1 timothy 2:12

  1. Kilk1

    Does the Bible forbid women from being preachers/pastors?

    Hello! Does the Bible forbid women from being preachers or pastors? 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: "Let your women keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak; but they are to be submissive, as the law also says. And if they want to learn something, let them ask their own husbands...
  2. Sune

    Can women sing solo worship songs in public?

    Hi all, I realise this may seem like a strange question, but I've been wondering if a women performing worship songs to a mixed audience would violate 1 Tim 2:12, where Paul says women should not teach men, given that singing is also seen as a form of teaching (Col 3:16). I personally love to...