power of prayer

  1. james52

    [Video] Devotional For The Day - Power Of Prayer

    In this video we explore Power Of Prayer Devotional For The Day.
  2. BobRyan

    Saved from Spiritism - agnostic/atheist converts to Christianity. Great Testimony

    great example of a life that was saved from Spiritism and turned into a life dedicated to publishing example after example of amazing stories of answered prayer part 1 part 2
  3. Heartofsilver

    I'm not racist, YOU are racist.

    Hello everyone, I was having a very busy day at work one evening where we had multiple customers to serve at once. We were trying to serve them all as efficiently as we could with there only being two or three of us. It was later in the evening and we so happened to not see a couple women who...
  4. P

    Covid(5) - Christ Over Virus Infections And Disease - Let Us Pray

    was Mahatma Gandhi who said, “God will dare not appear to a hungry man except in the form of bread". In other words, it means God appears to people relative to what they need per time. Relative to their situations and circumstances and if you read through scriptures you will find this to be...
  5. P

    The Depths Of The Early Church

    The depth of the early church contrasts the superficiality of the modern church! The depth of the early church never ceases to amaze me: as soon as persecution came it was not an opportunity for them to take shield, rather they took heed to the words of the master and spread the gospel like...
  6. P

    The Move Of Prayer In The Early Church

    Every move of God is birthed and sustained in the place of prayers Before the showers came in Acts 2 the Apostles we were told lingered for many nights in the place of prayer. They waited until they were anointed. The scriptures records, 'These all continued with one accord in prayer and...
  7. What Paul Prayed For: Strength

    What Paul Prayed For: Strength

    One of Paul's important prayer themes in the epistles was the prayer for strength. Apart from Ephesians 1:17-20 where Paul prayed for revelations and spirit of wisdom, the other prayers of Paul that seems to carry such power and import among believers today can be found in Ephesians 3:14-16...
  8. P

    A Praying Church

    A praying church will produce 'powerful' believers! Powerful believers will always extend the influence of the church beyond its immediate boundaries - 'from Jerusalem to Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth'. Remember this move of God recorded in Acts 2 all started in Acts 1:14-15...
  9. P

    Great Words To Change Your World!

    The presence of God is our divine immunity for total security. And one of the ways to enjoy this presence like the Apostles did is by taking the word to the world. When Jesus gave the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20, He told them to preach the word to the world and then he gave an assurance...
  10. P

    What Paul Prayed For: A Prophetic Parable And Pattern For The Church

    Someone has rightly observed and perhaps curious to know why most of my articles or teachings are heavily tilted towards prayer? As I write this I recollect a visiting guest minister to our church in the south western part of Nigeria, Ondo, making a comment during his message that I was a man of...
  11. P

    A Mighty Rushing Wind And A Sweeping Revival

    And when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting"(Acts 2:1-4) That infilling of a mighty rushing wind brought about an...
  12. P

    Unction Is What Commands Attention

    What defines the identity of God's kingdom on the earth is not words, but the power of God, "for the kingdom of God is not in words but in power"(1 Corinthians 4:20). Power not grammar is what defines the identity of the church and makes it command the attention of the world! In Acts 1:14 we...
  13. P

    I Pray In Tongues....

    There are times when Paul likes to make his boasts in the Lord. Remember this same Apostle was the one that wrote that we are the generation that 'has no confidence in the flesh'. In Romans 9:16 he revealed how utterly helpless we are without the help of God. He pointed out succinctly, "It is...
  14. P

    Prayers Of Paul: Prayer Principles/quotes That Will Change Your Life

    The first recorded acts of Paul immediately after he encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus was recorded in Acts 9:11, '"Go and inquire for one called Saul of Tarsus; for, behold, he prayeth." This was where Paul began his journey, on his knees, on his knees he conquered the field. On his...
  15. Abraham452

    Prayer Against Spiritual Attacks & Oppresion

    Please pray for protection and help from these spiritual attacks I've been going through, all of a sudden it feels like a bombardment of negative thoughts, lies, anxiety and just a lack of motivation to do anything! I'm having full scale household problems at home: My dad is the problem in the...
  16. FaithBuilder

    Spiritual Attack

    Hello fellow Christians!! I am completely new to this site so please so forgive me if I am posting in the wrong section (feel free to move this thread to the relevant section if so). I've come under the realisation this evening that I think I have been subjected to spiritual attack for the last...