Search results

  1. david_x

    Is Science more than skin deep?

    Is there any application of science beyond the brief physical existence?
  2. david_x

    Athena, Ra, Oden, and Ganesha

    Who is not to say they are corrupted Angels, corrupted images of Angels, or even corrupted images of God?
  3. david_x

    Why is it wrong to be Jealous?

    I want to know why from your different perspectives: Buddhists, Humanists, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Atheist, all of them let me know what you think.
  4. david_x

    One thing at a time.

    From Top Ten List 10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours. Now, from Mere Christianity by C.S.Lewis: "If you are a Christian you do not have to believe that all...
  5. david_x

    Vesica Piscis

    Is it wrong to use Christian Symbols that people pervert into something else? The symbol in the title is considered vulgar, only look if you want to. - Symbol 44:11
  6. david_x

    Sex is murder?

    So because you can not give blood if you've had sex with above people, or if you have an STD. Can one consider premarital sex murder?
  7. david_x

    The Bird is the Word

    Title, does not relate. To prove that God is not moral, they assume he is not all knowing. Do they not have to prove his ignorance before his immorality?
  8. david_x


    Is it wrong to attribute one quality to someone because of something else they believe? I have heard some very strange things like: "All pro-lifers want the death penalty." "All pro-lifers don't want healthcare for everyone."
  9. david_x

    Soldier accused of having child inappropriate content.

    Soldier accused of child inappropriate content for relative's pic sent by mom This doesn't seem like the target of such laws...
  10. david_x


    Tau'ri is a collective name for all the people of the earth. Are we all that different?
  11. david_x

    The Holy Quran

    Does it violate a philisophical or ethical law for a Christian, like myself, to read this text. (Or .pdf as I'm of the next generation :))
  12. david_x

    The Holy Quran

    Is it ethical to read this book?
  13. david_x

    Philosophy of Neutrality

    It is wise to not follow any extreme, to be neutral with leanings vs. dogmatics. That being said I hold a few dogmatics, but mostly flexible understandings of other things. Dogma: I hold the monotheistic nature of our triune God to be dogmatic. Flexible: I understand that some people...
  14. david_x

    Ask a Celibate

    and you thought we were out of possibilities.
  15. david_x

    Apostles creed

    Ah, the apostles creed. Some things we can all agree on. Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae, et in Iesum Christum, Filium Eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et...
  16. david_x

    Heaven or Hell or

    Purgatory, some think there is some don't know some think there isn't. What evidence do we have, present anything please. (Keep it short, don't spam)
  17. david_x


    Answer: Area or subject that the Church has failed at. Answer: Area or subject I (that's you) have most failed at. Leave your questions in this thread. (I'm hoping the subjects are ethics/philosophical related.)
  18. david_x

    Devils Advocate

    So much in fighting and self injury... do we need none Christians to keep the peace on this forum?
  19. david_x

    Does beating break the flesh?

    I know the Bible says one can remarry if their spouse cheats, but what if their spouse just beats them? Does this constitute a breaking of the flesh?
  20. david_x

    10 questions for Christians.

    You tube video asks these ten questions in an attempt to disprove God... 1. Why won't God heal Amputees? He "heals" cancer and such, but why not amputees. 2. Why are there so many starving people in our world. God answers prayers, so why not theirs? 3. Why does God demand the death of...