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  1. Philosoft

    Aging and the Sanctity of Life

    My 89-year-old maternal grandmother is in a nursing home now, her health having taken a turn for the worse a few weeks ago. I went to visit her today, not having been in a nursing home for some years. As much as it bothers me to admit it, after wandering around, saying hellos here and...
  2. Philosoft

    Florida court strikes down state voucher program As a prospective public school educator, this holds considerable interest for me. I used to be adamantly anti-voucher, primarily on church-state grounds. Although my separationist self has softened...
  3. Philosoft

    Powell Aide Fumbles Censorship Attempt

    Heh. I should write headlines. Anyway, I heard about this from my dad, so I looked it up. It seems the SecState's assistant was a bit... uncomfortable with the perceived direction of one of Tim Russert's questions during a live interview. Observe:
  4. Philosoft

    Science geek jokes

    One of the morning radio shows did a spot on these this morning. My favorite: Werner Heisenberg was driving down the highway when he is stopped by police. The officer asks Heisenberg, "Do you know how fast you were going, sir?" Heisenberg replies, "No officer, but I do know where I am."
  5. Philosoft

    CF Parody Headlines Thread

    I love stuff like this, making silly headlines that include CF members and/or goings-on. Let's all make sure to keep it light-hearted, no veiled insults or anything. I'll start. Key of David meets Door of Goliath; melee ensues after Philistines locked out
  6. Philosoft

    Down's Syndrome & The Fall

    So, us evolution-minded folk are sometimes told that diseases, injuries, etc. are all consequences of the big, bad Fall. Let's have a look at one that I recently learned more about. Down's Syndrome, or Trisomy-21, occurs when one of the parent gametes carries an extra copy of chromosome 21...