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  1. Tavita

    Facebook exchange on eternal torment vs. good news. Freewill vs. sovereignity..

    6/20 Facebook exchange on Eternal torment vs. Good news......Free Will vs. Sovreignity, some great thoughts! =1213825686&p[]=10150206618900300"] Tony Trumino How WILL (not maybe) is God going to save ALL of mankind when most don't believe. Most will say: "He's not going to save ALL of...
  2. Tavita

    Charlotte Bronte - A quote from the novel 'Jane Eyre'

    The English author Charlotte Bronte wrote a novel in the early eighteen hundreds called 'Jane Eyre', which I started reading yesterday, and I was so impressed by a passage that I thought I'd share it. It is well known in the circles of Christian Universalism that her sister, Anne Bronte...
  3. Tavita

    The sons of God...

    This, you can take to bank: God is not removing His Holy Spirit from the earth and leaving everything to the devil, as it is commonly preached. The day of grace is not on the threshold of ending. The door of mercy is not about to close. The fact is, we have only seen a fraction of grace and...
  4. Tavita


    CLV John 12:31 Now is the judging of this world. Now shall the Chief of this world be cast out. John 12:32 And I, if I should be exalted out of the earth, shall be drawing all to Myself." KJV John 12:31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. John...
  5. Tavita

    A Word to the Elect

    (A poem, not surprisingly left out of the anthologies of her poetry) You may rejoice to think yourselves secure; You may be grateful for the gift divine - That grace unsought, which made your black hearts pure, And fits your earth-born souls in Heaven to shine. But, is...
  6. Tavita

    The Ending Of An Age

    Here is a poem by Dora Van Assen in her booklet called 'God's Unfailing Love Revealed In The Cross'. The poem is entitled 'The Ending Of An Age'. I found this tonight and was reminded of the song, Memory, given to me in 2004. Dora Van Assen and her husband were missionaries when God revealed to...
  7. Tavita


    Way back in 2004 the Lord gave this song from the hit musical 'Cats' in an intense time with the Holy Spirit.. to myself and two other friends. It was prophetic. It was to teach us that we are part of the elect, the overcomers, the bride of Christ. And it was to show that soon a new age is going...
  8. Tavita


    I've been having some discussions in a christian forum about Freewill, and of course the topic always swings to UR.. because they know my beliefs. But I found it really astounding that most of them don't believe that Christ's work of Redemption was finished on the cross. They believe a person is...
  9. Tavita

    Those Glorious Fire Walkers!

    By Terry and Tykie Crisp Recently, the Lord spoke a word to my heart concerning a brother for whom we had been praying. Moreover, in the course of the dealing, He made me to know that this word was not only given for this brother personally, but also, in a broader sense, it pertains to ALL who...
  10. Tavita

    A hope, long nursed by me..

    And oh! there lives within my heart A hope, long nursed by me; (And should its cheering ray depart, How dark my soul would be!) That as in Adam all have died, In Christ shall all men live; And ever round His throne abide, Eternal praise to give. That even the wicked shall at...
  11. Tavita

    A Quote by Hannah Whithall Smith

    "I began to feel that the salvation in which I had been rejoicing was, after all a very limited and a very selfish salvation, and, as such, unworthy of the Creator who had declared so emphatically that His "tender mercies are over all His works," and above all unworthy of the Lord Jesus Christ...
  12. Tavita

    Confession and Repentance of a former Hell Teaching Pastor

    An Open Letter to My Former Parishioners: Dear Ones, I am so very sorry. I hear the pain in your hearts when you tearfully admit you have a hard time believing God could love you. I now realize I bear a good bit of the responsibility for it. Some of the things I taught and did when...
  13. Tavita

    Just what the hell is 'hell'?

    By Gary Amirault There once was a time, 'twas plain to see Just what the hell, Hell was meant to be. But then theologians got into the act And Hell no longer was a simple fact. Hell formerly was a dark hidden space Imperceivable, covered, a true hiding place. It...
  14. Tavita

    I believe...

    In the final harmony of all souls with God: Universal Reconciliation and Universal Salvation. I believe in universal salvation, universal reconciliation, or in other words, of the final holiness and happiness of all mankind, to be effected by the grace of God, through the ministry of his Son...
  15. Tavita


    In the word restitution the prefix "re" means BACK, AGAIN, ANEW - and all the words with this prefix speak of something that LEFT ITS PLACE AND HAS NOW MADE ITS CIRCUIT AND COME BACK TO THE POINT OF ITS BEGINNING. ~Dale Thompson
  16. Tavita

    The wind blows where it wishes..

    This is a gathering of bits and pieces I have come across and have learned since being led into the wilderness... outside the camp.