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    Question about Psalm 18

    My friend who is not a Christian is wondering "why God is mean", can anyone help me to answer her. She was refering to Psalm 18. I tried to tell her that he is not mean he is just. I don't think she believed me. Thanks. Pray for her her name is Kelly.
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    Forum Add-Diction

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    Grandpa Poem

    You were always there for me to pick me up when I was down, to cheer me on because you were my biggest fan, and take me wherever I needed to go. You never said too much only what needed to be said. Your faith in Our Father is an inspiration to all. You never missed a day at church. You...
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    Peter's Upside Down Crucifixion

    I think Peter knew he was not worthy to die like our precious Lord so he did it upside down. I think he was making a statement to all the people who thought Jesus was just some nobody.
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    "If you could..."

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    Turning Complaints Into Thankfulness!

    I dislike mean customers I am thankful for mean customers they keep me thinking.
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    The lying game

    I love mean customers
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    A new kind of Word Association

    age level
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    Pet Peeves

    When claim to be a Christian and behave anyway but the way of a Christian
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    I wish someone would invent...

    a robot that does all the housework and can walk up and down stairs
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    what does IBM stand for?

    I've been missing
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    Purple Chicken Milk

    Pickle loaf fruit cake
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    Brand New Game!!

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    five words mixed with seven words and the third word of the last letter

    HI chair. Mind if I have a seat?
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    Arcade Games...

    I play tetris all the time got a score of 81,000 but still did not make leader board!?!?!?!?
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    Story Game

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    The Plot game....

    Betty strolls the halls in her walker looking for someone to speak with about the terrible shoeless person.
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    Where are you from?

    Akron Ohio