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condition for people to be saved in their last moments


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Nov 14, 2004
If you are christian you have duty to be commited to a church or to spreading gospel and obeying all He says to serve the Lord but serving the Lord by preaching the gospel of good news to all that any can be saved if cant do work but just call on the Lord if you have opportunity one can be saved is more helpful.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe now once you know church teachings are wrong that you are not convinced in your heart that it is right if you can no longer defend all its teachings people have responsibility to change their beliefs not to be lukewarm for how will you preach something you know not is true. So I believe one should follow below.

I believe to be safe all christians should be united to accept to be only bible following believer because all need the gospel and everyone has to serve everyone so if you go to orthodox or catholic church it is not to identify as orthodox beliefs but just to gather and have communion if they allow otherwise not to go to that church that I think is safe to follow that though I dont know for sure God will judge people who follow orthodox or catholic church but just incase. Also incase wrong one should not ask saint intercession incase worship that christ is sufficient.
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Nov 14, 2004
I know it may seem unreasonable to tell priest to stop supporting his church such as asking intercession of saints but the same sacrifice a seventh day adventist has to make that if one goes for cultural reasons one is to preach only bible and accept if they refuse him to be kicked out for the sake of the truth. It is wrong for people to blame me for judging to seem harsh when I can’t know for sure church is true if I think now it can be misleading that I have to follow what I believe and such is not harsh because people should have repented if they really believed their beliefs are probably wrong that I think God will accept those who thought more that their beliefs are right.I decided to leave coptic church as I dont agree with to not seem to want to make a fuss with people.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is wrong to believe works are necessary that I should not stumble others that the gospel is a free gift not of works because many could not do works such as one who just became a christian and then was killed one only needs to believe and confess christ and repent but even then if not possible one does not need to confess christ but one should because that is only given if one has opportunity to repent to just call on christ. But works are necessary to do to be saved immediately on death.But if others are worried they can teach you need to do works but the important thing is one is only trusting in christ to be safe not holding potentially wrong doctrines of church such as intercession of saints to leave judgement of other christians to christ. One must believe we fell short of christ perfection therefore we need christ and we may always fall short even if we try now of what we should be because we are sinners.

A lukewarm person I believe is one even he may call himself a christian but he does not care truly for who christ really is that he has a false view of christ that he is self righteous despising others.Besides if not but it is because person lacks deeds I believe such was just a chastisment of people in church that they ought to be serving the Lord
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Nov 14, 2004
It is true though being saved is a free gift but requires repentance not just one time sinners prayer but is sufficient now if that is all one can do now if one is truly repentant and has that opportunity to call on the Lord to repent but to save your life for eternity to enter kingdom immediately on death requires cost.

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Nov 14, 2004
I believe I have been mistaken that person can not neglect a poor person that we are only asked to do what we are able to do now to all who are in need of our help that we actually need to help but we only have to help those who actually need our help but as far as one does not know should help all in need we know if we dont know they dont need our help and some other needy but still any can be saved if all they can do is call on the Lord repenting but one should do works as one may not get opportunity to. Also to be safe one should preach often and can preach church too even if has errors that may not seem practical but they can try.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe rather I may be mistaken that no one should take risk that christians should be united because we are all responsible for everyone so bible alone matters so that if you follow church you must accept all christians but accept church as the fullness. For one is required to reach everyone you meet even if they can’t get to church to witness to them or christ will hold you responsible if you don’t have opportunity to repent. I just say to be safe though I don’t know. I trust beliefs such as intercession of saints is not big matter to judge. Works I teach are required to do if can but we know any can be saved so if they lose opportunity to do works that if they have been sentenced to death for a crime I believe God may accept without works but they will be given opportunity to repent in the world to come that christ will somehow put them in the same position as they accepted christ but not sentenced to have chance to do works.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided not to support divisions to judge orthodox and catholic church that I may not discourage and distract anyone who wants to hold those beliefs because he is not sure and thinks it may be truth from feeling cared for to focus on serving God. But is better if others do not support those beliefs.
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Nov 14, 2004
Unfortunately there may be risk and I should preach what is safe whether I benefit or not that God alone knows about orthodox or catholic who thought they preach truth or orthodox and catholic as no one should be lukewarm. So I think others should follow the below.

Just so others know I have sent this message as well as top paragraph in my own way to introduce my intentions coming from place of sincerity to other bishops orthodox and catholic church personell which also it is everyone duty who hears to spread to everyone as message to the churches. Just because I struggle to get the message across does not mean it may not be true to be required as most have a bible and those without opportunity to hear truth will be given chance in the world to come and so could church neglect to reach everyone even those who heard church just as they heard bible to ensure to warn them one needs the church.

I believe rather I may be mistaken that no one should take risk that christians should be united because we are all responsible for everyone so bible alone matters so that if you follow church you must accept all christians but accept church as the fullness. For one is required to reach everyone you meet even if they can’t get to church to witness to them or christ will hold you responsible if you don’t have opportunity to repent. I just say to be safe though I don’t know. I trust beliefs such as intercession of saints is not big matter to judge as long as that is only to to try to win people to christ though I think that does not help more anyway as would not be fair if living people prayers were not sufficient but if one accepts those who have christ are accepted already if they follow Him though such may help support one that he is on right path if he is following bible then is ok too but I dont think praying to them as opposed to God would help as would not be fair.Prayer may help more accept the message by giving more chances but God is fair to send message to give enough chances.

Works I teach are required to do if can but we know any can be saved so if they lose opportunity to do works that if they have been sentenced to death for a crime I believe God may accept without works but they will be given opportunity to repent in the world to come that christ will somehow put them in the same position as they accepted christ but not sentenced to have chance to do works.

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Nov 14, 2004
I decided such divisions are not right to make stumbling block as all should not be lukewarm that they should preach church incase.I wrote this this day 1 year ago and I think made me reconsider that really there should be no distractions that all should serve christ to be ready for rapture. But is better for others to follow only christ to support other christians for all to be saved.

I decided it is wrong to allow fear and other opinion to cause divisions that as Christian’s we should be united so I will teach all Christian’s can be saved as long as they have repented to call on the Lord Jesus as they have chance. If others are worried they can trust only in Christ but I do not support such divisions for I believe all should be united to seek to do that not to cause distractions that they may be ready if there is rapture or before they die.
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Nov 14, 2004
Many would have heard something that one is not responsible if he did not hear about chirst at all yet some may not have been warned because of their refusal to listen that he will go to hell if he does not believe yet but he knows in his heart that is possible that he can put his faith in christ incase at last moment only if he has opportunity but one may not so one should not refuse to listen to all gospel as is not safe to delay repentance as you are not repenting to refuse to listen and you may die then without opportunity to repent to call on the Lord and some of the bible is not required for salvation just required to be perfected.
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Nov 14, 2004
I am reposting as made correction

A person can not neglect a poor person that we are only asked to do what we are able to do now to all who are in need of our help that we actually need to help but we only have to help those who actually need our help but as far as one does not know should help all who ask and but not too much so that we cant help ourselves and those we know if we dont know they dont need our help and across our path and seek to help many other needy but not too many but still any can be saved if all they can do is call on the Lord repenting but one should do works as one may not get opportunity to. Also to be safe one should preach often and can preach church too even if has errors that may not seem practical but they can try.
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Nov 14, 2004
I believe it is a mistake to take risk that really there is no reason why person should not seek to be united to other bible believing christians for the sake of not being lukewarm to neglect preaching the gospel to anyone they know who needs it not to put stumbling that they need to make enough effort to see priest that one can not judge that should trust God that he is not technical like that to make a difference as they are both believers that if follow church you should not judge others in that condition for christ also says if anyone is sick you should visit him and such means nothing if you judge one.

I do not know if one who accepts any who accepts church even if didnt make effort to see priest if one is saved one should seek to be united to bible believers incase that ought to trust God. For I teach to be safe that should leave judgement of other christians to christ since christ said only those who do the will of God will be saved if that includes reaching others and being united to other bible believers if follow church as fullness. I know not why that is required to be united to them if one accepts not need to make effort to go to church but just accept church belief if in situation where is difficult or if not difficult any effort to go is accepted but should incase there is reason I dont know to accept to be united to only bible believers.
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Nov 14, 2004
I see that not only orthodox and catholic are divided but some other denominations make baptism essential that you need to seek it maybe to be judged if not seeking enough when can which I think is wrong but I will still go to any church as I will just be as anyone if they dont know my beliefs and if they do know they know I think is wrong. That I will leave it to God how He will judge those who believed that who maybe never heard one warn that only He knows.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided it is not right to take risk that all should be united in the truth to receive christ as Lord and saviour that it is one knows he is saved now if he trusts only in christ now not a work if he dies now but it means he has to seek to do work if there is a need as he is Lord but if he dies before being able to do he is saved. But one may not get opportunity to repent to call on the Lord while it was possible to do so must.I won't go to churches which teach baptism is required. And I believe is wrong to take risk to believe in intercession of saints incase it is wrong so one should not.
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Nov 14, 2004
I decided I would pursue christian unity but if others are worried they can follow to receive christ as Lord and Saviour. A person should seek to commit his life to the Lord not to be lukewarm to preach just christ or the church and also tithe which is plenty even if rich but if very rich may need to give more to be rich in good works and we must do good to those who actually need our help that we are only asked to do what we are able to do now to all who are in need of our help that we actually need to help but we only have to help those who actually need our help but as far as one does not know should help all who ask and but not too much so that we cant help ourselves and those we know if we dont know they dont need our help and across our path and seek to help many other needy but not too many but still any can be saved if all they can do is call on the Lord repenting but one should do works as one may not get opportunity to.
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Nov 14, 2004
The bible says all can be saved. The bible says whoever calls on the Lord will be saved that means anyone living and John 3:16 that whoever believes is saved. Jesus said with God all things regarding being saved is possible. But is necessary to abide to do works He said to follow Him because you can die when not without opportunity to call on the Lord.

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Nov 14, 2004
I have read it said by a brother on this forum

From Genesis to Revelation the Bible as and Instruction manual, studying from the prophets an apostles. The Bible instructs us on how to get eternal life, not to brush our teeth, or ride a motorcycle, etc. The bible says, we must not only be a hearer of the word, but a doer of the word also (James 1:21-22). Even a child will obey a parent, by getting good grades in school, for the reward of a new bicycle. The child cannot earn money for the bicycle, but instead must act upon their faith to receive the free gift. We must do the same to receive eternal life. "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD” (James 2:20)

I dont agree one needs works if cant do that bible is clear any can be saved but it is clear works should come as a result if can that it is true only if one can but it is the faith which justifies even if cant.For anyway bible is clear whoever believes can be saved and some cant do works. Bible is clear to him who does not work but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness. For works are the agreement being in faith but God is not bound by contract of works only that is the agreement one is only living if works are the result of faith to prove it when can but God says any can be saved so if He is still alive when cant do works his faith is accepted as it is the heart one believes unto righteousnes that he would do works if could
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Nov 14, 2004
I have read this statement


Such may not be true because bible says God is faithful not to try you beyond what you are able to take away the promise fear not those who kill the body but incase the escape is to now be living for christ one should seek to stay away from all sins but how else should one not be comfortable to torture oneself always not to enjoy life and if so what is necessary to do to not be comfortable to fast and pray always and or to find way of laboring and service?

but perhaps is not true because of this verse in the picture below for if he is near to all now it wasnt necessary to do much before but perhaps one needs to be doing what they can now in this moment

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