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  1. Adammi

    Prayers and Thoughts Please

    My family just found out today that my grandfather has Parkinson's Disease. Please pray for him and my family during this time. It turns out that he has known about it for several years but has kept it a secret. At a routine checkup today, a nurse just happened to mention it to my mom, having...
  2. Adammi

    Does anyone believe men could have added things in the bible?

    Is it possible that men could have added things to Ivanhoe?
  3. Adammi

    Liberal predestination

    I have. While the Heidelberg Catechism itself does not explicitly state Calvinism, it is seen as a strong part of that tradition. I have always assumed their affirmation of it to mean that they are Calvinists. Maybe it is something else though. Both of my pastors are ordained UCC ministers...
  4. Adammi


    As a Christian, I believe it is our responsibility to point the finger at ourselves.
  5. Adammi


    And with this news story, I can now say that Christianity is dead.
  6. Adammi

    Liberal predestination

    The answer to the OP's question is yes. The United Church of Christ affirms the Heidelberg Catechism.
  7. Adammi

    Liberal predestination

    The first that come to mind are the Presbyterian Church USA and the United Church of Christ.
  8. Adammi


    I think that the natural order of the universe is miraculous enough. H2O is absolutely fascinating without a ridiculous infomercial. Who decided that it needs to be blessed to be any more holy?
  9. Adammi

    What was your first fall out with mainstream Christianity?

    I really like this thread. So, now I'm having to think about this myself. I grew up in a Pentecostal Church, which is usually seen as being very conservative. And while Pentecostals certainly have many, many crazy aspects (can you say TBN?), they are relatively moderate. I grew up hearing...
  10. Adammi

    Is Jesus the only way to God?

    In my very humble opinion, Jesus is the only way to God, but Christianity is not the only way to Jesus.
  11. Adammi

    I have chosen to embrace Hinduism

    Changing religions is not going to make you happy. I really recommend that you get a new hobby. I don't mean that in a harsh or sarcastic way. I'm serious. Your interest in religion left the domain of the spiritual and entered that of academic inquiry. Academically, every religion makes...
  12. Adammi

    I have chosen to embrace Hinduism

    I respect Hinduism. I have nothing but respect and admiration for it. I have many friends who are Hindu, and I have read many of their sacred texts myself. I disagree with many points of Hinduism, but I think that it is a great paradigm from which to view the world. My lack of surprise is...
  13. Adammi

    I have chosen to embrace Hinduism

    Why doesn't this surprise me?
  14. Adammi

    Please tell me why you are a liberal...

    I agree, but I was referring more specifically to the parts of our genetics and biology that greatly influence our political and religious beliefs.
  15. Adammi

    Taking the God outta GodTube

    I don't believe in Christian alternatives to secular sites.
  16. Adammi

    Quiz Time!

    1) Should adopted children and biological children be thought of or treated any differently? Biological children should be treated just as good as adopted ones. 2) Should LGBTs be treated differently than anyone else if they apply to adopt a child? They should be given an advantage - kind of...
  17. Adammi

    Gonna write Obama a letter

    I think that the White House sends out generic info to everyone who sends them something. I had a teacher who wrote a letter to former President GW Bush (I love the sound of that). She received a generic reply letter with a picture of the White House and Barney, the First Dog. Kinda cool.