Coffee in Autumn . . .


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Jul 14, 2003
New Jersey
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I took my coffee and went out to sit on the back deck this morning.

It seemed like a crisp autumn morning and yet autumn hasn't officially arrived yet . . .

I often wonder what makes us all look to a certain date for the change of seasons though . . .

Seems to me that once the weather changes from one season to the next that the least we can do is take recognition of it.

But I guess that's a thought for another day and another cup of

Anyway, I was sitting out there in the crisp autumn air sipping my coffee and taking notice of how the leaves on the trees have just started to change color when I heard a rustling in the leaves on the ground.

I looked out on the lawn and there was my old friend "Sammy the Squirrel".

"Sammy" always seems to be busy when the change of seasons rolls

He was busy gathering leaves and building a cozy new nest for winter . . . gathering seeds and nuts to store away for the winter ahead.

And I sat there sipping my coffee and thinking . . .

I thought about the change of seasons . . .

I thought about how busy "Sammy" was getting ready for the change
of seasons.

Then I thought about the changes we need to go through . . .

Changing old habits, removing sin and the sinful thoughts from our
lives . . .

All the changes we need to make in order to walk closer to the Lord . . .

The changes we need to make in preparation for the day that
we meet Our Savior . . .

The changes we need to make so that when we knock on those Pearly Gates
of Heaven the Good Lord will welcome us with open arms.

CHANGES, perhaps something for all of us to think about as autumn draws near.

Just a thought over coffee.
