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  1. Risen Tree

    What exactly do you want Obama to do here?

    A recent Gallup poll gave Obama a 47% disapproval rating on his handling of the continuing oil spill. An ABC poll gave the federal government a 69% negative rating of the federal government's response--even lower than their Katrina response, but not as low as BP's response to the oil spill...
  2. Risen Tree

    The Health Care Choice comes down to this.

    After the Congressional Budget Office's report of the biggest deficit reduction yet from any of the proposed health care bills, the economic decision on the vote comes down to killing one of two things: The deficit, or the bill. The vote before Congress will be yes-or-no, one-and-only-one of...
  3. Risen Tree

    CBPP's Analysis of the Deficit

  4. Risen Tree

    GOP Support for Citizens United v. FEC: A Tactical Blunder?

    The Democrats have come out in protest of the decision, whereas Republicans have generally supported it. Those in Congress, that is. Which leaves the GOP in an interesting catch-22: Recant their comments and be branded as flip-floppers come election day, or stand against a 76-21 majority that...
  5. Risen Tree

    No! Obama! Stop doing what works!

    Please, man! You're running this country into the ground! Jobs are disappearing by the thousands! We're all going to be beggars on the streets! No jobs except for government bureaucrats! It's going to...wait, what? What was that? Oh. Never mind. Looks like we're on some kind of road to...
  6. Risen Tree

    House passes health care overhaul

    Landmark health insurance bill passes House - Health care reform- Final vote was 220-215. The bill goes to the Senate now.
  7. Risen Tree

    Bill O'Reilly supports the...public option??

    Don't let the youtube clip's title sway you; judge for yourself: Does Bill O'Reilly support the public option?
  8. Risen Tree

    Poll: Nearly 3/4ths of US doctors support the public option.

    Poll Finds Most Doctors Support Public Option : NPR
  9. Risen Tree

    FOX News' Health Care Coverage

    I report, you decide: Source: ThinkProgress (Note: This is not a thread about health care proposals. This is a thread about MEDIA COVERAGE of health care proposals.)
  10. Risen Tree

    Let's play Taboo!

    Anyone ever play this game? The goal is to describe a word without using other specific words or parts of those words. For example, the word might be "baseball," and you can say anything you want except "sport," "pastime," "bat, pitcher," or "catcher." And of course, you can't say "baseball"...
  11. Risen Tree

    An Index to Health Care Claims

    I am going to compile a list of claims about the proposed healthcare plans in Congress. They are sorted first by whether the person or source is a Democrat/liberal or a Republican/conservative, and then by the validity of each claim. Flip-flops are not included here, because while they could be...
  12. Risen Tree

    We got another healthcare WHOPPER!

    (Link) I have just about grown to the point where anything a conservative politician says about healthcare is false until proven true. It's simply unbelievable. The misinformation on healthcare is piling up about as fast as rational people can find the lies and refute them. And I don't...
  13. Risen Tree

    FactCheck: Anti-healthcare TV ads are full of lies Canadian Straw Man Though I, like President Obama, welcome the opportunity for debating what would work and what would not work in a healthcare overhaul, I continue to wonder why its opponents choose to not tell the truth. :scratch:
  14. Risen Tree

    You Decide: Obama vs. Palin!

    Let's pretend that it's November 2012, and the presidential candidates are Barack Obama and Sarah Palin. Who would get your vote, and why?
  15. Risen Tree

    Religious Snake-handling

    Should the practice of religious snake-handling be illegal?
  16. Risen Tree


    What is your definition of torture? When is torture, according to your definition, morally acceptable? When is torture, according to the United Nations Convention Against Torture, morally acceptable?
  17. Risen Tree

    Someone please help me understand this.

    One of the particular proposals that the recently-passed stimulus package is likely to create, is a MAGLEV high-speed rail line between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. MAGLEV stands for "magnetic levitation," which refers to how the train operates: Magnets both suspend the train above the tracks and...
  18. Risen Tree

    Does war encourage violation of the Sixth Commandment?

    For the sake of this argument, let's assume that the Sixth Commandment reads, "Thou shalt not murder." Besides all the many horrors that war inevitably causes, one that I think gets overlooked is that it creates an environment that condones people murdering humans. I'm not referring to...
  19. Risen Tree

    Liberal Christians vs. conservative Christians, and politics

    I have found it interesting that within such a common faith, such opposing positions exist on political matters. Some Christians believe that we should protect God's creation; others believe that we should exploit it. Some believe that it is our duty to help the poor; others believe that they...