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    Paul Vs James

    OK....for this we're gonna need our might get pretty long..! POST # 1.. Who from scripture was correct in their teaching of Biblical truths...Was Paul correct...or was James...?? The subject to me is an OIL and WATER type issue...Because BOTH can't be right...! I say that...
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    Does GOD ever condone his......

    Does God ever condone his people LYING to others in any way shape or form...??
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    Is that what God is...?

    I've heard peole say many times that GOD is would it be right to say then that GOD...? What do you think about it.....?
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    Can GOD...hate people...?

    Do you think that GOD is capable of "hating" someone...? Give an example for or against...and lets discuss it...!
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    Can GOD be jealous..?

    Well what do you think..? Can God be jealous...? Give an example for or against..!
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    The 100 and 50 and 3....?

    Why did Jesus catch 153 fish...after some of the Apostles fished all night and caught nothing...JOHN 21:11...? How come he didn't catch 154..or 152...?? How come Jesus caught 153..not one less..or one more...?
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    Moses Mom and Dad...

    What made Moses's parents hide him for so long a time...?
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    Spirits in the Church...

    Is the SPIRIT that is leading most of the Christian Churches today...the Holy Spirit...or the "Spirit of Compromise"...a spirit of "go along to get along"...Be nice to everybody..don't get people mad or upset....and as we all hold hands and march into hell..joyfully singin.... Jesus loves me...
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    Paul's type of Christian VS..Todays brand of Christian..!

    How many people are like PAUL when they teach the Gosple...Go to a city and in one day start a riot because of it...? How many people are like "todays brand of Christian"...Teach love and luck and lolipops to everyone...Don't make waves..don't rock the boat..Teach a watered down Christianity...
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    Christian Monks...!

    Do you feel that many Christians today are like the Mid Evil Monks were...?? Their minds are like how the monks used to live...Walled away with certain "christian teachings" they think are right...So no matter how many times you try to tell them....or get them to look at scripture to teach...
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    Lost Tribes of Israel

    What have you heard about this subject...? Is it valid..?