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    Did Constantine change the Sabbath to Sunday?

    Did Constantine change the Sabbath to Sunday like SDAs & Flat Earthers claim? Did Constantine change the Sabbath to Sunday? Such a claim states that a major violation of the law took place in the name Christ, which would make the ministry of Christ' Apostles a total failure from the start. But...

    A Complete & Comprehensive Catalog of All 33 Globe Earth Verses in the Holy Bible.

    A Complete & Comprehensive Catalog of All 33 Globe Earth Verses in the Holy Bible. Contents: Introduction 33 Globe Earth Verses - English & Latin texts Hebrew Lexicons for H2328 & H2329, חוּג Chuwg Hebrew Lexicons for H8398 תֵּבֵל têbêl Breakdown of Hebrew Lexicons for H8398 תֵּבֵל têbêl Greek...

    Reptile Terrae: Dinosaur Earth in the Bible

    Dinosaurs Mention in Genesis 1:24-26 - English, Hebrew & Latin. This is such a solve mystery in Genesis chapter 1 that I see no need to use Job references in this post. But I'm sure many atheists would snarl or laugh at any such statement that dinosaurs are mentioned anywhere in the Bible. But...

    Isaiah 40:22 -- "Globe of the Earth"

    There are some people here who simply don't know how to apply proper exegesis to Scripture. I've always known that Isaiah 40:22 meant globe, as in latitude and longitude circle, vertical and horizontal circle. This 2D flat interpretation is only less than 200 years old and it came from atheists...

    Open Challenge To Flat Earthers Worldwide

    I have been told that if I debated the Biblical shape of the earth with a "flat earth Christian" I would be completely and most utterly destroyed and degutted. So I am offering a worldwide open challenge to all flat earthers to come to this prestigious forum and prove their case and make it...

    4th Century St.Augustine Exposes Ape-To-Man Hoax.

    4th Century St.Augustine Exposes Ape-To-Man Hoax Ever since I was a kid in school I was taught that Darwin was the first man who discovered our alleged ape to man origin. This is something that is drilled into our minds since our youth. But what would happen if it were historically presented...


    † RESURRECTION OF JESUS CHRIST, PROOF OF. Contents: Introduction Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Proof of Observable Prophecies The Scattering of the Jews The return of the Jews, 1948 Overlapping Prophesies The Rise of Christendom The Airplane in Prophecy Is Isaiah 60:8 a UFO Sighting? Is Isaiah...

    The Holy Bible Teaches Globe Earth.

    The flat earth movement seems to be one of those temporary movements which will decline and go back to the underground where it came from. In the meantime, this anarchist movement seeks to win people over to their worldview through the sensation of conspiracy theory which is based entirely on...

    IFOlogy: Solving the UFO-Alien Mystery

    This topic is one I opened a few months ago but was banned because it defended the resurrection of the dead that Christ' promised. Now if God did not created the earth then He cannot redeem humanity either. But Jesus promised that there would be a "harvest" of those with the seal of salvation...

    12-Questions for SDAs


    Whats the point of discussion?

    Whats the point of discussion if the mods don't allow us Christians to answer someones doubts? Who can we share our faith with unbelievers when many of those unbelievers are only here to mock us Christians and not to learn the reasons for our faith? This is a Christian forum and it is no...

    Evolutionist misquote scripture...again! "Fear before him, all the earth: the world also shall be stable" (1Chr.16:30) This verse says nothing about a flat earth! It could be interpretated as an earth without an orbit around the sun...and even that is a deductive hypothesis. The earth is...

    Myth Busters: The Fact of Evolution?

    SCIENCE True scientist understand the unknowable in terms of the knowable. Evolutionist, on the other hand, have had to resort to metaphysical conjectures to justify more among many other ad hoc assumptions. They search out the unknowable in terms of unknowable understanding–whichamounts to...

    "NOAH'S ARK: The True Story"?

    Dear forum, I want to offer a free refutation paper about a true event in history. This event is the global flood found in the Bible. Noah's flood that is. Theres so much propaganda on this forum and the internet that I had to write this looog paper about the world history that actually did...


    I am finishing up a paper on creationism. I have put some time in this study and if you are interested in reading this paper you can personally e-mail me at: If you want to comment on my paper on this forum thats o.k.;)

    Are there any Christians here?

    I find it hard to believe that on a christiam forum there are no christians...? Attacks on young earth creationist from unreliable sources; naturalististic views on Gods creation, are just enough to bother me some. If you believe God used a big-bang to create thats fines, but don't disown the...

    the Stone AGE

    How come Christian writers never write books on erosion?? I feel erosion is axiom proof that evolution didn't happen. What about the fossil of dinosaur footprints walking next to mans?? This can be proven to have happened in the same age of time. Erosion is the key! Spead the word and please...

    Happy Birthday to our Members!!!

    Hello all, Looks like a very nice forum going here.  I come here hoping to contribute in helping others, but also I need some help and prayers also.  I'm going through a pretty difficult time in my life and am trying to get right with God again. :help:  I don't mean to be...