Search results

  1. fantascey

    What Kind of Coffee do you drink?

    Icy Blended anything. caramel with chocolate; white chocolate with mint; vanilla with caramel... mmmm
  2. fantascey

    All the many foods you can make with chicken!

    Just start listing your favorite chicken meals here! quote the person above so you dont get too many duplicates :)
  3. fantascey

    Super-Stressed and Needin' Support!!

    just joined the navy, i'm at my first station, made it through boot camp (whew!) and feel completely overloaded with my responsibilities! the worst part is that they say this is the least stressful part in my upcoming career. All of my 'destresserizers' that i normally have, are not available to...
  4. fantascey

    Super-Stressed and needin' Support!!!

    just joined the navy, i'm at my first station, made it through boot camp (whew!) and feel completely overloaded with my responsibilities! the worst part is that they say this is the least stressful part in my upcoming career. All of my 'destresserizers' that i normally have, are not available...
  5. fantascey

    Just 2 Chat!! :)

    Ok, starting this, because not all posts have to be numbers, and names, and occupations. That gets boring after awhile. Talk about whatever you want.
  6. fantascey

    just chat

    post what you feel like posting. converse with the other members etc...
  7. fantascey

    post what you love!!!

    Just post what you love most... besides jesus.