I realize I haven't posted anything on this thread relating to my stories in a while. The reason for that is I was focusing on one of my Etsy shops (Lily Wings Designs). I just released a set of Valentine's Day-themed products there.
Now that I am basically done advertising these products on social media, I'm going to focus more on polishing up a story I am almost finished writing. I hope to post it on CF soon. Sadly, it was also delayed due to various reasons like health issues, etc. But in the next few days, I'd like to introduce (and re-introduce!) the four main characters of this story here on this thread!
Before I share a little bit about the characters, I thought I'd share a summary of the story: A 16-year-old girl named Crystal La Rey lives in a seaside town called Sea Star Village and likes to paint the ocean. One day, she stumbles upon an unusual water show being given in her hometown. When Crystal encounters two magical creatures telling her that the water show may be canceled, can Crystal save the day even though she can’t swim a stroke?