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18 y/o son into Wicca...tell him to move out?


Senior Veteran
May 5, 2006
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No one said we were laying it all at the door of Wicca or any other such thing. However, pagans are those who worship anything other than the One True God. If you're not a Christian, then you are a pagan. Just for clarification.

^_^ ^_^ ^_^
I like you, you make me laugh.
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Jan 17, 2010
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Good day everyone

This is my 1st post, and it's a diffrent one. OK, in a nut shell one of our twin sons is into Wicca. We were hoping it was just some kind of teen rebellion but it seems he really likes it and will go out in the woods and do his "nature rituals" and such.

So my wife and I are faced with a choice, ask him to leave to house and find his own place as soon as he's done with High School or stick to our life-time plan and let him stay home while he goes to college?

Our background is S. Baptist born again and have lived our faith. Kids went to Church 3 times a week plus Awana (both making it to pioneers) since birth so they are not ignorent of the Lord, one just chooses to turn away.

I'm currently on a year tour in Korea so wife has to deal with this until I return home in May

Any suggestions?


Why not give him freedom of conscience? Let him find his own path, and if the Bible isn't what he chooses to believe; that is his choice. What is wrong with believing something different? You don't have to support it, but you should give him the freedom to practice what he wishes to so long as he doesn't physically harm others.

Besides, Jesus wasn't the forceful sort; my guess is that he wouldn't punish people for not believing in him.
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May 29, 2005
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you can't say "how did this happen"? or blame yourself.
They choose to be that, or whatever path they are on.
In short in the end you can't force anything on them.
You may have raised them in the way you believe, but it doesn't always end out your kids being the exact same faith/ ways you believe.

Happened with me and my parents. Heck I was mistreated in the church by people my own age and won't go to church. My parents on the other hand LOVE chuch and have friends. that's great for them. But that doesn't mean I should have to go because they go. Social outcast at church is really no fun at all.
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Mar 25, 2010
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I think that, reading through this, you have to let your son choose his own path.
I turned away from God when I was around 12 or 13. I refused to go to church, believing it was a load of rubbish.
But now I've found God again, I go to church every sunday, I have regular little chats with him... You can't be prejudiced against other beliefs.
Sure, what they're doing is wrong, but telling people they're going to hell for being gay, wiccan, whatever, you're just playing the part of God. Only He gets to decide.
Spread the Word, help others open their minds up to the love of Christ, but your judgement will never be on par with His.
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Dec 25, 2006
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Good day Everyone!

I always find it profitable to update things from time to time and see what happened. Most people on any board just post a problem then fade away.

So where are we 7 years later? Well, like some people responded the kids have found their own way. The Wicca was indeed a Phase that was easily replaced by a girl friend then Video games...now work. We have excellent communication and he's doing well, though not spiritual. His brother is in a Committed Homosexual relationship and though we're not happy about his choice, his "pal" is a real nice guy and we all get along well. (though we much rather it was a girl ;) )

And my wife and I? We're actually doing Awesome! I would say I love my life but then I'd lose it (John 12:25) We moved away and are having a great time just need to get in gear a find a church...admittedly having too much fun traveling and such.

Lessons from all this? We have a few friends whose kids just went completely off track. (crime, drugs ect) Again, good people, right up bringing and still kids just go their way

We only feel a tinge of guilt but we're confident the kids were properly trained and equipped for a good Christian life. They will be the ones that will have to answer for their lives...much like all of us will.

Well, see ya again for another update in 2019...if we're all still here! :angel:
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Doing my part each day by being the best me
Jun 11, 2010
Bronx NYC
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I think sometimes we force church and our belief on our child some children accept this and some reject it eventually. You have to open him up to world of Christ and not church culture and religion show him there is freedom in Christ. Many children see church 3 times a week as bondage not freedom.
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Dec 25, 2006
Marital Status
Good day Everyone!

I always find it profitable to update things from time to time and see what happened. Most people on any board just post a problem then fade away.

So where are we 7 years later? Well, like some people responded the kids have found their own way. The Wicca was indeed a Phase that was easily replaced by a girl friend then Video games...now work. We have excellent communication and he's doing well, though not spiritual. His brother is in a Committed Homosexual relationship and though we're not happy about his choice, his "pal" is a real nice guy and we all get along well. (though we much rather it was a girl ;) )

And my wife and I? We're actually doing Awesome! I would say I love my life but then I'd lose it (John 12:25) We moved away and are having a great time just need to get in gear a find a church...admittedly having too much fun traveling and such.

Lessons from all this? We have a few friends whose kids just went completely off track. (crime, drugs ect) Again, good people, right up bringing and still kids just go their way

We only feel a tinge of guilt but we're confident the kids were properly trained and equipped for a good Christian life. They will be the ones that will have to answer for their lives...much like all of us will.

Well, see ya again for another update in 2019...if we're all still here! :angel:
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Dec 25, 2006
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Holy Smokes! update is 2 years late! well, hope all of you are doing well. no significant changes save the homosexual son was married then divorced, but we get along well and his life is moving along and we often play video games on-line. Other son (wicca) doesn't talk to us as much as we'd like because he thinks we're evil and everything in the world is bad because of the presidental candidtate we voted for. However, he's not in jail and doens't ask us for money so that's our new measure of success with him. Otherwise, got a new job, wifes heath got super bad, but now she's better and we have a new cat!
I wish I had some profound biblical princilpes to share but life happens, you do the best you can following biblical principles and hope for the best...believe it or not we don't really control that many things
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Dec 25, 2006
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HI everyone!

Well whoa15 years later! No real changes. Wife and I are doing AWESOME! Not in Church or anything but still Super Happy! Gay Son remarried and is doing well Other son who elected to ID as a chick is OK I guess, never hear from him/her but whatever, we all make our choices, and no one is going to steal my joy.
Anyway till next 5 years or so have a super day!
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