This speaker is an ex-gay woman who is a grandmother. From a Word Press posted video I have gotten things she says; they are in quotes below > and I am offering comments and scripture quotes about the quotes from her message >
"I count my family and church as God's greatest earthly blessings to me."
She is a pastor's wife.
She says this world believes that "once gay, always gay." But she says this is a lie.
Yes . . . Jesus says, "The things which are impossible with men are possible with God." This is in the Gospel of Luke 18:27. It is possible with God to change a person out of sinful sexual stuff. This means not only in our behavior but in our hearts and emotions and drives and attractions. God is almighty to easily correct our character so we desire and prefer all that He desires.
Here are five things she says are lies >
1. "Homosexuality is normal."
2. "Pagan spirituality is kind and inclusive."
3. "Feminism is good for the church and for the world."
4. "Transgenderism is normal."
5. "Modesty for women is outdated and dangerous."
I would like to offer > men need to be modest, too. Women need to be humble, men need to be humble.
She says these lies "discourage repentance of sin, and they encourage the pride of victimhood."
Below at **6:14** she says what might help us to understand what she is talking about by saying "the pride of victimhood".
From the Word Press posting of her speech, I have given times where you can find each quote >
2:22 She says this is a lie > "Same-sex attraction is a sinless temptation, and only is sin if you act on it."
Yes, if an attraction is to something which is wrong, then the attraction is wrong. And God does not want us to allow or to give in to any wrong attractions or preferences in us. Even if we don't act on them, we need to get rid of them. God wants us to have His preferences; a wrong preference is a desire of the heart which is spiritual; so wrong preferences are of the heart, and therefore a sin problem. And God can spiritually change us. How can this work? >
Colossians 3:5 says >
"Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry." (Colossians 3:5)
Same-sex attraction involves "evil desire", and God's word says to put it to death. Do not only "quarantine" it inside myself, do not only struggle against it, but **kill** it > put it "to death" > > > doing this "with God" > > > however God does this. I do not do this on my own. This works for any sin problem. We fail if we are trying what does not work.
2:33 Another lie, she says, is > "People who experience same-sex attraction are actually gay Christians called to lifelong celibacy."
She is correct that this is a lie. We can put to death what is wrong. And become alive in how God's love creates our feelings and desires and emotions and new preferences >
"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." (2 Corinthians 5:17)
Gay stuff is included in this evil world's "old" stuff. Jesus makes us new in His desires and interests. So, then, also non-gay people need to leave behind old desires and attractions and preferences which are wrong because of how they are about the pleasure and selfish security and they are not about personally loving each and every person. God's love is all-loving, not only making us affectionate for ones who charm us and give us what we want!!
"for if you love those who love you, what reward have you?" (in Matthew 5:46)
"'He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.'" (John 12:25)
There are plenty of hetero people who are losing their lives because of how they are loving the lives they want for themselves. They are losing, emotionally, and in their selfish ways of loving they are losing how they could be discovering love with God through Jesus. So, if gays trust in Christ, now they need to be wise to how even heterosexually married people with children can lose their lives by loving their own lives.
There are plenty of heterosexual people who have a faulty way of loving. They are not all-loving and generously forgiving. So, if a gay person turns from the same-sex sin stuff, the person still needs how Jesus turns us into all-loving people. The ex-gay person does not want to just get attracted to some one person for heterosexual marriage while not loving any and all other people.
2:40 She says this is a lie > "People who experience same-sex attraction rarely if ever change and therefore should never pursue heterosexual marriage."
Like I am offering, a gay person needs a lot more than to only change sexual preference!!
2:49 She says it is a lie that "sex and gender are different and that God doesn't care about whether men live as men and women live as women, because all you have to do is grow in the fruit of the Spirit, as if the fruit of the Holy Spirit can grow from sin."
About ones who claim to be Christians but promote false sexuality > she says >
3:55 "We don't turn people away, but without repentance we don't trust them."
4:19 "Christian compassion for the sinners, like the sinner I used to be, means walking with them through the gritty battle of hating and fighting sin through the power of Christ, and living for righteousness through His Holy Spirit."
4:34 "Christian compassion does not coddle, humanize, or domesticate sin."
4:46 "Christians do not encourage sinners to come out as gay or trans in order to be, quote-unquote, 'missional'. This is a mission that leads everybody to hell."
So, yes there is hell.
5:10 "Empathy with people who sin in the same way that you do works against your sanctification and their salvation."
Even if we are not gay > if we approve of what is wrong, a wrong spirit has us doing this. There is "the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience." (in Ephesians 2:2) And this wrong spirit can keep us deeply weak and degraded in what is not God's love. And it is discrimination to say gays do not need Jesus on the cross. This is anti-forgiveness, how ones say gay sinners do not need to be forgiven. And Jesus says if we do not forgive others, we are not forgiven.
"'And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.'" (Mark 11:25)
So, it is a hate crime to promote that gays do not need to be forgiven and changed by God. We all need to be forgiven and changed how only God is able to deeply cure our character.
5:20 "The Biblical truth is that homosexuality and transgenderism are found in the flesh, forbidden in the Law, and overcome in the Savior."
5:44 "Do we measure up? No!! He measures up for us. The fact that flesh loves sin doesn't make sin lovable. As a believer, you can not have a secret love of sin and an authentic love of Christ."
**6:14** "The fact that you did not choose the sin of your flesh does not make it somebody else's responsibility; sin doesn't make you a victim; you make yourself a victim by not driving a fresh nail into your choice sin every day, or a thousand times a day, and fighting your sin until it's dead."
Yes, it says "put to death" your sin problems. This is in Colossians 3:5 already quoted above. Also we have >
"But now you yourselves are to put off all these: anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy language out of your mouth." (Colossians 3:8)
So, here we see that God commands us to put away a number of emotional things, such as anger and wrath and malice. So, yes we can get rid of things which are sinful and emotional. Same-sex attraction is an emotional thing which can be put away, by means of how God with us does this.
But people try what does not work. And this is why what they are doing is not working.
Trust God through Jesus, then. Trust God to correct us so we succeed with Him.
"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
Jesus payed for this, on the cross; so Jesus is committed to having us so succeed. And we pray for one another; no one is on one's own. But as family we succeed.
"Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." (James 5:16)
God has our prayer with mutual confession succeed so we can be "healed" of what in us makes us able to give in to evil feelings and emotions and drives, and "healed" together with God and each other in His love.
"Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted." (Galatians 6:1)
A spiritual person can restore "a man" out of "any" sin problem! > "you who are spiritual" can do this "in a spirit of gentleness". You do not have to have the exact same problem, but Jesus is able to give you wisdom and how to pray. Jesus has never sinned and Jesus perfectly understands and knows how to correct us of any sin problem. So, with Jesus you can understand and help any person, at all.
One thing concerns me about this video. The people seem to be very happy to clap about how gay stuff is wrong, and how well she points out that it is wrong. I feel like some number could be congratulating themselves that they know it is wrong. But, in case anyone is looking down on gay people as being so different than we non-gays have been in our sinning . . . we all have things to be corrected. And gays need to know what our wrong non-gay things are, so they do not only join us in our sneaky sin problems.
For example, God's word says > "Do all things without complaining and disputing," (Philippians 2:14)
Therefore, arguing and complaining are forbidden by God's word. We must put to death whatever in us can cause us to argue or complain, then. Complaining and arguing are anti-love, able to keep us from relating in God's way of love. And this can ruin a heterosexual marriage, and the bad example of this can harm children so they grow up not knowing how to relate in a close relationship. And then, in desperation for affection and attention they can run with peers who also are blind, and they can get into all the stuff of drugs and same-sex stuff and fornication which we see now.
So . . . be a good example. God uses example.
Another major problem which might be sneaking around even in Bible claiming churches is
**beauty discrimination**.
Ones favor people who are more beautiful. But God is no respecter of persons > "God shows personal favoritism to no man" (in Galatians 2:6); so being godly includes how we love people . . . any and all people . . . and do not discriminate in favor of the ones more attractive and beautiful.
"rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God." (1 Peter 3:4)
"Do not lust after her beauty in your heart," we have in Proverbs 6:25.
Of course, gays can discriminate about who is nicer looking; so they have the same problem as non-gays and need to repent of the gay stuff without joining non-gays in the sin problem of beauty discrimination!!
Arguing and complaining can be a problem of gay people, too. They need to change out of that anti-love stuff, too.
And unforgiveness is something which can help to keep any of us gay or straight people deeply weak and degraded from how we could be sharing with God in His own love. God's love is generously forgiving; real forgiveness lives in God's love, I think we could say; so, by refusing to forgive, we can be keeping ourselves away from the forgiveness which we need, ourselves, which is in God's love.