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  1. S

    Christian Goverment Belief?

    Im 16 i personally could care les about the goverment or the voting and whatnot cuss all it is is someone telling me how to live my life. Thats how i see it,but im young so what do i know :rolleyes:....but anyway i see democrats and republicans everywere does god want me ot be a republican or...
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    What will our bodies look like?

    well in heaven you cant be judged so you all speak the same mind so what will our bodies look like?
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    Im Going To Court Today Im On Trial Help!

    alright thank you all for your prayers in 5 hours im on west time its 7:30 over here im goin to court so if im gone i wanted to say thank you everyone specialy MR CHEESE! you been like my bro....well if i do coem back ill coem here first~!   I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU! 
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    If there is no Time how can there be an eternity?

    If there is no time in heaven how can they say eternity...eternity is forever but if there is no time how long is forever?
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    Cop Shot In The Face!

    A 15 yr odl kid was actin wierd so hi sparents called the cops when the cop was pattign him down the kid drew a gun shot him in the face and the other cop shot the kid now there both in the hospital i think the cop died.
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    my life makes no sense! I HAVE NO PLAN!

    Ok god creates me makes my parents crack heads then put me up for adoption i live with a new family my brother sells drugs, my sister does them, my whole school calls me wigger, i get detentiosn suspensiosn and i get expeled, then i get convicted as the worst crime for a 15 yr old but not tried...
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    I dotn wanna go to jail please pray :(

    Please pray people i go to court on teh 17nth i am 15 i am not guilty! my friend said i said it but i didnt now i go to court to see if i go to jail or not please pray for me !
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    Do you bealive in angels?

    Do you have a guardian angel, i bealive in them, but i have a ? is it someone we know or just some random angel?
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    Angels and demons fighting over our heads?

    I dotn know i was juss goin through the forums n i member when i was a kid i herd somethin about angels and demons fight over our heads all the time, i also herd that they do it to see if you make right or wrong decisions is that true? i was also a kid when i herd this i dotn remeber everything...
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    How can you bealive science when they are fooled by the simplest things?

    Ok i was just reading a thing on science in class were they went to the rainsforest and they said they found a stoneage group and ended up spending 35 million on them but in the end it was a hoax the guy they sent out there found a tribe and payed them to act like stoneage ppl......if scientist...