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  1. E

    Did Jesus Have a Soul?

    Yes, Jesus has a human soul absolutely identical to ours. For a thorough discussion of this, as well as the Incarnation in general go to the Catholic Encyclopedia which answers just about any question you could think of: Norman Boutin
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    Chosen Saint

    In my day we were confirmed at age ten and didn't chose a patron Saint. But a few months ago a teenaged girl sent me an email saying that she was thinking of Joan of Arc as her confirmation Saint and asked where she could get information about Joan. What a great choice! Joan was "a...
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    Favorite Catholic Quotes

    "I read in a book that has greater learning than yours." ---Joan of Arc, to a group of clergymen and scholars investigating her character before she went to the wars. She couldn't read. "God and the Church are one and we should not complicate matters." --...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    Here is part of an email exchange I had with a gentleman named Patrick. It shows the kind of new knowledge that can be gained by people who know how to focus. Hi Norman, I read with interest your paper on the death of Joan of Arc by heat stroke, on Virginia Frohlick's web site. I think...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    1. Reply to OLDoMINION, post 19 I thoroughly discussed the Voices earlier and made it clear they were messengers from God. What’s the problem? 2. Reply to issinwhat, post 20 I suspect that ninety-nine percent of the people who login to these Christian Forums already accept that the...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    OLDoMININ cited the following quote: “The Saints aren't dead. They are alive in Christ. There's no such thing as a 'dead' Saint. “ . And then OLDoMINION gave this followup: “I'd loooove to get some biblical backing for that” Dear OLDoMINION, How about some PHYSICAL...
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    I'm rather surprised that the phase "There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church" would still be used today. What must our Protestant brethen think if they stumble on this? Here is paragraph 1260 of the Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church. The topic is baptism, but the paragraph...
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    No Life

    In some respects God chooses to treat all humanity as one. We all sin through Adam. We are all saved by Jesus' sacrifice. The community of saints doesn't just mean we have a permanent hotline to Heaven. We support each other in our common need for grace. Contemplative nuns spend all their...
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    How does the sun heat the earth?

    Accidental duplicate post erased.    Administrator: can you delete this?
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    How does the sun heat the earth?

    Concerning the the original question..... 1. Molecules made up of three or more atoms have a three dimensional shape. This means they have ways of rotating and vibrating. For example, a three atom molecule will be in the shape of a letter 'V". The V can open wider and close narrower to a...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    Dear Theresa, Yes, "The Messenger" was disgusting. Speaking about this movie, a prominent Los Angelos movie critic said, "I have never used the word vulgar to describe a movie, until now". It's incredible what 'freedom of speech' allows people to do. I depend only on the historical...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    People's worries about the the Voices being Saints, what they may have said to Joan etc etc caught me by surprise. There's no problem with this. 1. Joan called them the "Voices" because to her they were the voice of God, which in a way they were. She didn't just hear them. She could see...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    Dear Erin, Joan’s courage was one of her most outstanding features. Even the threat of torture on the rack ( not carried out ), and the stake couldn’t make her budge an inch from her principles. We call this type of courage “fortitude”. It is one of the moral virtues and a gift of the...
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    Saint Joan of Arc - endlessly fascinating

    I'd like to start a thread on one of the most amazing persons who ever lived, and will update it if there is interest. What? You 'know all about Joan' because you saw "The Messenger: the Story of Joan of Arc"? Then you know nothing about Joan. That movie was so full of "errors" I lost count...