CF RPG New Players Guide

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Following my Shepherd
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Jan 27, 2004
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CF RPG New Players Guide

Hello, everyone, especially new players! Welcome to CF Role Playing Games. This guide is to help new players get accoustomed to the RPG-style of writing. Here are some guidelines. While there is no obligation to follow most of them, it is generally frowned upon to break them.

#1 Read the rules: That should be easy. You must follow both the general CF sitewide rules and the CFRPG rules. Do not break those rules!!! I am serious about that. If you break the general CF rules, you could be banned (very bad). If you break the CFRPG rules, people won't like you very much.

#2 Creating a character: Ah, one of the most fun parts of the RPG format, and it's only rule number two! You can create your own little person, to use and abuse as you see fit. As your character participates in storylines, he/she will become a more complex personality, and eventually become almost human in their unique persona.

Okay, first of all, you go to the sub-forum labeled 'Characters'. Click the little button on the top or bottom that says, 'New Topic', or use the quick new topic box on the way bottom. Your character's name should be the thread title. After that is done, enter the following information (using "he" just for this example):
  • What is your character's name?
  • His age?
  • His height?
  • His weight?
  • What does he look like? What does he wear?
  • What kind of personality does he have?
  • Does he fight?
  • What's his profession?
  • His he good, evil, or neutral? Perhaps a little bit of both?
  • Where did he come from?
  • What's his story?
  • What kind of weapon, if any, does he use?
  • Does he use magic? If so, what kind?
  • What kind of special abilities does he have?
  • How strong, fast, smart, etc. is he?
  • What's his favorite food, his favorite color, etc.? (This adds realism)
  • What's his fighting style?
  • What are his weaknesses? His strengths?
Here is an example character. Keep in mind that he is over-powerful, and if you create somebody like this people will generally be annoyed at you. Sad, but true.
  • Name: Lord Wiergraf Zelrais III
  • Age: 21
  • Race: Nepthyrian
  • Height: 6'4''
  • Weight:200 lbs.
  • Eyes: Arctic blue
  • Hair: Spiky platinum
  • Skin: Tan
  • Job: Apocalypse Knight
  • Weapon: Apocalypse Blade; Revelation- bow
  • Any special thing your character can do: Fly, Teleport,Telekinesis, Master Swordsman, Expert Archer, Etc. etc.
  • Personality: (This is where you get to brag about your character and add depth to him) Wiergraf is calm, and shy. He is very compassionate, and is Good to the core, absolutely abhorring Evil. He is a master swordsman, the best, and is a genius, using his immense power and intelligence to defeat the forces of evil. Blah blah blah. Etc. Etc. So on and so forth.
  • Bio: Just post a story about where your character came from. Don't be too long or descriptive. Just summarize it.
Things you should not, under any circumstances, do with your character:
  • Make her a god.
  • Make her invulnerable to everything.
  • Make her immoratal.
Make sure that you use at least decent spelling and grammar. Also, the Character forum has a bad habit of deleting character bios, so keep a backup if you plan on using your character a lot.

#3 Joining a Thread: First, go to a thread that catches your eye. There is no need to ask if you can join, as most of the people at CFRPG are nice people who will always reply 'yes'. If you want to ask a question about the thread, put it in double (( or OOC: so as to make it clear that what you are asking is not part of the story.

Star_Spitter87: ((Wait, I'm confused. Is Borkeau in the tavern or at the blacksmith?))

Sampson X: OOC: Borkeau is ALWAYS at the tavern.

First, put a link to the thread in the Character sub forum for the character you plan to use in this story. Then, it is a mere matter of introducing your character to the group. Here is a shortened example for those with shortened attention spans:

Jesusfreak10537 (GMing): Miss Stinkbomb ran through the forest, fleeing from the bounty hunters who were chasing her.

Jesusfreak4554 (Joining): www.greengiraffebio(CF character link).fakeaddressdon'tclickit
Jimmy the Green Giraffe noticed a young girl running through the forest. He called to her, "Hey, why are you running so fast?"

Bravo! You have successfully joined a thread! Wasn't that easy? Now for the next topic:

#4 Posting: This is how you will spend the majority of your time. As a result, this would have been where you would spend the majority for your time reading; that is, if not for the amazing technological power of the 'Does and Don'ts' list.

  • Make long, descriptive posts. (one paragraph minimum!)
  • Use good grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • Use spellcheck
  • Advance the plot
  • Interact with other characters.
  • Use Orthodox fighting style.
  • Make OOC comments when you are confused.
  • Join threads with better writers than you. RP with the good writers, and thou shalt become a good writer.
  • Ask a good writer for help if you feel your own writing is sub-par, through the magic of private messages (click their username, then click 'Send a PM' on the menu)
  • Post your character's thoughts. This lets other players, and yourself, become more aware of your character's complex personality.
  • I would say 'have fun', but that is so clique.
  • Confuse in-character remarks with out-of-character. For example, if Lady Firehawk's character insults your character, that is no good reason to hate Lady Firehawk. It is, however, a good reason for your character to hate Lady Firehawk's character.
  • Control other people's characters
  • God-Mod. Example: Suddenly, for no apparent reason, a giat tidle wave came aand washed everyone into the ocan. (bad spelling intentional)
  • Hurt or kill other people's characters without their permission.
  • Use Cheeze fighting style.
  • 5p34k 1n L337. (That is, speak in Leet)
  • Use bad spelling, grammar, or puncuation. There is a little thing that says 'Spell Check' on the bottom of the screen, so there should be no excuse for this.
  • Read the thoughts of some else's character. If it is in italics, then the character is THINKING, not speaking. This will indubitably be frowned upon.
Ah, the spicy smell of a good post! Now, of course, you are wondering why you bothered to give your character a weapon if you can't hurt or kill someone else's character without their permission. This will all be explained in,

#5 Role-play Fighting: Ah, everyone's favorite subject! But before you learn about role-play fighting, you must learn some simple terminology. Ah, forget it, nobody cares about that stuff. Let's jump right in.

Orthodox fighting (Good):
  • Not describing any inflicted damage on attack.
  • Not controlling the opponent (i.e. making him/her do things without their permission)
  • Not completely avoiding damage
  • Not being a god

Woman of Faith: Freddy raised his mighty spiked glove into the air, and then slashed down at Jason's face, hoping to knock his opponent out of the fight.

Paladin Dave: Jason jumped back, but could not completely dodge Freddy's claws. He cringed as he felt his ear get sliced off.

Now, for Cheeze-style fighting (Bad):
  • Describing inflicted damage on attack.
  • Automatically healing yourself fully.
  • Absorbing every attack.
  • Ignoring an attack.
  • Controlling your opponent very, very extensively.

Steadfast7: Predator shot a giant missle at Alien, causing it to explode into a gazillion pieces. Alien cried a bloody tear.

Lessien: Alien, remembering that it had the magical ability to peice itself back together after being blown up, peices itself back together. Predator, scared out of his mind by what he just saw, jumps off a cliff and dies.

Orthodox is good. Cheeze is bad. It might seem a little strange and unfair that your opponent is controlling the amount of damage being done to themselves, but you will get used to it as it goes vice-versa.


That is all. So long, new players! Keep these guidelines in mind, and soon you will become one of the greatest players ever to grace CFRPG!
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