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  1. Bruno

    NIV capitalization

  2. Bruno

    Rush Limbaugh

  3. Bruno

    Whats with all these Denomi's?

    GREAT answers, Reformationist!!! If all Christians followed the Holy Bible and ONLY the Holy Bible, which is the TRUE Word of God, this world would be a much better place. "Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there...
  4. Bruno

    ~The Chosen One~

    If you ask God to give you a mate that He believes is right for you, He will. That is just what happened to me. One night I prayed for a soulmate and a short time later a girl called me and asked me out to a high school dance (Yes, SHE asked ME out!!!). We dated for nearly 5 years, yet...
  5. Bruno

    God and Human Beings

    There is only ONE Truth. It is impossible to have two opposing truths. Therefore the Truth will always be in competition with lies, just like light is in competition with darkness. Scott, you'd be much better off spending time with the real God, than a make believe world of games. You will get...
  6. Bruno

    December 25?

    Christmas did not originate in either Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox churches. This holiday started in paganism and cleverly worked its way into Christianity, just like so many other customs.
  7. Bruno

    Classical Music

    I like all kinds of music, including classical. Some of my favorites are Tchaikovsky, Handel and Dvorak.
  8. Bruno

    Which situation would you rather be in....

    Latter, of course. There's NO substitute for a True relationship with God.
  9. Bruno

    Is James, Jesus' real brother?

    A difference between good works of those who have true faith and those who don't is such that without true faith, one will do works ultimately for themselves. Even if it appears that they are doing something for someone else's benefit, they are still doing it to benefit themselves in the end...
  10. Bruno

    Is James, Jesus' real brother?

    Works are a result of faith. If you truly have faith in Jesus Christ, you WILL follow Him, because you believe what He teaches is right. If you truly love Jesus you don't do works because you have to, but because you want to out of love. If you have a hard time changing a bad habbit, ask Jesus...
  11. Bruno

    Church History books

    What are your favorites? The best one I read so far is "The Church in history" by Kuiper.
  12. Bruno

    Is James, Jesus' real brother?

    About a hundred years before Luther, John Huss taught the same thing, for which he was burned at the stake by the pope. Before that there was John Wicliffe. About 1500 years before Luther, Jesus Christ taught the same thing about salvation, as recorded in the Holy Bible.
  13. Bruno

    love others

    Hate is important in such a way that it makes choice possible. If God did not give us a choice to hate Him, He would be practically forcing us to love Him. He wants us to come to Him and love Him by our free choice. He didn't have to create evil, but then we would simply be more or less His...
  14. Bruno

    love others

  15. Bruno

    Another fasting question

    Sacrifice something that means much to you. For example, I love chocolate and have some just about every day. Therefore, fasting for me would be to not have any chocolate for an amount of time. I would do this to show God and myself how much He means to me. By sacrificing something of great...
  16. Bruno

    What should I think?

    There is nothing wrong with feeling this way. Imagine the person you love deerly (mom, dad, sister, brother, girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend) on that cross. How would you feel? Personally, I don't think I could even look.
  17. Bruno

    You Are.. FIRED ... Protestants Can Do This

    nyj and I can eat 50 eggs, Do you believe it is wise to follow a shepherd that abuses and harms his sheep?
  18. Bruno


    Kelly is right on target. God is your best friend and He is ALWAYS listening. Talk to Him anytime, as little, or as much as you want. A prayer can be one sentence, or 3 hours long. He wants to guide you, but will not push Himself on you, because He loves you. It will be to your benefit to...
  19. Bruno

    don't understand this

    So thanks to your gift, you were able to be there for her when she needed you the most. God, through your gift, was telling you that your sister needed you at that time. That is awesome!!!
  20. Bruno

    bible study question

    That was a serious question. I was NOT trying to be "cute". If I have offended anyone reading this thread, will you please forgive me?