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  1. R

    A question on a church issue

    Do they speak in "tongues" in your church as they did on Pentecost? Do people mistakingly accuse folks in your church of being "drunk" because of their behavior while under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Do you have prophesies, messages in tongues, etc. in you worship time at your church...
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    A question on a church issue

    OTC: When was your "church" established? RM
  3. R

    Tiptoe through the T.U.L.I.P. or how Adam suffered from Total Depravity

    GC: What is implied with your use of the term "federal head"? RM
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    A Gospel Based Alternative to Trinitarianism

    PI: Righteousness is not a legal issue but a relational one. Righteousness is defined as the right relationship that exists between the Father, Son and Spirit. If we were to say that the Son has not always been one with His Father in the Spirit, then what the Son shares with us in His...
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    Repenting of sins not neccesary for salvation?

    When God says in His Son, "I forgive you" He speaks both a message of mercy and of judgement. Mercy because we are reconciled to Him and judgement because He shows we have done that which is in need of forgiveness. Therefore forgiveness must preceed repentance. It is through the power of this...
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    I live north of Jackon in Madison county
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    Is there anyone out there from Mississippi??? Ragman
  8. R

    questioning all christian

    1. God created us to be included in the passionate, exciting, self-giving relationship that He enjoys with His Son in the Spirit. The fact that we do wrong things and stumble about has nothing to do with that. You are the child that the Father has always wanted. He accomplished this desire in...
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    ECF= Early Church Fathers?
  10. R


    What I find interesting about election and Calvanism is that on one hand a great deal is made of the grace of God and man's inability (depravity) but to decide if one is elect or not the entire deal is put on the back of the person to see if there are "evidences of election". As in this post...
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    "...but following the only true and steadfast Teacher, the Word of god, our Lord Jesus Christ, who did, through His transcendent love, become what we are, that He might bring us to be even what He is Himself." (Irenaeus-Agaisnt Heresies, Ante-Nicene Fathers vol. 1 Pg. 526) I'm jumping into...
  12. R


    My question is "how are all things affected by the life, death, resurrection, ascension and continuing humanity of the Son of God 'in whom' all things consist?" John 1:3 makes it clear that nothing was made that had been made that was not made "through Him". Col. 1:16 carries the Son's role...
  13. R


    Mark: I appreciate your response, but the question was not if God is sovereign over creation, but: "Was the Jesus who died the One by whom all things came into being and the One in whom all things are held together?" or "Was He just a perfect sacrifice?" If the first, how are the "all...
  14. R


    Certainly, but one question at a time: "Was the Jesus who died the One by whom all things came into being and the One in whom all things are held together?" or "Was He just a perfect sacrifice?" If the first, how are the "all things" that exist in Him affected by His life, death...
  15. R


    the problem with predestination, as it is commonly explained, is that it is described as a predestination of "some" for salvation in Christ and some for "exclusion" from Christ, which is a denial of the divinity and/or humanity of Christ. You raise the question, "Did Jesus die for all or just...
  16. R

    Clairifcation on Forgiveness of Sin

    How does God feel towards His child...... You are the child that the Father has always wanted. He delights in you. You are the child He runs towards. I have a saying with my kids when we are cuddling up together on the sofa. I'll say "you make my heart sing". I want you to know that you...
  17. R

    Faith in Jesus or Faith in our faith

    You hear the phrase "I put my faith in Jesus Christ", yet in the next sentence the comment is made that one is saved by "their" faith. That is to say, that the person has confidence or "faith" that by exercising their faith they will then be saved. Is this truly faith in Christ, or faith in...
  18. R

    Baptism is Necessary To be saved...

    I understand that you can quote scriptures stating why you think it "is" so. But my question is "how" does it work? How does baptism save you? Not that you think it does, or here are the scriptures that says it does, but "how" does that work? RM
  19. R

    Open Theism

    I will answer your question first. I don't "deserve" it. No squirm, no hem, no haw. However, deserving God's love was not my point. My point was that God is faithful to be Himself. He is Father, Son and Spirit. He always has been and always will be. And within that eternal relationship He has...
  20. R


    Mounts, Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the One by whom all things were made and the One in whom all things are held together? (Col. 1:17)