Before Witnessing, Put Yourself in Their Shoes.


Senior Veteran
Jan 20, 2006
Say that you are walking down the street, and a guy will a microphone is yelling at you that you are going to hell. You say, “no, I’m Christian.” He says, “you worship a false God. There is only one God, Allah.”
What would it take for you to abandon your religion, and convert to Islam? Nothing would make you convert? You are strong and sure in your faith? Would mocking Christianity win you over? Yelling louder? Making threats like, “if you die tonight without converting, your entire eternity will be in hell”?

Does it then makes sense that a person who is Moslem won’t want yo convert, no matter how much witnessing you do?

If someone told you that if you love Santa Claus and believe in him, you will go to Paradise, would you believe? If they then asked you, “Why do you hate Santa?,” would that make sense? Being accused of hating someone you don’t believe is real?

Can you then understand what the atheist is saying?

My great grandparents were Lutheran. My grandparents were Lutheran. My parents were Lutheran. My siblings are Lutheran. Their children are Lutheran.

Either we hit the jackpot to be in the right religion and right denomination of that religion, or family has influence up that decision. I had a cousin marry a Catholic, and even that created controversy. So how do you think your family would respond when you tell them you are converting to Judaism, and seeing Jesus as a prophet? Or Islam?

Can you then imagine the possible difficulties faced by someone you are trying to convert?

You are working on a report that has a deadline that is nearing, but a coworker takes a number of opportunities to share the Quran. You kindly decline, say you aren’t interested, but the Muslim insists that they are obligated to share the Quran in order to lead all creation back to Allah. It’s starting to become an obstacle to finishing your work. You ask your supervisor to have a talk with the coworker, who then goes about the office, saying that the office violates his Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech, because the world is out to get Muslims.

Can you then understand that sometimes, witnessing can be inappropriate, such as at work or teaching a public class?

Finally, many churches seem to teach a false doctrine, which is, Christ died for the world’s sins, but now Christians are responsible in making converts, and when you don’t, you are also responsible for their hell fire. In other words, it’s up to you to save souls and bring them to Christ.
But it is the HS at work.