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  1. S

    Lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven. Matt. 6:20

    We have so much to gain. Loving our neighbour, denying ourselves, relinquishing earthly goods, following Jesus uncompromisingly, bearing the cross - these are all treasures that have value in Heaven. If we lay up such treasures during our short life, we will inherit immeasurable wealth at our...
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    Pride is not worth it!

    There is nothing to gain!
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    Pride is not worth it!

    There is nothing to gain!
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    Show a gentle attitude towards everyone. Phil.4:5GNB

    Do not be gentle and kind only to those you are fond of. This will bring you no reward. Show love and kindness also to those whom you find difficult to get along with. Yes, let everyone, without distinction, sense your gentleness and kindness - and your reward will be great in heaven.
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    Don't be afraid

    Remember the words of Our Lord Jesus 'Don't be afraid, I am with you everyday, til the end of time.'
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    Show a gentle attitude towards everyone.

    Do not be gentle and kind only to those you are fond of. This will bring you no reward. Show love and kindness also to those whom you find difficult to get along with. Yes, let everyone, without distinction, sense your gentleness and kindness - and your reward will be great in heaven.
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    Even grumbling against someone else is a sin and will incur judgement.

    Even grumbling against someone else is a sin and will incur judgement. For at the bottom of grumbling and complaining about others is the spirit of critiscism and unlovingness. Do we measure are actions against the standard of God? Instead of critiscising our brother, criticise ourselves, our...
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    Make the most of this day. It will never return.

    Make the best possible use of your time. Col. 4:5 jbp Make the most of this day. It will never return. But that which you put into it in the way of thoughts, prayers and deeds you will find again in eternity. So take care that you put in much Love, Faith and Prayer, and you will have a rich...
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    Show mercy and kindness and tender compassion every man to his brother.

    Let no harsh word proceed from your mouth, for an unmerciful judgement will be passed on the hard-hearted. But blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Show mercy and kindness and tender compassion every man to his brother. Zech. 7:9b AB
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    The girls in this cafe are homely.

    Hello friends, I love cafes. Love them. I am a connoisseur. And this one, Greasy Jimmys, is one of the best. Its a real place with real people and real food: greasy, buttery, artery-thickening grub.:D The waitress has just served me my tea, her manner is sweet and attentive. "Anything' else...
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    101 Ways to help others

    1 Read with a child 2 Mow a lawn 3 Talk to a friend 4 Make a wish come true 5 Hold the elevator door 6 Change a tire 7 Let the other guy have your parking spot 8 Be a Crisis Line volunteer 9 Shovel someone's walk 10 Rake someone's yard 11 Smile at a stranger 12 Be a courteous driver...
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    Break with filthy thoughts and have no more to do with them.

    Put away, that is, break with filthy thoughts and have no more to do with them. God can give you a new mind only when you can no longer bear the old one in all its impurity. The decision lies in your hands. But woe betide him who, in a filthy state of mind, shamelessly dares to appear before the...
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    Christ Break with filthy thoughts and have no more to do with them.

    Break with filthy thoughts and have no more to do with them. Put away, that is, break with filthy thoughts and have no more to do with them. God can give you a new mind only when you can no longer bear the old one in all its impurity. The decision lies in your hands. But...
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    I wonder where all the old posters went

    Risingsuns Plainswolf Pauls God bless you on your journey Seek!
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    Love does not keep a record of wrongs. 1 Cor. 13:5

    You can Love your neighbour only if you destroy the record of the other person's faults that you have been keeping in your heart. Blot it out, so that it is no longer legible. In other words, forget what the other person has done to you. Then you will be able to Love him. And having truly...
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    My God given metaphor tells me something of vital importance

    I deleted this post, it was too long. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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    When he asked God, why do you punish me? God said simply; because I love you.

    When you get a minute – today…now preferably – Do someone a favour. Go out into the street, into the town, the city or the fields and find yourself a leper. Introduce yourself first, it is only proper, but as soon as the formalities are over and the hands of courtesy have been shaken I want you...
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    Do you fancy a walk on water?

    Do you fancy a walk on water? How about moving a mountain at command, or parting waves with the flick of a Moses hand? Nothing is impossible if you have faith. But to gain faith one has to eschew doubt. How do we do that? In the face of outrageous pessimism how do we vanish the...
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    Keep your eyes open and see if anyone about you is sad

    Keep your eyes open and see if anyone about you is sad and discouraged. Keep your eyes open and see if anyone about you is sad and discouraged. God has charged you with the commission to encourage the downhearted with a word of comfort, with a verse of scripture or a piece...
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    Did i see God

    Did I see you? Did I see you, God? On the broadway, Where dirty garbage and broken glass is kicked about and scattered around the greasy sidewalk, I thought I smelled God. In the bar, with music shrieking, air thick with tobacco...