name of god

  1. Kilk1

    Is Jesus ever called "Almighty" in the Scriptures, or is only the Father called such?

    Hello! I'm not discussing whether Jesus is God or not; He is. However, I'm wondering if there are some terms that are only used of one of the Persons of the Godhead. My question in this thread is if the specific term "Almighty" (Hebrew, Shadday; Greek, pantokrator) is ever used with reference to...
  2. LoveGodsWord


    Hi All, IS KNOWING AND USING GOD'S NAME IMPORTANT? First off yes it is important as it is reflected in the third commandment *Exodus 20:7 and we are not to use it in vain but what does that mean? I just thought this was an interesting topic as I know people that believe God needs to be called...
  3. Anthony Belcastro

    The 13 Claims and the Name of God Revealed

    These are my 13 claims. im going to claim that no other name who has ever lived, is alive , or will live has the identical Values in the hebrew , greek , and english gematria at the same time as "anthony emilio Belcastro III" which is my name and that noone can prove me wrong until they find...
  4. Neal of Zebulun

    The Son's Name in the Old Testament

    Proverbs 30: 4 Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is His Name, and what is his Son's Name, if thou canst tell? The question of what is "His Name" is...