First off, we do not have open borders.
De jure, no, we don't. De facto yeah, we do. It's "Katie bar the door" but Katie left an hour ago. The Mexican border has been effectively open since the beginning of the Biden regime.
Do I hate immigrants? No, my mom was one, all legal and above board, from Korea, as are my maternal grandparents, and all of my maternal aunts and uncles and cousins and what have you. And my wife. Do I hate Mexicans? Not a bit of it, although they do tend to laugh at my Spanish. No Mexican kinfolk that I know of, although one of my great-nieces was dating a Hispanic kid last time I visited in Cali, so who knows where that'll go? And anyway, I can't bring myself to hate anybody who hasn't done me any harm that I know of. Fair play?
We have requirements for those coming into the US.
Observed largely in the breach right now.
Our immigration system does show love.
Not its proper role. Its proper role is to secure the borders, and let in we say let in and exclude who we
say to exclude. It's not to stand by the door and say "Y'all come!" There are surely people who I don't want coming in. MS-13. The Cartels. Uncategorized foreign operators. Intelliegnce agents. General nogoodniks. Don't need 'em, don't want 'em, prefer they be excluded.
Works for me. My biracial half-Asian Half-Redneck self goes to Europe and England as often as possible. Daughter in Denmark, football team and cherished mates in England. Do they let me into those countries based on my multicultural mulriracial heritage? They do not. They check my passport at every stop, and if I don't check out clean, they'll tell me to take my multicultural/multiracial hindquarters back where I came from. I'm OK with that. They're under no obligation to allow me in; I'm not one of theirs, even though my grandchildren are their citizens, I have Holger Dansk tattooed on my right arm, and I'm Millwall 'til I die. I'm a US national, and if they don't like the cut of my jib, they can sent me packing back to the grand old USA post haste. That's as it should be.
Most all immigrants are better people than the average home grown American.
Speaking strictly for my own kinfolk, yeah. But then I may be a wee bit prejudiced there. My geekboy side makes me assume that on average, people are pretty much... average.
But then again. I reckon if I was a Cartel member, or an MS-13 goon, or anyone being chased by Los Federales who'd prefer not spend any quality timesin a Mexican prison (frequent One Star reviews on TripAdvisor), I might take advantage of American multi-culti sentiment to slither across the border where la policia aren't allowed to follow. (Just me, of course, I don't think a real cartel murderer, Tren de Aragua gangster, or Islamist car bomber would ever consider that). But ever so, we might want to ask before we let folks in what their intentions are.
We do need improvements but Washington seems to want trouble at the border
And avoids "trouble" by just handing out road maps and juice boxes to all new "imigrants".
Anyone that looks upon another person and judges them by appearance fails to show Christian love. Anyone that does not look at those fleeing oppression with compassion, fails to show Christian love.
And if the "oppression" they're fleeing is a long sentence in a Mexican hoosegow, well, we gotta show 'em Christian Love and let them in. "Judge not", right?
Do not be a Henny Youngman Christian and try to hide behind one line of scripture to validate your views. Read everything and learn Jesus commanded us to love our enemies, neighbors, ourselves in the same manner.
And to keep our doors unlocked at night?