Search results

  1. All4Christ

    Anyone from the St Seraphim OCA Cathedral in Dallas, Texas?

    Are any of you members of the Dallas St Seraphim OCA Cathedral? I’ll be visiting there shortly. (If you feel like private messaging me instead, feel free!)
  2. All4Christ

    Site wide rules redirect

    All the Statement of Purposes link to the site rules, but it no longer works. Could you add a redirect from this URL to the current site rules? I sometimes direct people to the Statement of Purpose, and it points people to this link - which fails - for overall rules...
  3. All4Christ

    Reaction icons not displaying properly in feed

    The reactions are showing half of one icon and half of the another. It’d the icon(s) next to Friendly and Agree in the screenshot below.
  4. All4Christ

    Ordered and unordered lists

    I do like the simplicity of the Rich Text Editor - but - not having lists (such as the example below in the second section of icons), is problematic. Bulleted (unordered) lists and ordered (numbered) lists definitely should be turned on.
  5. All4Christ

    Psalms in Song

    I am reading through the Psalms throughout the year and love to hear or sing hymns based on the words of the Psalm. I’d like to propose that we share songs of Psalms based on the Psalms we may be reading each day, or a Psalm that particularly touches you. Today, my reading plan has Psalms 101...
  6. All4Christ

    My grandma

    Please pray for my sweet grandma and family. She was recently put into hospice for congestive heart failure and pneumonia. They said she has up to 2 weeks to live. She hasn’t had food or drink except a sponge today and a bit of apple juice yesterday, and very little before that. She is in...
  7. All4Christ

    Outdoor icon shrines

    We are planning to put together a devotional area in our woods with some outdoor icon shrines / stands. Have any of you done this (outside icon shrine /stand)? If so, what was your method to protect the icon? I’m looking for something durable, reasonably priced or able to be built with...
  8. All4Christ

    Orthodox Facebook Groups and Pages

    Just starting this thread as a place to share beneficial Orthodox Facebook groups / pages. Please note that this should not be a place for groups or pages that are detrimental to our spiritual faith - and should be edifying to our faith.
  9. All4Christ

    Scriptures and Quotes

    Feel free to post any scriptures or quotations (from church fathers / mothers, etc).
  10. All4Christ

    Prayer request - family with COVID

    My 98 year old grandma was just diagnosed with COVID - and we are really concerned for her. She is like a second mom to me. Her nursing home had a severe outbreak. Also, my sister, her husband and 3 kids, and her in-laws all were diagnosed in the past 2 weeks. Some of them are high risk...
  11. All4Christ

    Favorite Hymns (EO Forum)

    Feel free to share some of your favorite liturgical or paraliturgical hymns here. One of my favorites is The Angel Cried. The first time I heard it sung once people returned to church after the pandemic (we only had 10 in the congregation at the time), as well as seeing the Eucharist, started...
  12. All4Christ

    Joyous Feast! Have a Blessed Pentecost!

    (I know some of you celebrated Pentecost last week, so this may be a week late, but we - Orthodox Christians - celebrated it this week.) Joyous Feast! Have a blessed Pentecost as we remember the gift of the Holy Comforter. Blessed art You O Christ Our God / You have revealed the fishermen...
  13. All4Christ

    Early church view of women (Orthodox)

    Please note that this is in the Orthodox forum. I am looking for the understanding of teachings of the Orthodox church. I tend to go to the church fathers for commentaries. I recently was reading 1 Timothy 2, and pulled up the commentary from St John Chrysostom. He says that we are...
  14. All4Christ

    Parli italiano?

    Sto imparando l'italiano adesso. Se qualcuno conosce l'italiano o lo sta imparando, mi piacerebbe praticare con te! —————— Anyone interested in practicing or writing in Italian here with me?
  15. All4Christ

    What’s in your Pascha basket?

    Right now I’m finishing up a recipe of Sirynaja Paska and have eggs dyed red (finally) with natural onion skin dye, paska bread, fruit, kielbasa for my hubby, cheese for me, deviled eggs and some other things yet to be determined :) For anyone interested in what a pascha basket is, I attached...
  16. All4Christ

    I See Thy Bridal Chamber

    Such a meaningful exapostolarion - I love the simple Byzantine melody with this translation: I see Thy bridal chamber all adorned, O my Saviour, but I have no wedding garment so that I may enter in. Make bright the vesture of my soul, O Giver of light, and save me. Lord have mercy on us all...
  17. All4Christ

    St Nicholas Day

    As we celebrate St Nicholas Day, I’d love to hear from you all regarding what you do to celebrate, both personally and in church. To start off, here is a carol we love to sing in honor of St Nicholas From another Carol: Saint Nicholas lived in a land far away; A warm-hearted bishop, the...
  18. All4Christ

    Icons of Old Testament Stories

    I’m trying to work on a Jesse Tree advent for my nephew. I’m trying to print Icons to go along with each of the ornaments (for him to look at and see with the story). He’s very impressionable right now, so I’d like to help him learn. I am struggling to find a lot of the OT story icons though...
  19. All4Christ

    “Thy Will Be Done” and God’s Permissive vs Perfect Will

    ‘It is never so difficult to say from the heart, “Thy Will be done, Father”, as when we are in sore affliction, grievous sickness, and when we are subjected to the injustice of men, or the assaults and wiles of the enemy.’ St John of Kronstadt wrote that - and it applies significantly to some...
  20. All4Christ

    Dispassion and Passions in Orthodoxy

    What does dispassion truly mean in Orthodoxy? What are the passions (besides listing the 7 main passions)? Are they only things that distract us from following God - that we put in front of Him? Does it mean we can’t have any emotional connections here on Earth? Dispassionate: unaffected by...