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  1. jbenjesus

    Trinitarian Doctrine

    I'll quote from various sources why the doctrine of the Trinity does not “really” support a monotheistic God. Furthermore, this doctrine really is using various scriptures to create what really is an originally man-made doctrine from men not filled with the Holy Spirit who crucified and...
  2. jbenjesus

    Good News! Good News!

    Links on the Good News! Good News! :p If the question hasn't changed, why should the answer? A very practical, scriptural basis of what is the gospel and the expected response to the gospel. The New Birth This is, in my opinion, the best study I have ever read on becoming born...
  3. jbenjesus

    j's Home Page

    Our Father's Heart - j's Home Page
  4. jbenjesus


    This is my written testimony of the grace and love that the Father has bestowed to me through Jesus Christ -my Lord and my God-. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My parents divorced when I was very young, maybe at the age of four years old...