17 year old daughter lost virginity....help



My daughter lost her virginity to her "alter boy" boyfriend. They both are active in church you'd think they would know better. How I found out is she had a scare and period was late. I told her she had nothing to worry about if she wasn't sexually active. Then she started crying. So the cat was outta the bag.

So far all I've done is say she can't see the boy til school starts. Cause they are gonna see each other then anyway. I'm calling his mother today to tell her our unhappy news so I could use some prayer there as I've never talked to this woman before.

What else do you think should be done as far as discipline and should I put her on birth control? I don't especially like this idea but it's better than bringing an unwanted child into the world, isn't it?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


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Dec 29, 2006
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I was your daughter last year. It was honestly the most stupid decision I could have made in my life. I think your daughter needs to do some regrouping and thinking about her decisions I highly recomend that you pick up the book "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh ASAP because after reading this book it really made me realize I had to turn my life around and that I was headed for destruction if I didn't. I would honestly tell your daughter how dissapointed you are in her and that it will take time for her to earn your trust back. That worked in my case at least because knowing that my mother didn't trust me hurt worse than any possible punishment she could have thought up because me and my mom are close and having her no longer trust me hurt. As far as the boy goes I think she shouldn't see him the rest of the summer unless its with your direct supervision or his parents direct supervision. You and your daughter can both heal from this the same way me and my mom did. I'm praying for you both.
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Jul 20, 2007
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I was once in your daughters shoes, as I had my daughter at 16 years old. There is nothing that can take it back, and I wish there was (except my daughter!!!)

I tell my niece, who lives with me, all the time how it hurts so bad to know that I do not share that bond with my husband. It is so sad to know that he is not the one and only for me. I stress to her all the time that it is not only scripture that she needs to follow, but she needs to think of her future husbands feelings. I am blessed that I found a forgiving and understanding husband, however, there are many men that I know that will not marry a woman who is not a virgin, because they want to share that bond.

Also, maybe ask her to take a vow of abstinence to you and God, that she would not do this again until married. We are working on that in our community right now....getting an abstinence "club".

As far as punishment....I do not know. I know yelling will not help. But maybe some scripture, and books. I will pray for you and your situation.
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I was your daughter last year. It was honestly the most stupid decision I could have made in my life. I think your daughter needs to do some regrouping and thinking about her decisions I highly recomend that you pick up the book "And the Bride Wore White" by Dannah Gresh ASAP because after reading this book it really made me realize I had to turn my life around and that I was headed for destruction if I didn't. I would honestly tell your daughter how dissapointed you are in her and that it will take time for her to earn your trust back. That worked in my case at least because knowing that my mother didn't trust me hurt worse than any possible punishment she could have thought up because me and my mom are close and having her no longer trust me hurt. As far as the boy goes I think she shouldn't see him the rest of the summer unless its with your direct supervision or his parents direct supervision. You and your daughter can both heal from this the same way me and my mom did. I'm praying for you both.
that's very encouraging, I would add not to trust this boy's parents for supervision though. If you can't do it yourself, watch your own children, trusting strangers to do it is very unwise.

I hope things get better for you, we homeschool one teen, and the other has thankfully learned to discipline himself. I would ground, including phone grounding, and then all activities should have family participation. well, I don't know your family, but our family took many drastic changes before that happened, I've already been through that myself as a teen, so I knew the warning signs early enough now. It does take drastic measures to really help. The most important thing is probably to be there for your child and watch them and talk with them, discipline them, and provide activities and opportunities where you have fun with your daughter in safe healthy ways together.
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Give us this day our daily bread
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Dec 29, 2006
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I wouldn't give her birth control unless she needs it for period issues because when my mom found out what I did she was in such a rush to get me birth control which sent the message to me that I should just continue my destructive path which was what I did and I didn't stop going into self destruction mode until I hit freshman year of college and after realizing how much of my life I was throwing away by making bad choices. That might not be the case for your daughter, but hopefully after this one time she won't do it again which is why taking action now is vital.
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Jana's mommy!
Mar 29, 2005
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Yep - I wouldn't give her birth control either. I'd have a serious talk about it with her, to make sure if she does choose to continue on this path that she'd at least be protected, but IMHO giving her bc is as good as saying it's OK that she needs it, and it's not.
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How did the boy's parents respond when you told them?

We're gonna find out Thursday night. Some things have changed. The young people still want to see each other. If we try to keep them apart I'm sure since they are in the same school they will find a way. So we told our daughter if he comes and apologizes to us and tells his mother (dad died when he was in the 9th grade) and has mother call us, then they can see each other again under very strict conditions. So I'll let ya know then.
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Apr 14, 2002
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I bet she's punished herself enough.

Talk to her. She needs you. She needs your wisdom.

*edited because I just read the last few comments.

This sounds like a sensible way to go about things.

When it comes to sex, our kids need our open hands much more often than our fists.
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Nov 11, 2005
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I don't like putting girls on "the pill" these days as they think they are "safe". My son's girlfriend is on the pill and they use condoms too.
Condoms are out there and available and I would hope that after this scare she abstains from sex but if she doesn't that she realizes how risky it is.
My friend's daughter was going out with a "nice christian boy" the family loved him. She was only 16 which I thought was very young to date. My friend tried to talk to her daughter about sex but her daughter always responded with digust so my friend thought she was too young for the convo or was OK. Turns out the young lady had already had sex, hated it, but was pregnant.
I am not happy my son is having as you can see from the thread, but I can't watch him 24 hours a day. He is 16, he goes to school,, he goes to work (he and his girlfriend work at the same place) he goes to friends houses. It not realistic to think I can stop him from seeing her or having sex. I can only control what goes on in my home, and even then I know they have been here when I am not home.
Please watch your relationship with your daughter, you are very blessed in your relationship that she shared this with you.
Keep the communication open.
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Feb 16, 2006
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Well, I've held off for a while because usually I am in prevention mode and don't have much to say once, well you know. (can't think of good expression without it being tasteless pun) I have not had to bear this burden as a parent, but I have seen plenty of "good" kids make this bad decision. It doesn't help that he doesn't have a father to guide him. Hopefully there are some other Christian men at church who can knock him to his senses (figuratively, of course) and also help him cope with his hormones. This may sound strange but your husband (are you married - can't tell from your icons) can play a pivotal role in all of this. No better person than his girlfriend's father to take him under the wing.

Let's see - some practical stuff.

Let's not lose sight of how nearly impossible it is for teens these days. Ignoring their real life struggles with acceptance, self image, and the sheer force of hormones does no good. It is good to acknowledge that you understand why they made the decision they made, even though it is an unhealthy one.

I also recommend "The Bride Wore White", as well as "Every Young Man's Battle" and "Every Young Woman's Battle". They need to know the reward for waiting and also know that the battle against culture and peer pressure can be won. One further book that I think they might enjoy is "Sex God" by Rob Bell. It really outlines the prupose for sex as God designed it, and helps everyone, but especially young ladies, understand what a valuable treasure they and their purity are.

How serious are the two of them? Are they really at a stage in life where marraige is a possibility? If not, I would suggest that they "cool down". They should work on the relationship part of their relationship. Staying out of environments that can lead to "burning with passion" is essential and will help them focus on the emotional side of their relationship as well as their growth in Christ. I would lay it out this way -

"Both of you know now how easy it is to fall into satan's trap. You know how powerless you can be when passions flare. You both agree you don't want it to happen again. The key to this is to keep yourselves in safe environments. We are on your side in this, and so understand that if we deny your request to go somewhere or do some thing, it is only because we know the potential dangers that those places and activities hold. Hopefully, you will be able to monitor yourselves, and won't need our oversight. But we will not waver in our commitment to help the two of you remain pure. Sometimes, you will think we are stupid and don't understand. But you can't see through the fog of love what we can see and you don't have the experience to know what pitfalls are out there. So you will have to trust us. Sometimes you will think we are trying to break up your relationship. Know that we aren't. We are, in fact, trying to help your relationship grow. But we have the experience to know the safest path to take. So you will have to trust us. And sometimes you will think we simply don't care. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have only your best interets in mind. We are all on the same team working toward the same goal. But the reality is, we have been through this battle. We simply know best and you will just have to trust us. Know this one thing - romantic dating has only one purpose and that is to find a mate. If you do not feel ready or are not in a season of life where finding a mate is on your radar, then you need to back away from romance. On the other hand, if you feel ready and do want to pursue marriage, then buckle your seat belt because you are acknowledging that you no longer want to be treated like a child. Children do foolish things and make foolish mistakes. Being an adult is serious business and invokes serious scrutiny from the other serious adults in your life. You want to be treated like adults, then you need to be accountable like adults. You want to be treated like adults then you need to show responsible behavior like adults. We will not hold any punches or sugar coat things for you. If this is your desire, then you need to cease thinking, acting, AND REASONING like children. Are you up to that challenge?"

OK - those are just random thoughts but you get the idea.

On Birth Control - it's a tossup to me. I think putting her on it basically conceeds the fight. But an unwanted preganancy just compounds matters. The sense I get is that the two of them desire to remain pure from here out and so it seems unnecessary.

One last thing that we told our girls. It was kind of the "as long as you are under my roof..." deal. They don't have to like your rules to obey them and obedience is mandatory. We told our girls simply - "you can have an adolescence that is relatively free or one that is tantamount to prison. It's your choice. Act trustworthy and you will be trusted with all the freedom and privacy that entails. Betray our trust and you will be distrusted and scrutinized mercilessly. With every action you take, consider this reality." To prove the point, we occassionally followed our girls, crashed parties they were at, and demanded strict itineraries and proof they followed them. It didn't take them long to know we were quite serious. They CHOSE to do the right thing, not because they are such wonderful compliant girls but because the alternative was taking too big a chance that they would lose their freedom. In turn, they actually had a great deal of freedom AND learned to stand against the crowd and have self confidence. At the same time, they saw their friends face one life crisis after another. In the long run, they realized that our rules were not there to ruin their fun, but were actually sensible and helped ensure they could have fun while remaining safe and healthy.
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Mar 7, 2020
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My daughter lost her virginity to her "alter boy" boyfriend. They both are active in church you'd think they would know better. How I found out is she had a scare and period was late. I told her she had nothing to worry about if she wasn't sexually active. Then she started crying. So the cat was outta the bag.

So far all I've done is say she can't see the boy til school starts. Cause they are gonna see each other then anyway. I'm calling his mother today to tell her our unhappy news so I could use some prayer there as I've never talked to this woman before.

What else do you think should be done as far as discipline and should I put her on birth control? I don't especially like this idea but it's better than bringing an unwanted child into the world, isn't it?

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Well, you said that she was 17 and whether you like it or not shes growing up into an adult woman. I dont think you should punish her but I think you should teach her.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2020
United States
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Well, you said that she was 17 and whether you like it or not shes growing up into an adult woman. I dont think you should punish her but I think you should teach her.

Bravo, Bravo.. Young love is powerful. Thank God. A hundred years ago she would marry.. Teach her is the best advice.
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