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Christians finally smashing the idol of Multiculturalism


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Jan 23, 2014
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But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8

I continue to be astonished at just how much postwar Christian leaders have betrayed their children and grandchildren in the name of liberal ideology, and multiculturalism / diversity.

What's happened in the UK and currently happening in the USA is almost unbelievable, and I can't help but keep returning to the idea that these "leaders" were far more worried about being called a racist than they were worried about the lives of their children.

They were more worried about being accused of racism than to be accused of all the sins described in the Bible combined. As if the new religion was actually anti-Racism.

Hiding within the safety of their gated communities, these Christian thought leaders sat by silently or actively encouraged the opening of the gates to unlimited waves of foreigners, and they accused anyone who opposed it of being an evil heretic.

The mask is finally off of this charade - the false morality of the Postwar Consensus of the last 60 years, and it is truly a disgusting sight.

The good news is a whole new generation of Christian leaders is now ascendant, Christians who are completely free of the noxious false religion of multiculturalism and liberalism.

Christians who care more about the safety and security of their children and their widows than whether or not someone calls them a xenophobe or a racist (the sins of the liberal order), imagine that.

It's an exciting time to be a Christian and see this false idol of multiculturalism begin to be torn down and smashed... to watch the false teachers wail and gnash their teeth and cut themselves as their false god is mocked and trampled upon. Praise God we are being led out of this darkness and learning to love our neighbors again.


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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8

I continue to be astonished at just how much postwar Christian leaders have betrayed their children and grandchildren in the name of liberal ideology, and multiculturalism / diversity.

What's happened in the UK and currently happening in the USA is almost unbelievable, and I can't help but keep returning to the idea that these "leaders" were far more worried about being called a racist than they were worried about the lives of their children.

They were more worried about being accused of racism than to be accused of all the sins described in the Bible combined. As if the new religion was actually anti-Racism.

Hiding within the safety of their gated communities, these Christian thought leaders sat by silently or actively encouraged the opening of the gates to unlimited waves of foreigners, and they accused anyone who opposed it of being an evil heretic.

The mask is finally off of this charade - the false morality of the Postwar Consensus of the last 60 years, and it is truly a disgusting sight.

The good news is a whole new generation of Christian leaders is now ascendant, Christians who are completely free of the noxious false religion of multiculturalism and liberalism.

Christians who care more about the safety and security of their children and their widows than whether or not someone calls them a xenophobe or a racist (the sins of the liberal order), imagine that.

It's an exciting time to be a Christian and see this false idol of multiculturalism begin to be torn down and smashed... to watch the false teachers wail and gnash their teeth and cut themselves as their false god is mocked and trampled upon. Praise God we are being led out of this darkness and learning to love our neighbors again.
Our neighbors are all over the world. A Christian can love their neighbors, children, immigrants, etc... equally, and still provide for their children.
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Regular Member
Jan 23, 2014
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Our neighbors are all over the world. A Christian can love their neighbors, children, immigrants, etc... equally, and still provide for their children.

would you say an example of this "equal love" is open borders and mass third-world immigration into the town your children live in?

gotta be a little more specific so this isn't just a platitude
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May 22, 2013
United States
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Jesus is multicultural . . . the right way.

In history certain people . . . not all . . . of the United States used even the slaughter of mothers and children, in order to take lands from Indians and Mexicans. They had no regard for if it was "legal" to invade and murder peoples of other lands. But now when people cross the border back into land which was taken by bloodshed, without slaughtering mothers and children, certain Americans can make such an outcry, like they are the poor victims.

And Russia has such a history of cruel and hateful slaughter in order to take land. But if someone uses weapons to resist Russia, they can talk like they are the poor victims. Russia was crying for a ceasefire while the rebels were taking down the regime in Syria!!

But there are Russians who are wise to that.

Not everyone is fooled.

If we read Revelation 7:9, we can see how Jesus is multicultural and therefore will have "a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands".
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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would you say an example of this "equal love" is open borders and mass third-world immigration into the town your children live in?

gotta be a little more specific so this isn't just a platitude
First off, we do not have open borders. We have requirements for those coming into the US. Our immigration system does show love. Most all immigrants are better people than the average home grown American. We do need improvements but Washington seems to want trouble at the border, so they can run on those issues, which fails in Christian love.

Anyone that looks upon another person and judges them by appearance fails to show Christian love. Anyone that does not look at those fleeing oppression with compassion, fails to show Christian love.

Do not be a Henny Youngman Christian and try to hide behind one line of scripture to validate your views. Read everything and learn Jesus commanded us to love our enemies, neighbors, ourselves in the same manner.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
United States
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would you say an example of this "equal love" is open borders and mass third-world immigration into the town your children live in?

gotta be a little more specific so this isn't just a platitude
What was it like to have American military or nonmilitary Americans raid an Indian village and murder mothers and their children and then take over the land? And buffalo were wiped out in order to starve peoples out of their lands. How would *that* have been for you and your children? Doing things legally did not matter to those invaders, nor to the American government; all people being created equal did not matter to the ones exercising power, it seems to me.

But now yes there are people who move in to towns and cities, but without killing and raping the ones already there. They even learn to live with the ones already where they move in, plus a number of them do essential work which keeps locals able to stay in business and to harvest crops and sell them at fairly affordable prices.

But if unions were to move in to agricultural harvesting . . . we might hear much louder complaining.

Ones complain about "illegal" immigration, right while they use products and services which cost less because of illegal workers helping provide those things. And ones buy what is made by what could be essentially slave labor in China. We can be quite willing to save money on food and goods and services, by paying for what comes by illegal and slave labor, not to mention how a lot of American citizens do not get paid enough to take care of themselves while we use them to serve us.

Teachers, restaurant workers, store helpers, and medical workers are exploited so ones of us can afford all that we have. But this has a way of not getting attention. Perhaps the "illegals" are being used to decoy attention away from how Americans themselves are exploited . . . even **right while they themselves** are exploiting!

So, may be what a number of us care about the most is being able to do as we please with our money. And we pick and choose who we accuse, even while we do it ourselves.

This is how Satan's kingdom works. Only with Jesus guiding us can we discover how to love while we live, how He our Creator makes us creative.
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Jan 23, 2014
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Our neighbors are all over the world. A Christian can love their neighbors, children, immigrants, etc... equally, and still provide for their children.

i think this is the kind of general statement that's been used to justify most of the postwar consensus.. e.g. mass immigration and state enforced diversity, etc. and that people (particularly anglo people) who show any kind of ethnic preferences are evil.

it's a type of liberal universal ideology that attempts to wipe out any particularity.

it takes Paul's words of both the Jew and Greek being one in Christ, and twists it around to say the Christian Greek is evil for still wanting to maintain any kind of Greek identity or national boundaries while still living in the temporal earth.

But a truer reading of the New Testament consistently reveals that while we may have a universal oneness in Christ, there abounds all sorts of particular relationships and boundaries we are to maintain while still in our earthly bodies... e.g. earthly marriage, and earthly gender roles.

a postwar liberal Christian tries to take the universality of the body of Christ and falsely use it to eradicate all natural hierarchy and order here on earth. so the end result is that they end up calling anglo peoples' evil racists for desiring to maintain some semblance of their earthly national borders, and even their very civilization.

and likewise earthly gender roles are eradicated as well... Christian men are called evil misogynists for opposing feminism and wanting to preserve the very particular order of relationships of men and women we read throughout the New Testament.

all in all... what a disaster this ideology has been... just look at the fruits of it today. How the shepherds sacrificed their flocks to this ideology. It can hardly be put into words what a complete and utter failure postwar liberal Christianity has been, and what a high price our children will pay for it. (but hey... at least nobody will call you racist.)
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Jan 23, 2014
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What was it like to have American military or nonmilitary Americans raid an Indian village and murder mothers and their children and then take over the land? And buffalo were wiped out in order to starve peoples out of their lands. How would *that* have been for you and your children? Doing things legally did not matter to those invaders, nor to the American government; all people being created equal did not matter to the ones exercising power, it seems to me.

yea, so we are in agreement that mass influxes of foreigners and clashes of civilizations often results in many such types of hostilities. Probably not a nice or loving thing to inflict such a cost upon the younger generations, right?

But now yes there are people who move in to towns and cities, but without killing and raping the ones already there.

actually, there's been quite a bit of killing and raping via mass influx of foreigners. take the decades long "grooming gang" scandal in the UK for one undeniable example... it's now being openly admitted that police didn't want to deal with it because they were afraid of being called racist.

this kind of forced diversity/multiculturalism of the postwar consensus is turning out to be the most evil thing ever, the exact opposite of love.
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Jan 23, 2014
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First off, we do not have open borders. We have requirements for those coming into the US.

we have requirements that go mostly unenforced, so defacto open borders. sorry, but that can't be hidden anymore.

Our immigration system does show love. Most all immigrants are better people than the average home grown American.

Wow. You can just feel the love in that statement.

Thank you for being honest with your feelings at least.

Anyone that looks upon another person and judges them by appearance

yea, few people do this. they are far more concerned about actual behavior and the high trust that comes with a shared history of a community.

Anyone that does not look at those fleeing oppression with compassion, fails to show Christian love.

most foreign immigrants are not fleeing oppression. they are "economic migrants"

sorry but as a Christian, I cannot bear false witness and pretend they are mostly all refugees fleeing war torn nations.

Do not be a Henny Youngman Christian and try to hide behind one line of scripture to validate your views. Read everything and learn Jesus commanded us to love our enemies, neighbors, ourselves in the same manner.

postwar liberal Christians like to hide behind one line of scripture "we are all one in Christ", and then go on to ignore most of what the apostles actually wrote about.

we have boys trying to become girls today because of this ideology that tries to use Soteriology to annihilate Nature.
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Jun 25, 2008
Louisville, Ky
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we have requirements that go mostly unenforced, so defacto open borders. sorry, but that can't be hidden anymore.
Then tell your right wing brothers to stop messing around and pass a good immigration bill which actually helps
Wow. You can just feel the love in that statement.
Thank you, it's fact.
Thank you for being honest with your feelings at least.
We are called to be truthful. God hates lies.
yea, few people do this. they are far more concerned about actual behavior and the high trust that comes with a shared history of a community.
That just might be racist and sinful. Anyone that feels they can judge people by generalizing a community and placing that judgement, whether good or bad, borders on racism. Everyone should be judged by their actions and not those of their brothers.
most foreign immigrants are not fleeing oppression. they are "economic migrants"
And most of them come in legally.
sorry but as a Christian, I cannot bear false witness and pretend they are mostly all refugees fleeing war torn nations.
Who has said that they were. Most everyone that comes in through the southern border are looking to provide for their families. Most are good hard working individuals that we need to help fill in our workforce.
postwar liberal Christians like to hide behind one line of scripture "we are all one in Christ", and then go on to ignore most of what the apostles actually wrote about.
Sounds like the so called Christian Right. Many are cafeteria Christians.
we have boys trying to become girls today because of this ideology that tries to use Soteriology to annihilate Nature.
I don't tell them why they want to do what they do. I listen to them to try and understand. That is the Christian way.
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Jan 1, 2025
United Kingdom
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It's an exciting time to be a Christian and see this false idol of multiculturalism begin to be torn down and smashed...
"If we’re serious about unity as a UK church — fulfilling Jesus’ prayer in John 17 that his people might be one — then this has to be a unity which includes all of the rich tapestry of ethnic diversity in our church today. I encourage you to start, or to continue, on this journey of self-reflection, asking God how he might want to challenge you and your church today." Evangelical Alliance

"For instance, irrespective of how people chose to vote on Brexit, one of the unintended consequences of that conclusion, is the rise in race and religious hate crime, and a general decline in civility and compassion in our discourse on ‘race’, immigration, asylum and refugee matters." - Churches Together

“It’s crucial how we treat the most vulnerable,” Hudson-Wilkin said. “That includes refugees and asylum seekers. We need to ask ourselves why people leave their homes in the first place. I understand the concern over small boats, and we need to prevent people dying at sea, but we also need to ask: why are they fleeing?” - Premier Christian News

Students, pastors and all members of Baptist churches should understand that from a biblical perspective, racism is not merely a social problem, but constitutes a grievous violation of God’s plan for the reconciliation of the nations. - Baptist Union of Great Britain

I am in the UK, and the above links are to a variety of mainstream Christian media outlets here (not especially liberal ones). Churches Together includes Roman Catholic representation, sorry if I left anyone out. I am just saying I do not see this new generation of Christian leaders as cited in the OP.
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Jan 23, 2014
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Jesus is multicultural . . . the right way.


Jesus is King of all nations... not the destroyer of all nations.

In history certain people . . . not all . . . of the United States used even the slaughter of mothers and children, in order to take lands from Indians and Mexicans. They had no regard for if it was "legal" to invade and murder peoples of other lands. But now when people cross the border back into land which was taken by bloodshed, without slaughtering mothers and children, certain Americans can make such an outcry, like they are the poor victims.

this sounds like some kind of revenge complex. do you think Americans deserve to have their children's land taken away from them?

also, i read somewhere that pre-European native Americans killed people every now and then as well.

If we read Revelation 7:9, we can see how Jesus is multicultural and therefore will have "a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands".
yep, different peoples from different particular nations.

there is no Christian call to erode earthly nations, or cultures, or ethnic groups, especially with mass influxes of non-Christian peoples into Christian communities.

Soteriology does not annihilate natural order.
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Jan 23, 2014
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Then tell your right wing brothers to stop messing around and pass a good immigration bill which actually helps

sure, we'll look into that after the mass deportations of violent criminals that your kind allowed to flow in unchecked.

That just might be racist and sinful. Anyone that feels they can judge people by generalizing a community and placing that judgement, whether good or bad, borders on racism. Everyone should be judged by their actions and not those of their brothers.

coming from the guy that just said "most immigrants are better than the average home grown American"

Who has said that they were. Most everyone that comes in through the southern border are looking to provide for their families. Most are good hard working individuals that we need to help fill in our workforce.

at a fraction of the cost of employing an American citizen, what a deal!

are you an employer by any chance?

I don't tell them why they want to do what they do. I listen to them to try and understand. That is the Christian way.

how did the apostles who wrote the NT get Christianity so wrong, do you think?

when they kept talking about how men should act like men and women like women, that it was against God's order to do otherwise.
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Jan 1, 2025
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33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God." Leviticus 19:33-34 NIV

“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galations 3;28 NIV

Nothing wrong here. This is both Old and New Testaments .:heart:

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Dec 31, 2018
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and learning to love our neighbors again
That includes all in the world btw. Immigration is as old as any country. The only stipulation once was wherever you go, you may maintain your cultural heritage but you must blend into the societal rules of where you go. That includes Americans moving abroad btw. But yes, lately many countries have been overrun by those who seek to live there, but bring their old country standards with them. God spread the people at Babel for a reason and totay the re-assimilation and easy travel is creating conflict and unleashing previously isolated disease. But man of course thinks thwywy have a better idea than God.
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Jun 25, 2008
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sure, we'll look into that after the mass deportations of violent criminals that your kind allowed to flow in unchecked.
My kind isn't allowing violent criminals in unchecked. Right wingers that won't pass immigration legislation are. Democrats have been trying to pass legislation to increase border guards and get immigration judges selected so they can handle the flow.
coming from the guy that just said "most immigrants are better than the average home grown American"
That's just facts. They are far less likely to commit crimes than Americans.
at a fraction of the cost of employing an American citizen, what a deal!
Americans won't do the work so immigrants are needed. In many places over half of farm workers are undocumented immigrants. Employed by Republicans
are you an employer by any chance?
Nope, I'm a retired Railroad construction worker. I have worked with many immigrants over the years.
how did the apostles who wrote the NT get Christianity so wrong, do you think?
They didn't get anything wrong, you just read what you wanted.
when they kept talking about how men should act like men and women like women, that it was against God's order to do otherwise.
Men and women should but things don't always work as they should.
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Ignatius the Kiwi

Mar 2, 2013
New Zealand
Eastern Orthodox
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Our neighbors are all over the world. A Christian can love their neighbors, children, immigrants, etc... equally, and still provide for their children.
Modernity has proven the tribal tendencies of everyone. That a pure egalitarianism where everyone loves each other is pure fantasy. We are born with deep prejudices of loyalty, to family and kin and that isn't changing.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
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We are born with deep prejudices of loyalty, to family and kin and that isn't changing.
We are also born with a desire to be totally selfish, which of course was the reason we were told to love all as self. It is the way of the Kingdom, contrary to the traditional ways of man.
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May 5, 2012
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But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
1 Timothy 5:8

I continue to be astonished at just how much postwar Christian leaders have betrayed their children and grandchildren in the name of liberal ideology, and multiculturalism / diversity.

I really don't buy this division of the world into "us" (my relatives) and "them" (everybody else), but suppose I did. How do you recommend I behave toward relatives who are non-Anglo, or foreign-born, or women, or who follow religions different from mine?

a postwar liberal Christian tries to take the universality of the body of Christ and falsely use it to eradicate all natural hierarchy and order here on earth. so the end result is that they end up calling anglo peoples' evil racists for desiring to maintain some semblance of their earthly national borders, and even their very civilization.

"Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you, but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave, just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give his life a ransom for many."
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