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  1. Crusadar

    Support for my wacky viewpoint

    I too am looking forward to his work – though divisive as it may be. The variation is there but evolution does depend heavily on the ridiculously large amounts of time that makes it seem almost possible – no matter how small that window of hope may be. What creationists can be...
  2. Crusadar

    How long to name the animals?

    For a man who could walk talk and get married within the same week after being created - I would say not too long.
  3. Crusadar

    What came first...?

    Seems to me youv'e taken the verses out of context, why not try reading it in context, starting with 1st verse of chapter 2 - and if your are still confused we can continue the discussion.
  4. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    The main difference being one depends on an impotent process which requires eons of time and the other - an omnipotent creator in no time at all!
  5. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    philadiddle said: crusader, you said there is no evidence for the first DNA, but what about the age of the earth or universe? also, there should be some signs in the fossil record that all "kinds" of animals existed for the last 6000 years. do you have even just 1, teeny tiny piece of scientific...
  6. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    Chaoschristian said: Here's a question that I asked in a thread a while back, and I'll ask it of you: God reveals himself directly to you and says, "Crusader, I intended for life to arise out of self-organizing material millions of years ago and after that to eventually evolve into a great...
  7. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    chaoschristian said: Do you understand that any given scientific theory, if it is well formulated, is going to have limits, a set of parameters that states what it deals with and then by definition what it does not deal with? Actually from what I understandscientific methodology exists only...
  8. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    shernren said: Prove that if life can only be generated by dependence upon supernatural phenomena, natural selection cannot therefore alter the relative proportion of alleles in a population to increase the proportion of beneficial (relative to the current environment) traits and reduce the...
  9. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    It depends what one means by "science" reproducing life, would it include intelligenct guidance in every step or just simply stochastic chemical processes?
  10. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    No matter how evolutionists want to seperate the theory of abiogenesis and its bunk sister theory evolution the fact remains, naturalistic evolution (which is no different from TE) is dependent on abiogenesis after all without the first life there is no evolution of any kind. What do you mutate...
  11. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    Neither is hype and wishful thinking. I would agree though, that I have neither, that is a shred of evidence for the natural arrival of DNA or the first life - because there is no natural evidence whatsoever. Until that has been addressed I will sleep very comfortably indeed knowing that God's...
  12. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    Sure just like dust to dame, particles to people, atoms to apes, sand to sally and so on. And your point being?
  13. Crusadar

    show me 1 piece of scientific evidence for the YEC model

    Or how about this, if there is so much evidence for mud to man evolution than why are there YECs? Obviously someone's wrong - but I won't say who it is.
  14. Crusadar

    99 Quotes against "Evolution"?

    The Lady Kate said: Well, if one were to zealously insist that 2+2=5, despite all lessons to the contrary, it would be safe to assume a stunning ignorance of mathematics... and I wouldn't trust anyone who honestly believed 2+2=5 to do any advanced calculus... would you? I don't know whether to...
  15. Crusadar

    99 Quotes against "Evolution"?

    Dannager said: Sure...if you're completely ignorant of what biological evolution is and how it works. Just exactly how one can tell of anyone's ignorance of anything by a single statement is beyond me. Regardless it has been said therefore a showing of this ignorance is in order.
  16. Crusadar

    99 Quotes against "Evolution"?

    The Lady Kate said: ...and sometimes junk is just plain junk. Agreed - evolution fits the term "junk" quite well - don't you think. ;)
  17. Crusadar

    99 Quotes against "Evolution"?

    shernren said: With this sort of rubbish, does AiG really expect to get any credibility? And your point being? It really depends on what one means by rubbish and credible - after all one man's junk might be another man's treasure and one man's credibility may be another one's shame.
  18. Crusadar

    What is the main reason for you to Oppose evolutionary theory?

    Late_Cretaceous said: Lets find out if there is a leading cause for people to oppose evolutionary thoery Or it could be that there is such a category as "absolute truth" in which the ToE is no where to be found that I subscribe to - the Word of God (aka the Bible).
  19. Crusadar

    Origins of Creation

    tetrasonicwave said: I believe the universe could very well have been created in a manner such as this. Jesus is Lord! Its just too bad scripture doesn't support this outragious extrapolation of creation - but I did enjoy your play with such colorful words.