
  1. sponsachristi

    spiritual adoption I finnished 9 month program I wont stop I'll keep praying for more babies

    Here is information on what spiritual adoption is I hope it is ok Spiritual Adoption
  2. EtainSkirata

    To take a job or not?

    Hi all, So this is kind of an oddly specific question. But I'm trying to become a medical coder, been trying for 2 years now since college. I've held jobs in 2 clinics as receptionists, and recently I was offered to apply for an actual coding job at the company I used to work for. (For those who...
  3. Not David

    Synod establishes "Unborn child day"

    Greek Holy Synod establishes “Unborn Child” Day
  4. YeshuaBought

    I am prolife now.

    I want to talk about it. I believe abortion is murder unless the mother's life is in danger, and that birth control makes more sense. I was talking with my Lord, and He asked what would happen if something happened to Him before He was born, and He told me to be prolife. I am so sorry.
  5. footballfanatic

    Ohio Senate Passes Bill to Ban All Abortions After an Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Begins

    If you are pro-life and believe in the sanctity of life, this is very good news. I'm often amazed that people who consider themselves "prochoice" (abortion is about the only thing that democrats are prochoice on), seem so flippant and exercise no caution on abortion. I'm glad Ohio seems to be...