Search results

  1. Oak Jam

    Did the AG "vote out" speaking in tongues?

    "People don't want to be different unless they have to," is apparently a quote from one California Assemblies of God preacher. They've "quieted" the operation of the spiritual gifts in their services to appease mainstream Christianity and in hopes to attract larger crowds. Anyone else hear this?
  2. Oak Jam

    What is holiness?

  3. Oak Jam

    Holiness Baptists

    Are there any Holiness Baptists here?
  4. Oak Jam

    "Something Pentecostal"

    Anyone familiar with this song? I indirectly know the man who wrote it. My mother-in-law sings this song at church sometimes... Well, maybe only once.
  5. Oak Jam

    Carlton Pearson and the Doctrine of Inclusion

    Anyone familiar with this theology? Carlton Pearson was a Pentecostal televangelist that got the "revelation" that God wasn't sending anyone to hell. Everybody goes to Heaven, basically. Hell doesn't exist.
  6. Oak Jam

    Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker/PTL Club

    Anyone followers (or used to be followers) of the Bakkers and their PTL ministry?
  7. Oak Jam

    What makes you Charismatic?

    How do you define it? Why would you call yourself Charismatic? Do you view it as a denomination?
  8. Oak Jam

    Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?

    Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed? Have you received it the Bible way? When did you receive the Holy Ghost?