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  1. DannyB

    last post wins! (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "last post wins!"
  2. DannyB

    Memorable Movie Quotes

    Work your memorable movie quote into the conversation and have some fun with it! Feel free to twist the quote a little to make it work but try to keep the main idea intact. Oh, and behaaaaaave (Austin Powers):thumbsup:
  3. DannyB

    forever clever

    Say Something Clever, Tell a joke, Recite a poem or make us laugh Any Way You can Highest post count at 1000 posts Wins 10,000,000 Blessings NO DOUBLE POSTING PLEASE:amen:
  4. DannyB

    Super Meanie Genie!

    The super mean genie always grants a wish... But he immediately spoils it every time! YOU are the super mean Genie so grant the wish of the person above you and then ruin their fun! Sample: 1st post: I wish I had a money tree in my back yard 2nd poster: granted! ....but it's...
  5. DannyB

    last post wins!

    I've got the last post. I win! !! Nanny nanny boo boo!!! Lol:cool:
  6. DannyB

    The OFFICIAL CF Trophy Battle! (2)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "The OFFICIAL CF Trophy Battle!"
  7. DannyB

    Like Yoda, Talk You Will!

    Amusing, I think, this thread will be. The only one, perhaps I am.
  8. DannyB

    World's Longest RUN-ON sentence!

    Cut and paste the sentence from the previous post and add one word to it. DON'T LET THE SENTENCE END! :thumbsup: Here we go: It
  9. DannyB

    Hear Ye, Hear Ye..the King is CRAZY!

    With each post you become King of the Hill, but the poor King belongs in a looney bin. He's nuts! He makes all kinds of crazy decrees that make no sense at all. As the new king you get to make a new rule for everyone to follow in all future posts, (as if they could). LOL! So I shall go...
  10. DannyB

    Happy Birthday KittiK!

    :clap:KITTIK! :clap: Got MY POST ON! It's your BIRTHDAY! GO CRAZY! I hope you have a spectacular day! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  11. DannyB


    post a movie quote but replace one word of the quote with the word "pants". ******Don't forget to tell us what movie it is. Like this: If "real" is something you can see, taste or touch then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your pants. - The Matrix Or Luke...I am your...
  12. DannyB

    Misfits Club!

    Welcome to the Misfits Club! If you don't fit in anywhere else then this is Just the right place for you!
  13. DannyB

    The OFFICIAL CF Trophy Battle!

    Your objective, should you chose to accept it, (heheheh) is to come up with the most creative way that you can think of to capture the "Last Post Trophy" by being the last poster in the thread. Cartoon rules apply. In other words, you can use any method imagineable including, but not limited...
  14. DannyB

    Mad Gab!

    This is pretty challenging and fun. Sound out the words (it's easier if you say it out loud) and solve the puzzle then post one of your own! Examples: 1. space you'll limp picks answer= Special Olympics 2. hype people earth duh hey answer= Happy Birthday 3. Dish hippie slaw stats he...
  15. DannyB

    Finish the sentence....

    Finish the sentence and then post half of a sentence for the following poster to finish! Where do we...
  16. DannyB

    New arrival

    Hey everyone! I heard this was a fun place to hang out with great folks and I thought I would see for myself so here I am.