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  1. Laestadian05

    Should christians allow their children to celebrate Halloween?

    I’m just wondering do to the holiday’S Celtic pagan origins.
  2. Laestadian05

    Why does the lutheran missouri Synod support death penalty?

    I’m just wondering it doesn’t sound Christian to publishing people with death.
  3. Laestadian05

    Why do catholics pray to Mary

    Why do you think it’s right to pray to Mary and other saints? What Bible verse has gave you the right to that?
  4. Laestadian05

    Is infant baptism unbiblical?

    Infant baptism is not mentioned in the Bible neither is anyone saved by baptism only faith alone saves so is infant baptism unbiblical?
  5. Laestadian05

    Any Norwegians on this forum?

    I want to know any other Norwegians on this forum.
  6. Laestadian05

    Are Jehovah’s witnesses actually Christian?

    I don’t know if this is the right place to post the Thread. But anyway Are Jehovah’s witnesses actually Christian according to God? I think so even though i don’t like their shunning practices but do you think they Are Christian?