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Oct 9, 2010
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Thoughts Especially For New Believers

Some Christian Foundational Truths

For a right relationship with God, believers (individually and collectively) should embrace foundational truth. If one can see and be in accord with these basic truths of Scripture, the faithful Christian pathway should be made more clear. These truths are a difficulty for many Christians, and are often the cause of intense opposition and division among the saints. Some are essential and requires the assembly to uphold them, and others are just important for individual faithfulness and blessing and understandings. The writer would be pleased to explain further.

We know nothing of God and His ways apart from His Word, so the serious seekers after truth are urged to follow the Word and not traditions and religious ideas. A safeguard for this is to be gathered in a scriptural assembly where the doctrines, creeds, and ideas of men are not acceptable; and the Lord is honored.

The Word of God is truth, but all truth cannot be called essential. Much understanding is not required for faithfulness. Faithful saints will want to embrace "all the counsel of God" (Acts 20:27), and be "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" (II Tim.2:15), but their understanding may be limited. Biblical truth is essential when it affects Deity, the Trinity, the Person and work of Christ, unity, and church truth. Most other matters are left to conscience, as long as it is not pressed on others.

A listing of some fundamentals can help one at least understand important things for the Christian life. It then remains the responsibility of serious seekers to lay hold of other great treasures of God's testimony. Each one ought to "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude 3).
- Robert L. DeWitt, 10/00; rev. 1/07

1.0 The Nature of God - (about His Person and purposes). Understanding who our God is should be an important beginning for every sincere seeker.
1.1 He is "alpha and omega", as He declared (the beginning and the ending), and says "I am that I am". He is Jehovah (ever self-existing one), and as one has pointed out, He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. God is holy (pure), and is shown to be truth, love, justice, righteousness, etc. and these are central themes in the Holy Scriptures. He is not one without the other. One can easily search this out in the Word.

1.2 God exists in three persons---the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This is difficult for finite man to comprehend. It is supported in a paper called Notes On The Trinity, which explains what many scriptures declare (contact the writer).

1.3 There are voices today who blaspheme the Lord by denying the truth of the Trinity of God, but the Holy Scripture is plain and sure about that. One ought to tremble at the thought of such arrogance by men (Heb.10:31). Does one have questions about this or concerns and comments?

2.0 The Son of God - (about His beloved Son and works). As the Savior and Lord, every soul ought to desire to learn all they can about the Lord Jesus, the Christ of God (see John 1:1-17)
2.1 The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is denied by some who claim to know Him. The only reason some might speak against the virgin birth, is that they are not men of faith and are rebellious toward God, or new believers. The gospels record His virgin birth, and the Old Testament spoke of it (e.g. Isa.7:14). Really, it could not be otherwise.

2.2 The Lord Jesus came into the world to die; to be a Savior by paying the debt for sin we could never pay; to save the souls of all who will believe. Man cannot save man: only God could do that by becoming a man, dying, and rising again. The Lord Jesus was both the Son of God and the Son of man.

2.3 It is important to see that while man is guilty of killing Jesus, He delivered Himself into their hands, and had power to lay down His life, and power to take it up again (see John 10:17-18)

2.4 Having power over death, He arose and ascended to the Father, and promised to return to receive His bride...the church. Then after the "marriage supper" in heaven He will appear to the world with His bride as King of kings and Lord of lords, and reign over men for a time, before God purges the world and sets forth a new earth. Does one have questions about this or concerns and comments?

3.0 The Word of God - (about His record for man) called the Bible (He Biblos--the Books) which is held as the complete and infallible Word of God to man. This requires a prayerful comparison of the versions man has made through the years from the earliest translations. This writer believes there is good reason to hold to the Authorized (King James) Version for primary use, and believes some study also in The New Translation - JND, is very helpful. A few other versions might also be studied privately, and some should be avoided. Of course, there are other thoughts about the best study Bible
3.1 The complete Word of God to man is what we commonly call THE HOLY BIBLE. We can be very thankful God did not leave man to wander and wonder. Readers are referred to the paper called The Inerrant Word, by R.B.Wallace (contact the writer). This should greatly help any honest seeker to value God's Word.

a) While the venerable Authorized--King James--Version has stood the purifying test of time, one or two other reliable versions of the Bible may also be helpful for reference at times. New versions come out every few years, and there is danger of losing the meaning and progressive unity of scripture by minimizing things that God would emphasize, and by manipulating words, and by missing connections between certain truths. One might see the paper: Man's Versions Of God's Word (contact the writer).

3.2 The Holy Scripture is in complete harmony and without contradiction. It is only our failure to understand, or a translation error in some versions that causes the Word to sometimes seem contradictory to itself.

3.3 When scripture is silent on a matter, or is not specific, one should be careful to make a distinction between their own thoughts and God's Word. We must not press our conscience on other people as truth (Rom.14; I Cor. 7:6). We may have conscience about the meaning of scriptural portions, but it must not be allowed to run contrary to the plain teaching of the Word.

3.4 God has given us all that we need to know about Him, His work, His ways and purposes, history and prophecies, our responsibility, etc.. Speculation is a dangerous activity.

3.5 We need to see there are "right" divisions in the Word of God (II Tim.2:15), to avoid error in the ministry of the truth. There is truly a difference between natural men of the world, the nation of Israel, and the church. God speaks of them and deals with them differently.

3.6 It is important to read the creation story and God's dealings with the "Old Testament worthies", as faithful ones are often called. It is important to see God's care for the people of Israel, and understand something of their worship through sacrifices and offerings in the O.T., and know what the tabernacle represents. People of the world at that time could enjoy blessings and privilege if they owned the God of Israel, much as it is today if one honors the Lord Jesus Christ. One ought to understand that all things from the beginning pointed forward to God's Son, who would come into the world one day to "seek and to save" that which is lost. The differences between the Old Testament and New Testament are very important to understand.

3.7 In reading, one should know to whom a portion is addressed, who is speaking, when and where it happened, and whether it is only historical or also prophetic---spiritual applications might also be made for some profit, but doctrines should not be made.

3.8 One might study the papers: The Plan For Man and The Dispensations (contact the writer), and thus understand how God began with individual men and then raised up a people by covenant, then opened the door to all people in this age. Thereafter He will judge the world.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

4.0 The Redemption of God - (about salvation and His plan). The gospel (glad tidings) is the message of salvation for souls and eternal hope for heaven, and warns of condemnation in hell for eternity for those who reject it. It is part of the broader subject of redemption way, which speaks of such as sin and judgment, the cross, salvation, new birth, eternal security, heaven and hell, the hope of the church, the various administrations of God (dispensations), the kingdom, rewards, the Lord's reign and glory, etc.
4.1 Salvation of the soul is by grace through faith and not by good works of man (see Eph.2:8-9, etc.).

a) The Lord Jesus said: "Ye must be born again" (John 3:7). The natural birth fits one to live in this world, but we need a spiritual birth to go to heaven. One cannot give himself this birth, but God can when one has his eyes and ears and mind and heart open to God by faith in His Son. The new birth for believers by the indwelling Holy Spirit speaks of sealing, an eternal surety, and is essential for salvation and eternal life; and which is more than merely confessing Christ. One has then a perfect standing in holiness (though our state may not be holy at times).

b) One should surely read all of the Gospels and the book of Romans, and know that "Not everyone that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom" (Matt.7:21). One should understand that profession of Christ is not the same as possession of Christ (read I John 5:12).

4.2 The difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God ought to also be understood to see the reality of believing. They are related, but not the same.

4.3 The gospel message of hope and salvation to the world ought to be faithfully preached everywhere according to the Word, and not after the reasoning of men.

4.4 There are different kinds of judgment for man---the lost sinners, the world, & saints of God, and one should understand these differences.

4.5 The glory and reign of Christ, and the new heaven and new earth, is the final scene. Christ will reign over the earth in peace for a thousand years, and then deliver it up to His Father for the eternal state.

4.6 The Dispensations (administrations of God) might not be essential truth, but it is so important that if one does not understand and appreciate this study, they will go on in great darkness about many other things.

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5.0 The Church of God - (about His testimony and His saints). Church is the word translated in the New Testament from the Greek word ecclesia"---meaning assembly; but was rendered church by the translators from "kuriakos" (which was commonly called Kirk and later Church), and means pertaining to God. The change may have been to avoid confusion with civil assemblies. In practice we generally understand God's Word to describe the "called out assembly pertaining to God", which seems what the translators had in mind.
5.1 Church truth is essentially that which addresses baptism, the gathering, the Lord's supper and His table, the one body of Christ, the bride, the priesthood of believers, the Holy Spirit in the midst, God's government, His honor, etc. A true believer in Christ is made a member of the church by the new birth, and then ought to be gathered in fellowship with the universal testimony in the world. This speaks of the "candlestick" testimony that God places, and the believer's responsibility toward it and obedience. One ought to study this and learn something of church history, rather than follow religious ideas and man's organizations.

5.2 Christian unity is pleasing and honoring to the Lord. Much is said in the Word about being "one" in Christ, and of "one accord" and "likemind", "together"; and believers are exhorted to express or show forth the "one body in Christ", and keep the "unity of the Spirit", for we will be one in heaven.

5.3 Sectarianism & divisions. God disdains divisions and intends that all the saints everywhere should continue together in truth to honor Him as His children, and bear a good testimony. There is no allowance made for independence or mergers, which is a sectarian spirit that divides and scatters the saints of God and dishonors Him.

5.4 Church history & conditions. An overview of the course of God's testimony through the years should be studied to see that which pleases and honors Him, and the Word must be faithfully followed, rather than the religious ideas of man.

5.5 The translation (rapture), or calling up to heaven of the church (the bride) is the hope of God's people. The Lord Jesus Christ said He will come again and receive the saints of God out of this world to Himself in heaven before the wrath of God comes, and one ought to see how and why this is done. A paper: The Translation, is available to explain this.

5.6 Gathering (Matt.18:20) is important to see as a universal testimony in truth in the world (the church) and a local expression of it in many places. The old testimony of Israel has passed away (Gal.3). The writer can provide papers on different aspects of the truth of gathering.

a) The gathering speaks of the collective testimony universally and locally (I Cor.1:9-10). There is "one body" (I Cor.12), so one ought to express that in gathering with believers. The history shows that God revived church truth in the early 1800's, which was lost after the apostolic period, and the fellowship formed from that time continues in the world. Faithful saints ought to be associated with that good universal work, not associated with sectarianism.

b) Reception to assembly fellowship is a separate consideration, but is part of the overall truth of the assembly, and speaks of holiness (see I Tim.5:22). It is clearly the mind of God that the saints of God be together as one in Christ, because they are one in Christ (see Psa.133:1; John 17:11, 21-23; Acts 2:41-42; Rom.12:4-5; I Cor.1:2-13; I Cor.12; Eph.4; Phil.2:2; etc.). It is not simply mergers, but scriptural order.

c) Expressing the "one body" of Christ in a worldwide fellowship, means to hold to "unity of the Spirit" rather than many sects, and going on separately. God has one testimony in the world and believers ought to maintain that, and honor the Lord together as we will in heaven. Much is said in the Word about being "one" in Christ, and of "one accord" and "like mind". This needs to be understood and appreciated. There is a scriptural form of gathering together as a collective testimony in the world, but one should also note that the form of gathering is not all the truth of gathering.

5.7 Baptism is a testimony in the world by water immersion to associate and identify oneself with Christ and take a stand for Him. One ought to know what it is and what it is not, and it certainly does not save the soul and give entrance into heaven, as some teach. One should see the paper on Baptism to more fully show what the Word teaches (contact the writer).

5.8 The Lord's table & supper are distinct, but not separate in God's assembly, and one needs to be clear about these essential elements of worship and testimony.

5.9 Government in the local assembly is the collective responsibility of the gathered saints there, who have elders as overseers to guide them (contact the writer for papers on government). God never intended that the saints should individually decide how to worship in a collective way or carry out Acts 2:42; and He sets forth assembly government to faithfully maintain order, His honor, and obedience through love and Godly discipline. New believers sometimes fail to appreciate God's government and go off after their own ideas and end up badly.

5.10 Ministry & ministers needs to also be appreciated. In most Christian gatherings tradition and religious ideas sets the course, but God has set an order and a Godly process for this.

5.11 The priesthood is little understood in Christendom. The saints of God need to know this high calling is for every child of God, and not a certain group of Christians.

5.12 The woman's role is special. Some believers say the woman is discriminated against, but that is because they do not understand the calling and privilege that is given to the woman in the church. The writer can speak further on this.

5.13 The honor and glory of the Lord must be esteemed, not the ideas of men. Our place in obedience is the mark of a faithful servant.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

6.0 The Worship of God - (about His homage and praise by saints). True worship is in the "Spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24), which speaks of communion with God (by the Spirit) and in truth (by His Word). One has said it is honor, homage, and reverence. This can be a collective thing ( in the assembly), and a personal thing any time. The paper, Worship And Worshipping might be profitable to read (contact the writer).
6.1 Devotion brings forth worship and is most pleasing to God. He is ever seeking a people who will respond to His love with devotion. It is part of our spiritual life, which is our growth and maturity, prayer, faith, obedience, holiness, assurance, separation from worldliness.

6.2 Worship in a collective way is the Lord's supper at His table with the remembrance of our Lord (Luke 22:19-20; I Cor.11:23-26), and is with praise, prayer, thanksgiving, and devotion. The Lord's table and the supper are distinct, but not shown as separate in scripture. One should understand the difference (contact the writer for papers on the Lord's table).

6.3 Prayer is conversation with God, and is the privilege of all who will believe. It is important to know that "God heareth not sinners" (John 9:31), which is in reference to care and regular petitions for blessings, etc. He can hear, but does not regard them. He hears cries of repentance, however, and regards them (Luke 18:10-14), and He shows mercies and some blessings to many at times, but His care and regard is for His children.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

7.0 The Ministry of God - (about His counsel to the saints). God ministers His truth to us by His Word. He says: "all scripture is profitable...", and it sets forth redemption way, church truth, and spiritual life for our good (John 14:6). We ought to be wary of religious ideas men have which are not fully supported by the Word of God. A paper on Ministry And Ministers might be profitable to read (contact the writer). In most Christian gatherings tradition and religious ideas sets the course, but God has set an order and a Godly process which we ought to acknowledge. One is held responsible for essential truth, though not all truth is considered essential.
7.1 As an overview, the dispensations (administrations of God), also mentioned earlier in this paper, may not be essential to know, but is very important for Bible study, this writer believes.

7.2 Revelation and prophecy ought to be studied to see the bigger picture of God's purposes and final scene, though it does not directly concern the church. See the section also on The Ways of God below.

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8.0 The Ways of God - (about His works and His mind). Certainly all the ways of God are not revealed to us, and all of our questions may not be answered, but God is sovereign and will do all things according to His purposes. We need to appreciate that He ever seeks the good of His saints. His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isa.55:8). We are called to be obedient and faithful, and should never presume to challenge God.
8.1 God is very much involved in the course of events in this world; although some things are by His directive will and some things are by His permissive will. He allows certain liberties, and limits and controls other things. Knowing God's will for our lives essentially speaks of conformity to the Word, communion with God, and patiently trusting God as we wait or walk. If a child of God desires to have God's will he or she must follow these things. Certainly, God's directive will always prevails, and our faithfulness will place us in conformity to it with peace and contentment.

a) Seeking God's will on a matter must follow the same course of reading, praying, waiting, and watching for doors to open or close; then we must walk with God. If we try to force the doors we will likely have trouble and go astray.

8.2 Dependence is hard to learn and practice. Contrary to human nature, a believer ought to empty self of the flesh and yield to God in all circumstances and for our pathway, which is not an easy thing, but the way of blessing. One might fear dependence will cause one to lose their will and abilities to manage, but then that is good in the ways of God.

8.3 Trouble & Suffering is part of life because of our fallen nature in sin. It is important to understand how and why these are present in the believer's life; and have a right state of mind about them. We need to know that God cares. This writer has a paper on this.

8.4 A careful study of the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God will show two aspects of our place before God. One needs to read sound commentaries on these, and at least understand some basic things:

a) The kingdom of heaven speaks of bowing to God's government over man. The whole world could enjoy mercies and some degree of blessing by simply honoring God (I Sam. 2:30). Some do seek to honor the Lord and try to follow after God's ways, though they do not really know Him. That will surely bring goodness, as those who took their place among Israel in the O.T. found. One can read more on this in the gospel by Matthew.

b) The kingdom of God is often called "the inner circle of reality" (possessing Christ, rather than only professing Christ) , where those who are truly of God, and those "born of the Spirit" in this dispensation are found.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

9.0 The Judgment of God - (about His dealings with man). There is judgment coming for lost sinners, the world, and saints of God. There are different kinds of judgment, so one should discern this in the Word. The writer can send a more comprehensive paper on An Outline Of Coming Judgment.
9.1 Heaven and hell and judgments are eternal realities, and shows the destinies for all people. All men will be judged---the saints of God in heaven at the Judgment Seat Of Christ, where rewards will be given to faithful saints; and all others in hades where the Great White Throne will be set, the Lord will be glorified before non-believers, and they all will be cast into hell fire forever. We will not speak further on this here, except to say that the judgment time is not a time for negotiation or plea bargaining, as we see in courts of the world today.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

10.0 The Path of God - (about His way for man). The true believer stands in righteousness and holiness because of the cross of Christ and the new birth (John 3:3), and his sins are all forgiven; but to have a Godly spiritual state requires him to obey the Word, practice righteousness and holiness to honor God. That is the pathway given us. Our standing in Christ will place us in heaven with Him, and our state will then determine our rewards in heaven.
10.1 Holiness has been defined as "a nature which delights in purity and abhors (& repels) evil". That is the new nature real Christians have in Christ, but we also have the old nature, called flesh, which is ever with us here in this world. It likes to please self.

10.2 Forgiving others may seem a difficult concept, but it mostly speaks of canceling the debt, not avenging wrong, and showing charity always. The writer has a paper on this subject if one is interested.

10.3 Charity is divine love (agape), rather than fondness (filial). Peter struggled with this in the gospel by John 21:15-17. Charity speaks of life, duty, and manner of the saints, and God gives us a beautiful picture of it in I Corinthians 13. It is His mind for our life.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

11.0 The Service of God - (about works of saints for God). Christian service should always be in accord with the Word, and not only a zeal to serve the Lord.
11.1 One has said: "The outflow comes from the overflow", which means that one should first be a worshipper and have the filling of the Spirit of God for His work.

11.2 A so-called Christian work can be carnal, not honor the Lord, and stumble others (Col.3:23). One might like to see the paper on Christian Service (contact the writer).

11.3 A child of God is separate from the world and should always walk thus, but be a light shining as a witness to the lost.

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

12.0 The People of God - (about His concern for mankind). All men are of God, but all men will not be redeemed, for all will not come to God. The church is all the redeemed people of God today---called saints, believers, children of God, sons, Christians, the bride, etc. Since the people of Israel have been set aside for a time, the New Testament saints are all those today (Jew and Gentile) who are "born of the Spirit" and sealed as the people of God. This is different than the experience of the faithful Old Testament saints, who did not have the indwelling and sealing of the Spirit, and are not part of the bride of Christ, yet were saved. Papers are available to expand on this if one is interested. Believers ought to be faithful; and seek to honor the Lord, seek the good of the saints, and seek the truth of the testimony.
12.1 God says: "all souls are mine", and "the soul that sinneth it shall die" (Ezek.18:4); "Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned" (Rom.5:12). We thus need the Savior. God seeks the good of all men, and bestows blessings on those who honor Him, though many will not receive Him. This is a very sad truth.

12.2 The priesthood of believers (I Pet.2) must prevail, rather than a hierarchy of men to rule and preach and manage (contact the writer about this).

12.3 The woman's role. Some believers say the woman is discriminated against in the church, but that is because they do not understand the calling and privilege that is given to the woman (see the paper on The Woman's Role).

12.4 Trouble & suffering. It is important to understand how and why these are present in the believer's life; and have a right state of mind about them.

12.5 Wiles of Satan. The enemy of our souls is always present to discourage, divide, scatter, and stumble the saints; and he never gives up to defeat us spiritually and dishonor the Lord. We are not called to battle against Satan, but "resist him in the faith" (I Pet.5:8-9).

Does one have questions about this, or concerns and comments?

NOTE: Other things might be mentioned, but these will show important things in brief that a believer in Christ should know. The apostle James said: "to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin"--James 4:17. If the readers are serious seekers after truth the Lord will surely reward them.

- RLD; CM11: from

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Oct 9, 2010
Washington State
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As shown above it is note-worthy that ALL eternal issues are of God; and it is also worthy to see that we have no part in God apart from His " great salvation" in His beloved Son. That is all to be found in God's Word which reveals all that God wants us to know about Him and eternity.
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Oct 9, 2010
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I would be pleased to discuss any thoughts about the orig. post here on Essentials ---sincere comments and not debates, etc. There is a place for conscience in the Bible, but we need to know what is essential truth ---speaking of that which is required for Salvation, for Church Truth, for Spiritual Life. I don't claim to know all things, but do know the Bible quite well over many years of study; and I value much of the ministry I find at the site: We can look at subjects from a different perspective too and see if it is in accord with God's Word, which is the ultimate authority.

If this is not appropriate at this site, one may write me personally at my profile on Conversations. Look up always!

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