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  1. M


    Molly - Actually, they lost their footing in northern Idaho. Normally it is a stronghold. But a couple of years ago a lady and her son accidently turned onto their private road. They were greeted by several men with guns and thoroughly harassed. The result? A lawsuit in which the woman...
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    South Puget Sounders- Oly-Tac-Sea

    Don't forget about Bellingham/Western. They are liberal there, too. The funny thing about Evergreen State College is that nationally it is really popular because of how "good" of a school it is. It is so weird to hear how many people from all over the country want to go there. Locals know...
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    New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition

    And yet the RSV-CE is the one used in the CCC, and only the RSV-CE. It is endorsed by the Church. This to me shows that while it may not have been translated by Catholics, they have throroughly combed over it. As to the NIV, keep in mind the type of translation it is. The same goes for...
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    New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition

    the RSV-CE is that which is used in the CCC. The NRSV is temporarily approved for liturgical use in Canada only because they printed all of their books before getting Vatican approval, but they are also under obligation to change them out ASAP. The NRSV is gender neutral in many places. It...
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    South Puget Sounders- Oly-Tac-Sea

    I am from the S.P.S. As to the present discussion, faith is something that is passed onto us. It is not something original in us. The Holy Spirit can work it people, but it takes their cooperation. We are in deed in need of a deepening in spirituality, though.
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    No Salvation Outside The Catholic Church?

    They may both have Christ, but their understanding of salvation is different, their understandings of His teachings are different, their understanding of His Church is different, their understanding of the priesthood is different, their understanding of the Eucharist is different, their...
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    harlot of Babylon?

    I have heard it many times from our separated brethren. They say Rome is the Hoar of Babylon, more specifically, the Catholic Church centered in Rome. They misuse numerology, geographical connotations, colors, etc, in a case to show such. Sadly the argument is fairly easily refuted when...
  8. M

    Are there any priests/deacons/monks here?

    Some monks become priests, others do not. A lot of this depends on what order it is. And usually, it is not necessarily up to the person themselves, but to their particular leader (sometimes an abbott, sometimes a provincial, etc). It is them who will ask you, and then it becomes your choice...
  9. M

    Favorite Religious Order?

    I like the CFRs, FIs, Carmelite sisters, the Legion and Regnum Christi, the Dominicans.... Why? I enjoy an order which is in touch with its founding and founder's ideas, unwavering in their support and loyalty to the Magisterium and local bishops, are faithful in their prayer and their...
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    Why during the "Our Father"......

    I think the holding hands actually came in from outside prayer groups where people held hands in circles and such. Being a communal prayer, it just seemed natural in the time just after Vatican II when some serious horrors were happening when it came to mass. I prefer that we dont hold hands...
  11. M

    what has God called you to do in your life?

    Well, the two biggest ways God has called me recently: 1) In the end of March, He called me one evening to leave that school, my ministry there, my friends, and my family (I went to a college 3 hours away from home), and go to a school 2500 miles away, not knowing what to expect or anything...
  12. M

    How is your Youth Ministry service ran?

    I would say, if possible, to break up the junior high from the high school. I find these age groups to be at very different levels in general, and that way they can be better ministered too. I woudl also say that the seniors should play a key role amongst the youth groups. I am a firm...
  13. M

    Liturgical abuse in my Parish. Help!

    NYJ - The quote from the Congregation on Divine Worship states that the practice of holding hands is not in the rubrics and was introduced spontaneously, yet does not, sadly, ask people to discontinue the practice. The CDW, in the statement, says that the continued holding of hands should not...
  14. M

    being a submissive wife?

    Most of what I have to say has already been said. In context, women are called to submit themselves to the men. So what are the men doing? They are called to love their wives. So what are women supposed to submit to? Love. The passage, as a foundation, calls women to allow themselves to be...
  15. M

    What are some things that might go wrong in a wedding?

    I have been to many weddings. Last weekend neither the groom or bride could get the ring on. It was no big deal though. They eventually did. A couple of weeks ago, the grooms' parents were an hour late, one of the brides' maids got left at the hair salon and was an hour late. But it was...
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    Pierced by a Sword

    I know you can actually get the book for free online from the Mary Foundation webpage. I havent read it yet though, but a friend did recommend it.
  17. M

    Nailed on palms or on Wrist ?

    Roman tradition was generally through the wrists. The palm doesnt have the ability, even with only 50% of the body weight, to hold a person. Someone mentioned the will of a stigmatist being involved. I would say quite the contrary. St Pio wished the physical signs of it would disappear...
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    It is better to be selfish before having kids than after...hmm...I will take option C
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    Oracle - I said that sex has two purposes - unitive and procreative. I also said that you can't separate the two, maning that if you are closed off to children, then you aren't really unified for you are denying the true gift to your spouse. Also, do you think it is a coincidence that women...
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    question about communion

    As an Eucharistic Minister, when I hold up the body or blood of Christ, and I say "The body of Christ" or The blood of Christ," and the person says "Amen" - they are saying 'I believe.' They are agreeing with what I said, and what the Church believes and professes. Someone who doesnt believe...