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  1. kspchemist

    Modest Apostolic clothing - your thoughts?

    Women need to realize that men are VISUAL creatures, and need to dress accordingly. I know that one cannot prevent every man from lusting, but one shouldn't help a man along towards lusting. There are some Christian women who will be guilty of making men play mind games with them. All because...
  2. kspchemist

    Modest Apostolic clothing - your thoughts?

    Exactly! Modesty does not change!
  3. kspchemist

    Modest Apostolic clothing - your thoughts?

    Did I say anything about denim skirts?
  4. kspchemist

    Modest Apostolic clothing - your thoughts?

    I'm sorry but Paul told men to look like men and ladies to look like ladies.
  5. kspchemist

    Modest Apostolic clothing - your thoughts?

    Paul does tell the churches he started for men to look like men and women to look like women. If you look like a she-male or a he-she, then you need to change your dress.
  6. kspchemist

    Banning homeschools?

    As a parent who has done both. It is cheaper to homeschool than to send to public. I know a computer based curriculum that would be about $300 for the year. Whereas public school lunches would be close to that anyway, and that doesn't include the extra-curricular activities.
  7. kspchemist

    Banning homeschools?

    I'm impressed! It is good that a church can set up a school with certified teachers! Sounds like your daughter will have an easier transition.
  8. kspchemist

    Banning homeschools?

    What curriculum are you going to use?
  9. kspchemist

    Book of the Bible that applies to today's churh?

    Does anyone think that there is a particular book if the Bible that applies to the church of 2013? My thoughts would be along the lines of I Corinthians. How about anyone else?
  10. kspchemist

    What EXACTLY Can God Be Trusted For?

    Have y'all thought this might be a time of testing for the brother? God allows tests to occur so that we can be purified into gold.
  11. kspchemist

    Rising a young daughter - need advice sisters

    Do not feel guilty about MAKING your child behave. It is what all good parents do. There is little reasoning with a child. You have to teach them to behave and sometimes you have to punish them when they get out of line. I know of no parent who likes to punish a child, but it needs to be done...
  12. kspchemist

    name one thing weird about yourself.

    I have a Woodchuck voice and developed character.
  13. kspchemist

    things you'll never here in Heaven.

    I'm tired and need to go to bed. GO HOME!!
  14. kspchemist

    Length of a Sunday Morning Sermon ?

    I'm thinking about 3-4 hours. Or maybe like some of the old cave preachers, they went about 7-8 or longer. I really do not care as long as it is anointed.
  15. kspchemist

    WHY so few experience the FALLING UPON anointing of the Spirit..part 2

    Yep the dog and pony show happens a lot in the COG and Holiness ranks. I tend to always keep a plant foot, cause I ain't going down unless God puts me down.
  16. kspchemist

    Divorce? Destined to Hell?

    Preachers shouldn't be double married, but that is an argument for another time.
  17. kspchemist

    What are your 3 favourite ministers of all time ?

    Arlie Petree Leon Buzzard Don Rich
  18. kspchemist

    Divorce? Destined to Hell?

    BTW your situation is similar to that of my mother-in-law. As long you remain unmarried there is hope for your son that you and your wife will get back together. Also, look at Hosea. He bought Gomer back after she cheated on him and became a harlot. Be prayerful in your decision. Again I am praying.
  19. kspchemist

    Divorce? Destined to Hell?

    I'm probably in the minority on this, but I agree totally with your pastor. I have heard of couples actually getting back together AFTER the divorce. I was going through a rough patch with my wife and we were looking at divorce. I was making preparations to be single the rest of my life. Against...
  20. kspchemist

    A Question?

    I think you did right by leaving the church. But now that there is some time past, I think you need to talk to that particular pastor if possible to forgive him for his actions, by that way you'll be free from the poison of bitterness.