50 Reasons Christians Should be Prepping


In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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A case for prepping 1

After years of discussions and study, I concluded that most of those who oppose prepping do so from a faux spiritual/religious stance. Many think to prepare for physical and material hard times is unspiritual and carnal. A true believer, say they, will not worry about such materialistic concerns. They arrive at this conclusion by erroneous interpretations of a handful of scriptural passages and a false notion that to seek to survive in the natural somehow causes you to forfeit your standing in the spiritual. "Spiritual" people are not concerned with saving the physical lives of their families. We, of course, disagree with this thinking and will present scripture and logic to defeat it. We hold that it is both irresponsible and unscriptural to abandon the care and concern for your family and loved ones based on some false notion of spirituality and faith. Nowhere does the scripture tell us to neglect the needs of our families, whether present or future, in favor of some imaginary spiritual enlightenment. God is not asking us and our families to risk starvation so that we can gain spiritual points. To the contrary, the scriptures demand that we see to the needs of our family, and failure to do so equates us to an infidel.

1 Timothy 5:8 KJV
8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.​

We will show that this requirement does not end at midnight of the day, nor are we exempt from it because *hard times* are upon us. Jesus said that when we by experience and common sense know what is coming we should prepare.

Matthew 16:2-3 KJV
2 He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red.
3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?​

When we, by observation and a solid knowledge of history, can see what is coming, we should discern the signs and the times and common sense and reasonable action to protect our family and loved ones. What do we see coming in our immediate future? This should be obvious to all. Jesus was implying that if you saw bad weather coming, you should see it and beware. If the sky showed you bad weather coming would you prepare for a journey? If you were warned that floods were coming, would you take the kids for a hike in the woods? If it became evident that a huge blizzard was overdue, would you launch out with the family to the mountains for a camp-out? Certainly not. You would run to the store and made sure you had batteries, firewood, bottled water, and some games for the kids. You would do all those common sense preparations that anyone with a sound head would do. You would prepare to weather the storm. Nobody would count you faithless or unspiritual if you reacted in this way. You would be a good parent. If you refused to take these simple common sense preparations because it was "unspiritual"; many would count you as a religious nut, and rightly so.
The question I must ask is what is the difference between prepping for the weekend and prepping for a month, or a year? The difference is if you fail to prep for the weekend, you may be inconvenienced and uncomfortable. But if you fail to prep for a month or a year, you and your family may die. There is a serious dichotomy in the thinking that says we should prepare lest we be uncomfortable, but refuse to prepare to when our lives and the lives of our families are forfeit.

I can see this mind set as appealing.

but in the case of Y2K, let me give an example.

(or better year 2008) a newer catastrophy.

The stock market crashed.

most stocks recovered within 2 years.

due to bailout pressures.

they would have bailed out eventually some of them,

but our sp500, may have been an sp100 at the end of the recession.

so obama shortened the recession duration significantly by hyperinflating the market with play monopoly money.

I don't like it either,

but because it was a case of where drastic measures was actually needed and not merely wanted the inflation rate did not adjust as conservative said it would.

so small story short, it worked.

stock went back into a bull market until about less than a month ago.

people recovered all they lossed and more.

and then gained 100-200% more.

in some cases.

so in this particular situation,

bunkering down and for armegeddon was premature.

if some of those companies that lost a lot,

decided to prep, intstead of reinvest their losses.

realocate and attempt recovery.

they would be alive yes, but unnemployed.

all resources needed to be reinvested, even in the hard times.

you simply realocate your investment.

instead of small caps value stock.

you may want to go for medium or large cap stock, which offer more stability and less yield.

like AAPL for one, is a fairly recession proof stock.

it took a dive too in last two weeks.

but I simply moved over to UVXY during that period and made a killing on futures stock.

but now I realized their are strategies that rely in principle on falling stock price.

one is short trading.

short traders are considered the smart money.

but in a book I am reading (about 1/4 through it from starting yesterday)....

it talks about it.


for a purchase of 10-20 bucks that book can increase your net worth by 1000% in 6 months.l

just read the reviews of the people who bought it.

All I am saying is buying cans of beans that last for years, is probably wise to do any time, because we don't know what lies in the future.

buying bulk items at costco is wise anytime, especially if we will use it, and if we will pay more buying individuals.

but I wouldn't call this prepping per say.

(and a note for gun preppers)

don't go and buy more ammo.

although thats a temptation.

like of it this way....

you shoot someone in the right shoulder, then can grab you with the left shoulder.

but if you pepper spray them (ear to ear) is the proper technique.

that affect lasts 30-45 minutes minimum.

some times it has UV marking dye in it.

so if the perpetrator runs, they aint getting far....

some have tear gas as well.

so the guy coughing, rolling around the ground, with UV markers painted on him,

is your guy.

when police come, they know who to go after.

I also recommend scrapping them with a tactical pen on arm, leg or hand.

while they are disabled by pepper gel of course.

unless there is a kubaton with a DNA catcher on it, I would use this one:


but that one is very large (long)

there is a cheaper version (I think it also looks like a DNA catcher/scrapper on end)


(they sell stun gun flashlight combo's with dna catchers, but they are more money, which defeats the purpose of our goal of saving not depleating resources in an emergency.

the above is all non lethal, they walk away with a scrape and a burning face neck and throat, but they will be fine later with a bandaid and mild detergent shower. (dishsoap and water bucket).

since most perpetrators don't carry a oil solvent like dish soap, they will need to repeatedly flush eyes of oil based gels. that just smear with water.

DNA catcher can track perpetrator globally.

plus they won't know what you are doing, if you jab them with a blunt point pen, they may just think you are trying to kubaton them. But you are catching DNA for tracking. To give to police later.

if you simply shoot first, think later.

you have a possible lawsuit or worse on your hands.

not to mention, if you miss, they could back fire it on you.

(same with pepper spray, but I would rather be pepper sprayed than shot)

I recommend the 18' range Sabre red 1.8 ounce bottle of pepper gel.


I did extensive research on it about 6 months ago.

I researched battons, stun guns, and all sorts of home defense.

but stun guns, just tickle some people (even with a 10 million volt version),

just watch you tube.

the affect lasts about 30 seconds at most.

pepper gel lasts 30-45 minutes.

it's a no brainer.

it's not lethal, so no lawsuit.

and it's cheaper than bullets, and permit payment every few years.

(but I do recommend practicing with it).

but that is another example of simply doing research into a cheaper alternative to prepping.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
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so you see how people justify spending money on the cool stuff, and why this is not necessarily wise don't you?

Yes i see your point. I buy only useful tools though, not just a bunch of cool stuff. I cant afford to by any thing cool because i can only afford to get things i need.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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Yes i see your point. I buy only useful tools though, not just a bunch of cool stuff. I cant afford to by any thing cool because i can only afford to get things i need.

well the example was a useful tool that he could use to jack up cars.

but it is something he could live without.

my investor brother once made light of what he called consumers.

they just consume.

that's all their good for.

it's like the lady that will buy two for one of a product, she doesn't even need at all.

because it makes her depressed not to get the deal.

(that is consumerism in its core)

it's not how much you saved on a purchase,

it's how much you actually invested.

a purchase is a negative return, or a loss.

Amazon recently took much of the 2014 and 2013 earnings and build warehouses on the east coast.

this looked like a loss, and it was....

stock went down.

but they were able to use the temporary loss to gain momentum this year and next year.

notice they still are not in a great stock buy right now, because they are not out to please shareholders with gain, they will reinvest all gains in future acquisition etc.

investors know this, and this is why amazon is rarely a hot stock.

the cash conversion cycle of amazon is amazingly short, and they are a great business model similiar to walmart. Many don't like walmart for their wages etc, but they have the business model that most business colleges teach their students to emulate.


but that is another story, so I guess what I am saying is that amazon did not need extra whare houses.

they could have simply put the gains into the market cap of the company, spiking it's share price.

but it didn't .

It is a wise investor too.

but ultimately Amazon will change strategies when they are comfortable with the nich they have.

AAPL is totally different, it still performs in innovations in acquisitions, yet it still pleases share holders with market cap gains.

which makes them attractive to investors.

but anyway, it's relative to say the things you buy are actually what you need.

if you did not buy them would you lost money in the next week or month?

if not, then it's not a wise buy today.

you don't need them today, maybe later.

see what I mean.

we don't need things that will bring money 6 months later.

I am the worst, I have tools still in the packages.

and my dad was the same.

thats what I am talking about.

I see guys instead of buying snapon, they buy harbor freit, and craftsman.

they do just as well as the others, because they have adapted.

if anything they ask the other guys, hey can I borrow your 75 dollar ratchet from snapon?

then return it when done.

(no need to go and take out a snapon credit card).

so technically those guys would not lose money by buying craftsman over snapon.

because most companies in the trades I have seen (mainly union) but whatever, they don't care what kind of tool you got, as long as you have the tools on the tool list.

more is okay, but not required.

technically they don't fire guys for not having 10,000 dollar tool boxes, etc.

thats what I mean, if you ask those guys why they bought a 10k snapon tool box instead of a harbor freight 300 dollar one, or a costco one, or whatever, they will say....

" I need it."

yeah right,

sorry if I don't believe that.

but ultimately when markets crash and you have to sell a 10,000 dollar tool box for 6,000 less,

they will realize that if they bought the 300 dollar one...

they would actually have 9700 dollars already saved for investment,

and if they put it in an IRA 5500 would actually end up with tax advantages to be 6875.

so they would have 6875 in IRA at end of year, and possibly 4200 in a options house market account to invest in mutuals, bonds or stock.

then if they just bought a simple stock with long term growth like aapl.

with a 1 year target of +21 percent.

they would then have

6875 in IRA invested in AAPL


4200 invested in AAPL

and a tool box worth 200-250 depreciated (-50 bucks)

6875*1.21=8318.75 YTD IRA gain would be +46% at over 8300 dollars.


4200*1.21=5082 - 5$ buy commission and 5$ sell commision.
so a total YTD increase of a little over 17% at 5,072.

so in one year your net worth increased by

or 2200 dollars.

you do that a few years, and you can withdrawl from your IRA for a house down payment, or a family members college tuition, or a car for a jobless family member to go to work.


you can do alot with an increased net worth of over 2,000 dollars.

Then again you can increase that 2000 by 10-15 % the next year.

with the same put in for year two....

at say 5000 this time, plus your year one investment of 13375

now you have 18375 times your return of say 3-5%

with that year being worse from a down market your net worth grows by 500 bucks even then.

at 18875

so in two years, in stead of one snapon box that depretiates

you have nearly double what you started with.

So you see how it compounds?

you started in year one with a simple toolbox snapon brand.

but two years later, if you bought the cheapone

you would still have either box, but the difference is this time you have nearly 20,000 dollars more in just two years.

due to compounding affect your net worth doubled in two years.

thats the power of compound return!
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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I got this email alert from WND.com

they partner with some doomsdayers, I am not sure if they are just marketing toward our crowd or what, but WND always sends this stuff:


the only issue is do we want to spend when we should be saving?

because if we do that, we are not better off than those who are selling off their inheritance to suit the worlds pleasures, like the parable of the prodigal son.

we should save in hardship, not spend.

it's simple arithmatic.

if you save in an IRA, even without investing the tax advantage is between 15-35%.

so at the end of the day, if the dollar dives 5% but you are univested in an IRA, you are still up at least 10% in the plus.

or more probably 20% or 30%

and again, that is without even buying any funds with your IRA, the government wants us to save for the stability of the future of our country.

thats why they give the IRA savings incentives. and 401k savings incentives under the retirment programs.

but like I said before if you invest in AAPL and hold on to it, past the recession, it will take a few months to recover, but you will be probably 10% maybe 20% in one year.

so if you add the 25% from the IRA and the 20% from the stock.

you have a few thousand more dollars for your needs in only a year. (if you max out your 5500 IRA deposit per year)

why stock pile, when you can save, and when this recession recovers, which it probably will.

you will be ahead of everyone else that has to see what on earth they are going to do with all that stuff they accumulated for nothing?

some are saying the dollar will keep rising, even with china's juan:

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Aug 20, 2015
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well the example was a useful tool that he could use to jack up cars.

but it is something he could live without.

my investor brother once made light of what he called consumers.

they just consume.

that's all their good for.

it's like the lady that will buy two for one of a product, she doesn't even need at all.

because it makes her depressed not to get the deal.

(that is consumerism in its core)

it's not how much you saved on a purchase,

it's how much you actually invested.

a purchase is a negative return, or a loss.

Amazon recently took much of the 2014 and 2013 earnings and build warehouses on the east coast.

this looked like a loss, and it was....

stock went down.

but they were able to use the temporary loss to gain momentum this year and next year.

notice they still are not in a great stock buy right now, because they are not out to please shareholders with gain, they will reinvest all gains in future acquisition etc.

investors know this, and this is why amazon is rarely a hot stock.

the cash conversion cycle of amazon is amazingly short, and they are a great business model similiar to walmart. Many don't like walmart for their wages etc, but they have the business model that most business colleges teach their students to emulate.


but that is another story, so I guess what I am saying is that amazon did not need extra whare houses.

they could have simply put the gains into the market cap of the company, spiking it's share price.

but it didn't .

It is a wise investor too.

but ultimately Amazon will change strategies when they are comfortable with the nich they have.

AAPL is totally different, it still performs in innovations in acquisitions, yet it still pleases share holders with market cap gains.

which makes them attractive to investors.

but anyway, it's relative to say the things you buy are actually what you need.

if you did not buy them would you lost money in the next week or month?

if not, then it's not a wise buy today.

you don't need them today, maybe later.

see what I mean.

we don't need things that will bring money 6 months later.

I am the worst, I have tools still in the packages.

and my dad was the same.

thats what I am talking about.

I see guys instead of buying snapon, they buy harbor freit, and craftsman.

they do just as well as the others, because they have adapted.

if anything they ask the other guys, hey can I borrow your 75 dollar ratchet from snapon?

then return it when done.

(no need to go and take out a snapon credit card).

so technically those guys would not lose money by buying craftsman over snapon.

because most companies in the trades I have seen (mainly union) but whatever, they don't care what kind of tool you got, as long as you have the tools on the tool list.

more is okay, but not required.

technically they don't fire guys for not having 10,000 dollar tool boxes, etc.

thats what I mean, if you ask those guys why they bought a 10k snapon tool box instead of a harbor freight 300 dollar one, or a costco one, or whatever, they will say....

" I need it."

yeah right,

sorry if I don't believe that.

but ultimately when markets crash and you have to sell a 10,000 dollar tool box for 6,000 less,

they will realize that if they bought the 300 dollar one...

they would actually have 9700 dollars already saved for investment,

and if they put it in an IRA 5500 would actually end up with tax advantages to be 6875.

so they would have 6875 in IRA at end of year, and possibly 4200 in a options house market account to invest in mutuals, bonds or stock.

then if they just bought a simple stock with long term growth like aapl.

with a 1 year target of +21 percent.

they would then have

6875 in IRA invested in AAPL


4200 invested in AAPL

and a tool box worth 200-250 depreciated (-50 bucks)

6875*1.21=8318.75 YTD IRA gain would be +46% at over 8300 dollars.


4200*1.21=5082 - 5$ buy commission and 5$ sell commision.
so a total YTD increase of a little over 17% at 5,072.

so in one year your net worth increased by

or 2200 dollars.

you do that a few years, and you can withdrawl from your IRA for a house down payment, or a family members college tuition, or a car for a jobless family member to go to work.


you can do alot with an increased net worth of over 2,000 dollars.

Then again you can increase that 2000 by 10-15 % the next year.

with the same put in for year two....

at say 5000 this time, plus your year one investment of 13375

now you have 18375 times your return of say 3-5%

with that year being worse from a down market your net worth grows by 500 bucks even then.

at 18875

so in two years, in stead of one snapon box that depretiates

you have nearly double what you started with.

So you see how it compounds?

you started in year one with a simple toolbox snapon brand.

but two years later, if you bought the cheapone

you would still have either box, but the difference is this time you have nearly 20,000 dollars more in just two years.

due to compounding affect your net worth doubled in two years.

thats the power of compound return!

I think Snap-on is an absurd waste of money. $100.00 for a hammer is absurd. I think some Harbor Freight stuff is total junk and not worth wasting the money on, but some of their tools are adequate and very good value, while others are ok in quality but too high priced for generic brands. The US General brand tool boxes that harbor freight sells seems to be a very good buy and well built, but i don't need a tool box that big. I would rather spend the money on a 14 inch handsaw, or perhaps a generator. I would use the money for a tool that could be of more use to me, because my funds are very limited
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Aug 20, 2015
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I have often felt lead by this scripture.

Proverbs 30:7-9New International Version (NIV)

7 “Two things I ask of you, Lord;
do not refuse me before I die:
8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me;
give me neither poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
9 Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
and so dishonor the name of my God.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
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I think Snap-on is an absurd waste of money. $100.00 for a hammer is absurd. I think some Harbor Freight stuff is total junk and not worth wasting the money on, but some of their tools are adequate and very good value, while others are ok in quality but too high priced for generic brands. The US General brand tool boxes that harbor freight sells seems to be a very good buy and well built, but i don't need a tool box that big. I would rather spend the money on a 14 inch handsaw, or perhaps a generator. I would use the money for a tool that could be of more use to me, because my funds are very limited

I was pulling up asbestos floor tile, I used a harbor freit scraper on a pole, it made light work of it. Granted I had to temper and grind the blade. But I could not find one anywhere else for under 20$. Only needed it for a few jobs. Another time I put in a metal fence and instead of renting a rotor hammer, I bought a harbor freight one for same price, came with limited warranty. And it worked fine for hundreds of 3/8" holed in concrete. (I wouldn't use if for large holes, but it worked!)

thats what I am talking about.

and you are right, I have seen snapon tools the exact same as other brands, I don't remember which, but they copy other brands or have other brands make them and put the snapon label on it.

flashlights etc.

drills, impacts

but anyway, I posted a new long term stock investment chart (holds for 1-2 years), then reanalyze.

but here is the chart


too big to post here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
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I was pulling up asbestos floor tile, I used a harbor freit scraper on a pole, it made light work of it. Granted I had to temper and grind the blade. But I could not find one anywhere else for under 20$. Only needed it for a few jobs. Another time I put in a metal fence and instead of renting a rotor hammer, I bought a harbor freight one for same price, came with limited warranty. And it worked fine for hundreds of 3/8" holed in concrete. (I wouldn't use if for large holes, but it worked!)

thats what I am talking about.

and you are right, I have seen snapon tools the exact same as other brands, I don't remember which, but they copy other brands or have other brands make them and put the snapon label on it.

flashlights etc.

drills, impacts

but anyway, I posted a new long term stock investment chart (holds for 1-2 years), then reanalyze.

but here is the chart


too big to post here.

Of course, i agree some Harbor freight tools are a good value for a cheap tool, the quality is sometimes adequate for the price. Some of their tools however are just junk and not worth the gas it takes to get to the store and return it after it fails.

I have some harbor freight tools that im pleased with. I have a 7 inch grinder and a 225 amp arc welder which im very pleased with. Although the welder was a little overpriced for a generic brand, i am still pleased with it.
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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HELP! :help:
Great information we are receiving:clap:, and I hate to be a bore :yawn: (certainly do not want to report friends!!!! :sigh:)... but a lot of this is off topic :doh:and I am hoping we can move this to a new thread that deals with your specific topics. :idea:
Sorry... :sorry: it will be easier for others to find your great ideas and this thread will be reserved for "reasons Christians should Prep!":oldthumbsup:

Refreshments all 'round! :beercheers::beermug::cookie::doughnut::icecreamcone::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::wineglass:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2015
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HELP! :help:
Great information we are receiving:clap:, and I hate to be a bore :yawn: (certainly do not want to report friends!!!! :sigh:)... but a lot of this is off topic :doh:and I am hoping we can move this to a new thread that deals with your specific topics. :idea:
Sorry... :sorry: it will be easier for others to find your great ideas and this thread will be reserved for "reasons Christians should Prep!":oldthumbsup:

Refreshments all 'round! :beercheers::beermug::cookie::doughnut::icecreamcone::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::pizza::wineglass:

That's ok. :oldthumbsup: I'm about done with this prepper forum anyway :clap:. Have a great day :wave:
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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That's ok. :oldthumbsup: I'm about done with this prepper forum anyway :clap:. Have a great day :wave:
I hope not.
drop by and give us a good word once in a while.
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John 1:1 GodCZU

Fret Not Yourself Because Of Evildoers
Sep 5, 2015
San Francisco CA
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I recently heard that there's a university somewhere in America, I didn't get the town they said, has passed a campus rule. Gender identity of a personal description of anyone on campus, male, female, is not advised. "X" is the identity to be used to refer to either sex.

The next thing that was so one world order is here, not a theory, was the (new?) U.N. global passport good for the holder anywhere on earth. I'm thinking it's a urban legend and what's being discussed by this person is the United Nations laissez-passer.

In any case, when things are getting this weird, if true , at least the first one is believable, yes, I'd say prepping for something isn't a bad idea.
Notice how weird things in policy, practice, are happening faster in the reporting now? Whereas that and cultural changes in policy configuration also, is happening faster than it did in the last century. One thing after the other. Weird or odd policy changes.

Now the Pope is coming to the city of brotherly love this month? An area with one of the largest Italian communities in a tri-state area, and after the Pope excommunicated the entire mafia?

Space news, meteors in Russia, happening. "Natural disasters" on a rampage and especially in the western U.S.
Now there's news that it isn't really climate change, though that's an inroad to communism, but that instead of the warming there's a cold age on its way.
Pick one!
Stock market ups and downs. Not unusual except for China being a player of late apparently.

Fascinating time to be around to watch what looks like prophecy unfolding at least. There's something to be said for prepping in scripture, so why not?

John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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I recently heard that there's a university somewhere in America, I didn't get the town they said, has passed a campus rule. Gender identity of a personal description of anyone on campus, male, female, is not advised. "X" is the identity to be used to refer to either sex.

The next thing that was so one world order is here, not a theory, was the (new?) U.N. global passport good for the holder anywhere on earth. I'm thinking it's a urban legend and what's being discussed by this person is the United Nations laissez-passer.

In any case, when things are getting this weird, if true , at least the first one is believable, yes, I'd say prepping for something isn't a bad idea.
Notice how weird things in policy, practice, are happening faster in the reporting now? Whereas that and cultural changes in policy configuration also, is happening faster than it did in the last century. One thing after the other. Weird or odd policy changes.

Now the Pope is coming to the city of brotherly love this month? An area with one of the largest Italian communities in a tri-state area, and after the Pope excommunicated the entire mafia?

Space news, meteors in Russia, happening. "Natural disasters" on a rampage and especially in the western U.S.
Now there's news that it isn't really climate change, though that's an inroad to communism, but that instead of the warming there's a cold age on its way.
Pick one!
Stock market ups and downs. Not unusual except for China being a player of late apparently.

Fascinating time to be around to watch what looks like prophecy unfolding at least. There's something to be said for prepping in scripture, so why not?

John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

I hate to be a skeptic.

but one guy is evangelizing guys at work with a book out called.

15 days in september that will change the world.

While yes prophecy is real and true.

the verification of prophecy is always past tense.

in other words.

when you tell the future and it actually happens as such, THEN you believe it.

most do it the other way around.

they believe stuff like "the harbinger"

or the "blood moon prophecy" "or the shemita"

or the book above with is some what of a combo of the above.

And yes it's neat fictional material mixed with some fact.

we can't say it's prophecy until it's happened.

what we don't want is to add to the list of failed evangelical end of world predictions:

and other christian sects in similiar error:


We do know the end is near, just how near, or what year we don't know.

we know what season the end will be in, but not what day, or hour, or possibly even what year.

we simply don't have the facts for such declarations.

don't get me wrong, much of the circumstantial evidence is what makes christianity interesting,

bible codes, the signs of the mazzaroth, the nephilim of genesis, all sorts of ideas that we don't know for sure for sure.

but we can speculate and wonder, about.

keep doing that,

but don't go setting dates like "september of 2015"

we all remember harold camping (how embarrassed he must have been to have two failed prophecies about the dates of the end of the world)

I mean billboards, teeshirts, bumperstickers. They all came down the day after.


later in october his second false prophecy:


please, for the sake of all of us!

you make us all look foolish!

Now the book above may me interesting, and I am not saying it's not.

but I am not waiting for a blood moon to happen in september to start looking for the return of my Lord, or for any other apocalyptic event.

the parable of the fig tree is a prophecy regarding the end of the world, but what a generation is, we don't know. (a generation in the time of Christ was 100 years according to josephus)

so 1941 plus a generation is 2041. But we don't know if 1941 is a date that is totally correct either. It's opinion, and guessing.

we should always keep our eyes to the heavens, awaiting our master return.

regardless of the year, or month

for we don't want to be caught off guard at His return.

(and we don't want to say the he is returning to mount st helens in june of 2016, so sell your houses, and migrate over to washington state, and we'll do a camp fire together.

it's just wierd, and sort of disturbing.

use some logic.

you know?

anyway for some errors found in the above scholar ship, check this site:


I don't endorse that ministry other than their critical analysis of the above.
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John 1:1 GodCZU

Fret Not Yourself Because Of Evildoers
Sep 5, 2015
San Francisco CA
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I go with the scripture that tells me no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return. At this point with so many of the churches formerly dedicated to the way now falling off I wonder if this would be the time. Or if this is part of what is a tribulation for Christians in our own right.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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I go with the scripture that tells me no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return. At this point with so many of the churches formerly dedicated to the way now falling off I wonder if this would be the time. Or if this is part of what is a tribulation for Christians in our own right.

the parable of the fig tree prophecy has all sorts of recipies as to when.

some said any time after 1980 was considered the last days.

it basically suggests that one generation after the reformation of israel, will be the rapture.

thats how the prophecy is interpreted.

but generation can mean a lot of things.

some say, anywhere from 60-a little over 100 years.

so if that was true it would be 1941 + 60 years = 2001-2040.

so that much is pretty solid, if our interpretation of the fig tree, and one generation are accurate.

and we don't know that for sure for sure.

prophecy in the Bible is very easy to grasp when referring to the messiah.

Daniels 70 week prophecy dealt with the exact day of Christs triumphal entry.

centuries before (7-800 years prior)

So we know prophecy can be specific.

but say we knew the exact day of Christs return.

would we follow the command to patiently await his return?

not really, we would be liquidating to do short term mission.

we would all forsake gifts of the lord to evangelize even when that may or may not be our gift.

worship leaders would toss guitars in the trash and hand out tracks.

i am not sure that's a bad thing, because evangelism is something i enjoy personally.

but we can't say that the gifts God gives us are not to be followed even up to the very day before the rapture.

He wan't us to maintain until then.

use the gifts he gave us, or they will be gone.

don't try to be like others.
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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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I would consider having a little extra food in your pantry not really as much as what people consider "prepping" here it is more common sense than anything. Unless disasters hit that require you to have a weeks worth of food more can be trucked in and those who can't find any in the store can go out to eat for a night or two to survive.

hey sophrosyne, whats up?

hey I noticed this today about food storage.

I live in a warmer part of the US, and it gets 100 degrees often.

most dry food stores for years even in heat.

but not 20 years as most are claiming.

max life is 10 years in places like florida, or hawaii. average temp of 70.

20 years in states like California with average temp of 60.

cooler states it lasts 30-40 years or more....alaska could be like 50 years.

but I recommend buying stuff first that you can use later, for daily life, even if the Lord decides to tarry 100 or more years.

this stuff virtually never goes bad: And they are staple products, meaning you use and need them regularly

salt, wheat, dried corn, coffee, decaff green tea, cocoa, honey

those are things I would prep, if I were a prepper.

I would buy things that have an eternal shelf life, regardless of temperature.

(must be dry to last indefinitely).

but most importantly if we are still here in 100 years, this stuff will still be good.

you may decide to toss it after that long, but if you needed it, it would still be edible.

above lists from here:

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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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Recession proof stocks:

for the most part,

I blogged some real safe stocks yesterday, but this is for the most part a screen I made up at unclestock.com and shared with the group.

but here are the top performers of about a 20 stock list of best rated, highest volume, and highest targets, with good growth.

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In the grip of grace
Mar 13, 2004
West Coast USA
United States
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I noticed GOOGL is the most recession proof stock in the above.

I watched this last few weeks and month, where everything went down slowly, google stayed up.

AAPL and SWKS had the best 10 year returns however, even though Google did not drop much, it's returns were minimal.

it is a slow growth, but it is safer.

AAPL is more volitile than Google,

and SWKS is more volitile yet than AAPL

But all of these are stable stocks, compared to many others out there,

with the exeption of WETF, which makes alot in a good economy, but also falls alot in a bad one.

AVGO has best august-mid september returns.

while SWKS has had best 1 week return (last week trailing)
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As a reminder, the Christian Preppers Statement of Purpose includes this:

Christian Preppers Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the Christian Preppers forum is to inform and encourage other believers to consider prepping. Prepping is the act of preparing for catastrophic events (war, terrorist attacks), natural disasters (earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, extended drought), and tribulations - Biblical or non-Biblical. The hope is, that in real life, Christian believers would then share their efforts and work towards building local communities of Christian Preppers who will help each other, and help the needy in the event that trouble comes. It is also to encourage Christians to be good stewards and learn self-reliance from government or corporate help in regards to daily life (i.e. power, food, water). This can include ways to make or do things yourself - DIY......

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1. This is a safehouse forum for Christian Preppers, criticizing or mocking preppers for being preppers, is not allowed.
2. This forum is intended to be informational and not for debate. There may be some disagreements, but these should be handled with grace towards one another rather than attacking one another.

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