He called her a dog! What gives? We are not supposed to insult people who askl of our help. So why did He do that?

He was doing it to test her faith. He only pretended to ignore her. He only pretended to insult her. But in spite of the appearance, she did not give up. She said "Yes, Lord; but even the dogs feed on the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." She passed the test. She persevered in faith and humility. Jesus praised her for her faith, and he gave her what she requested.

In the same way, Jesus may have appeared that He was not going to honor Mary's request. But Mary's faith in her Son was unshaken. She knew that Her Son would always grant her request. Her faith was much stronger than the non-Jewish woman. She did not even need to ask her Son a second time, as the non-Jewish woman did. She knew her Son would honor her request. That is why she turned to the servants. She assumed that Jesus would do what she asked and acted on that assumption.

lets not split hairs though: we both believe he did a miracle, turning water into alcoholic wine.

It is not splitting hairs. The main point of this by John is that Mary is giving Jesus the go-ahead to start His ministry. Turning water into alcoholic wine is very insignificant compared to that.
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I shall tear down all heresies that the Lord commands me to tear down. worship of any man other than the Lord Jesus Christ is heretical. if you feel that the original post, which tells all men to praise God, is against catholics, then that is your own opinion based on your knowledge of catholocism. i am speaking generally however, directing people to worship the One whom God has sent, His only son.
Well, I think you are being a bit insincere here. This is the Catholic section of the forum, so all of us know what you were driving at.
But I think that is OK that you do that. You think that we are going to Hell. That's fine. I cannot blame you for thinking that. It is alsoi not a sin to warn of that. In fact, I can appreciate you warning us. I have not respect for any person who thinks I am going to hell but does not want to warn me about it. So I appreciate your warning us.
All I ask you is that you do not just parrot what you were taught in Sunday School and really respond to us. And I hope we do the same to you. Hopefully then the Holy Spirit can lead us into the truth.
you are trying to make this into a catholic vs anticatholic debate, which it is not. i merely state the obvious fact that only God should be worshipped.
I don't know. I have responded to a lot more that than God should be worshipped this last hour. You said a lot more that sure souned like catholic vs anticatholic debate. Your sounding a lot like Dan Brown, who one minute says all these facts and then the next minute says its only fiction. You have said a lot of things against the Catholic faith, especially about Mary, and then when we respond, you say that you all were saying is that we should worship God. This is a bit Dan Brownish.
now, if there were a rosary for john the baptist, we know he would be opposed to it, because his job was to point people to Christ, not to himself. mary magnified the Lord, not herself. if mary entered into a church, people would probly start to throw themselves down before her in a worship-like way. that would be wrong to do, because she is just a woman who was blessed by God. we are all blessed by God, he sends his sun and rain upon the just and unjust alike. he is kind to the unthankful and the evil. the problem is that some people, and if it isnt you then it doesnt apply, will honor regular people more than God. and that is not the Father's will.
Let me share my experience with you. I was raised Catholic, but left the Church in college and joined Campus Crusade For Christ. I became a Protestant, went to seminary, and became a Baptist minister for three years, and then was engaed to be married. I had a disagreement with my flock and they kicked me out. Two weeks later my fiancee left me. I was devastated. I tried to find another ministry, but all the doors were close. I decided that I had to change careers. After two years of training, I became a computer programmer, I married a Catholic woman, but for the next twenty years we switched back and forth from the Catholic Church and some Protestant Church.
Ever since I lost my ministry, God seemed distant to me. There were several times I went forward to rededicate my life to Christ. But nothing worked. I was filled with resentments of those who kicked me out of the ministry. I cried with tears for God to deliver me, and to restore to me the joy and peace I once had. But nothing worked. What was the hardest thing for me to do was to pray. Everytime I tried to pray, the anger came back.
Then, one time we visited the Catholic Church, I saw Pope John Paul's encyclical on the Rosary. I read it, and decided it try it. I was surprised that I could pray through the whole rosary without the anger coming back. I decided to pray the rosary every day, which I still do now. Soon, I felt to urge to pray more. At first it was other Catholic prayer, but then it was also extemporaneous prayers as well. I notice that now, even if you take out the rosary, that I pray more to God now than ever before. I prayer now more to God than I did even when I was a minister.
You are right that Mary is here is magnify the Lord, and that is exactly what has happened to me. But it was throiugh the rosary that I was able to live a Christ-centered life. True devotiopn to Mary leads to the exaltation of Christ in our lives.
I believe you are pitting Mary against Jesus. That is not the way the Lord intended. The more we are devoted to the Lord, the more we are devoted to His mother. And the more we are devote to His mother, the more we are devoted to the Lord.
but Christ-exalting. theres no reason to exalt any man except for Christ, because he is the only one who never sinned.
I guess you don't believe in angels then, because, except those who followed Satan, never sinned.
I guess you don't believe that babie who die before the the age of consent did not sin.

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