times and seasons

  1. P

    What's Special About The New Year(4)

    From the last installment of this series, we discover that there are yearly blessings that God has reserved for his people. Psalm 65:11 tells us that he crowns the year with His goodness! Therefore for each year, God has an agenda for his people. In Genesis 17:21 he said, "But my covenant will...
  2. P

    What's Special About The New Year(2)

    I am going to start today's teaching by opening with some quotes from last teaching. You may want to go back and read that if you didn't do yesterday as it provides a foundational approach to this subject, "what's special about the new year?" Now here is what we said yesterday: '...this two...
  3. P

    What's Special About The New Year(1)

    What is it that makes the new year special? Or maybe there is really nothing special about the new year? Someone said the new year is just a change of calendar, nothing new or special has taken place at the turn of the year. Your wife doesn't change, your bank balances don't change, same with...