open theism

  1. George Antonios

    scritpures revealing divine counterfactual (molinist) foreknowledge

    DIVINE COUNTERFACTUAL FOREKNOWLEDGE Gen 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. This is the first scripture relating to the foreknowledge of God, and it is Molinist. Deu 30:15 See, I...
  2. Daniel Marsh

    How limited is the god of open theism?

    " Clark Pinnock said, “The future is really open and not available to exhaustive foreknowledge even on the part of God. It is plain that the biblical doctrine of creaturely freedom requires us to reconsider the conventional view of the omniscience of God”[" Open Theism: Is God’s Limited...
  3. Greenham

    Does open theism imply that God could ultimately lose the cosmic struggle?

    If God experiences time in much the same way we do, and if he doesn't have complete foreknowledge of all that will come to pass, and if the enemy's machinations can take him by surprise (these are my characterizations of a doctrine called open theism -- which IS A DOCTRINE I DO NOT HOLD MYSELF)...